362 Bik Rock Ship Canal The Black Rock ship canal at Buf- falo will be opened to commerce dur- ing the present month, and the war department has issued rules and regu- lations governing it as follows: "No vessel of 100 gross tons or over shall navigate the Black Rock canal at a rate of speed greater than five statute miles per hour. This rate will require elapsed time to navigate between designated points, as follows: From south canal limit to Ferry street bridge, 2234 minutes; from Ferry street bridge to International bridge, 13%4 minutes. "No vessel shall pass or approach within one-quarter mile of a _ vessel bound in the same direction in the canal. Tugs without tows and boats under 100 gross tons are exempt from this rule. "No tow shall enter or pass through THE MARINE REVIEW vessels without the aid of a tug or tugs. "Vessels and boats bound down (north) shall have the right of way and passage through the bridge over those upbound (south). "All vessels and boats desiring pass- age through the bridge shall signal therefore by one long and two short whistle-blasts. . "In case the bridge cannot be lifted for any cause, the bridge operator shall answer a vessel signal by giving five short whistle blasts; and the vessel shall then be stopped until the bridge is ready to be lifted, when the bridge operator shall give the whistle signal for passage and the vessel may proceed. "Wessels and boats shall not enter or leave until the lock gates are fully in their recesses, and the lockmaster has given directions for. starting." September, 1914 slide, which, although greatly improved, would not admit of the passage of ves- sels with absolute safety drawing a greater depth of water. This restric. tion, however, probably does not affect any vessel now using the Panama route regularly, either in the Atlantic or Pa- cific. The Terry Steam Turbine Co., Hart- ford, Conn., havé installed new ma- chine tools and increased the num- ber of men in their employ in order to take care of the great amount of business now on hand. The Terry company is just finishing an order for 19 turbines for the Italian navy and in addition to this has received an order for eight more, as well as an order for twenty-four from Messrs. N. Odero : & CG... Ses: tria Ponente, Italy. Another order recently booked by the company is for 20 turbines for the new generat- STRAUSS BASCULE BRIDGE OVER THE NEW AMERICAN CANAL AT SAULT STE MARIEI 4 the canal with a towline more than 400 feet in length. "No vessel or boat shall anchor in or moor along the canal within the lim- its of any portion of the 23-foot chan- nel; and no business, trading or land- ing of freight or baggage will be al- lowed on or over the canal lands or structures, except such articles as may be readily carried in the hand, with- out permission of the engineer officer or his agent. "All vessels and boats which cannot pass under the Ferry street bridge shall reduce speed on approaching the bridge sufficient to enable them to come to a dead stop, without touch- ing the bridge, in case the movable span cannot be lifted. If the wind is dangerously strong, passage of the bridge shall not be attempted by large Bridge Over New Sault Canal The new Strauss bascule bridge over the new canal on the American side at Sault Ste. Marie leading to the third and fourth locks is now in commission. The photograph accom- panying shows the tug Alfred Noble passing through the bridge. She was selected to'. be the first to pass through owing to the distinguished name she bears. This bridge is said to have a longer span than any other jack-knife bridge in the world. The Secretary of War has announced that The Panama Canal will be opened to traffic on Saturday, Aueust 15, to vessels drawing not to exceed 30 feet of water. This stipulation is made, be- cause of the conditions at Cucaracha ing station of the Philadelphia Elec- trie. Co. Numerous other orders call for delvieries in the United States, Canada, Cuba, Mexico and South America. The Moore & Scott ship yard, Oak- land, Cal., have been awarded contract for a new -ferryboat, 230 -- feet by 6334 feet, by 1914 feet, by tie San. Francisco & Oak land Railways Co. The propelling machinery will consist of compound engines with four cylinders and steam will be furnished by four Babcock & Wilcox water tube boilers. The ves- sel will have accommodations for 2,500 to 3,000 passengers, will have a speed of 15 knots and will be ready for service next March.