july, 1914 stage air compressors, worked by levers and links from piston cross- heads, three being fitted for supply- ing injection air to the fuel valves and one for air to the starting air receiv- ers. The main motors drive the pumps for supplying cooling water to the pistons and jackets, and also actuate THE MARINE REVIEW provided for each cylinder, service tanks are fitted above the tank and through the heaters and filters to the The fuel pump suction valves are controlled from the start- ing platform, and are also under the control of a governor in case of rac- deck, fuel pu ing. th mps. 263 The daily the storage air receivers. Two multitubular donkey boilers are fitted at the after end of the en- gine room, as shown in Big s1, cthe lower boiler being fired by oil on the Meyer-Smith pressure jet system, and the upper boiler being adapted for burning either coal or oil. These boilers supply steam to the engine e fuel oil gtavitates 1-6 , ae . 4 L ane * on ni CLT LA. ae OST 7 LM. mae -- : ee ry 1 : : RS ci ha ae : ig SI OO ELS sa 2° Poot B9015 58 x3 x FO Arches [8 FV fos a Cee ananienetiantal > ° 0) , ; Yr : AP XA as NG ® fo 33 Pe © < x SIVCLL [exe San : io y g oO 1y é y Jo y SLMAER TANNA "Oo g a én Q N yy, x z Wea VN Y Wega wee 1358 1 2 Y O Ol. © SINGLE CHANNELS | DOWGLE epee : £27" § 3% 3" 90" Rees eo e-0" Coe, - | ay SCL E 000.0 Od 0, 005 VS ASAE AN ELE, Teo Oo. OOO oe , 2900 0polo © a : ee gagh 0 0 0 9 0 90) WEE Cece POXFXI*SES 10 00 0 OlOolo © pore SINGLE CHANNEL nA RAK OSES 0:0 050.0 0.0! : yoo 0 0 ofoole 0 je ro a 2 IX 7 a 'oF fofo TAC a! ie Jo 5 ° 0 Bs AL, 0! 9 V9 ' oo oe fo 0, g ' le Sn bc 2} VG ° 20 -< O ile Poe 1STS COBBLE eo . : O- : k ' P) e . * ' (omoncont _reminlin 1EX DE XDE XD, aX fet yy O Oe oats +X y : Dx IX 36 % g \ SINGLE Q 4k : y a SAETCH OF DIMOND PLATES *SE MICH $ a] ceo x si 3 t 2 ' & HOS Q t . O He ae Q iy 2 INTERCOSTAL 8 ee je STAINGER Vo tees ha Ob. 64x50" TES BRR, ore 229) = 19D END OF WEA FRAME oe FRCS BAR > De res 20 an hme ese tee Lite eo ollo of oo 9 oj OT Onn d 2 0 r Oe: aes ee SS ES -- SSS SE Ea as the bilge pumps and lubricating oil Pumps. ; The cam-shaft for operating the fuel valves is driven by gearing from the crank-shaft, different cams be- ing brought into action for ahead and astern running. Eccentrics for ope- Fating the fuel pumps are also driven by this shaft, one fuel pump being FIG. 4--SECTION AT WEB FRAME MOTOR-DRIVEN OIL A turning engine, driven by steam or compressed air and of ample size to turn the main motors, is geared to each fly-wheel. In addition to the inain air compressors on the motors, cne Reavell auxiliary steam-driven air compressor and one independent aux- iliary Diesel-driven air compressor are fitted on board to supply air to TANKER SEBASTIAN room auxiliaries, deck machinery, etc. There are also installed in the engine room an auxiliary condenser, with Hall's air and circulating pumps, the same makers' Duplex feed pumps,' two bilge pumps, one ballast pump, one auxiliary oil feed pump, a feed heater and evaporator. The Sebastian underwent a satisfac-