October, 1914 filed with you their full and final mani- fests. "2 You will notify all merchant ves- sels in your district that they will be subject to inspection and examination of documents, ships and cargoes by United States authorities before clear- ance is given, and will be subject to fur- ther examinations by United States authorities after clearance and_ while such vessel remains within the terri- torial waters of the United States. Such vessels shall stop and lie to for examination when signalled by a United States vessel. "3. Any foreign bound vessel whose character as a merchant vessel is es- tablished to your satisfaction is entitled to clearance (subject to the 'require- ments of paragraph 1) no matter what the character of her cargo or what her destination. . "4. You will not refuse clearance to merchant vessels, whether of the United States or other neutral power, or whether of a belligerent power, solely on the ground that the cargo contains contraband of war. HS. When a vessel Of a_ belligerent power which has arrived as a merchant vessel. alters or attempts to alter her statts as a merchant vessel, or there is reason to believe she intends to alter such status so as to become an aux- iliary cruiser or an armed vessel: in any degree, you will immediately notify the department by wire, giving all particu- lars. Any of the following acts_ will continue such a change of status. "(a) The placing in position or other- wise changing. the location of guns which were on board the vessel at the time of her arrival. "(b) So changing the appearance, color, rig or equipment of a vessel as to tender her suitable for some purpose of War. "(c) The taking on board of guns, arms or ammunition under circum- stances which in any way indicate the outfitting of the vessel for any purpose of war or in aid of a military expedi- tion. "6. Should any vessel depart or at- tempt to depart from your district with- out a regular clearance you will wire the department and also the commander of the nearest naval vessel or revenue cutter, : '7, You will report by 'wire to the department and to the commander of the nearest naval vessel or naval station the arrivals and departures: of all war vessels of foreign nations. "8. In case of doubt wire the depart- Ment for instructions. "9. All telegrams relating to the fore- Soing and similar questions should be, » Trinidadian THE MARINE REVIEW until further orders, addressed, 'Cus- toms Division, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C,' (Signed) "W-. F. McApoo, Secretary of Treasury. "WILLIAM C. ReEpFIELp, Secretary of Commerce." Transfer to American Flag Formal steps for the transfer under the American flag of the fleet of the United States Steel Corporation and of the United Fruit Co., in accordance with action previously foreshadowed, now are being taken. At Albany Sept. 9, the United Fruit Co. took out charters for 25 steamship corporations, each with a nominal capital of $1,000. Each corpo- ration will bear the name of a vessel of the fleet which is to be enrolled under American registry. This will represent the number of boats thus to be trans- ferred by the United Fruit Co., which heretofore have been flying the British flag. These boats carry on business be- SOV, rush, a British bark, now at Boston. The Moldegaarde, jointly owned by the Ocean Freight line and the Coast Steamship Co., has completed registra- tion. Government Ownership of Trading Vessels Congressman J. W. Alexander has in- troduced the following bill (H. R. 18373), which was referred to the com- mittee on Merchant Marine and Fisher- Les) A bill to authorize the United States government to establish and operate a steamship service between ports of the United States. and ports of . various countries of South America, and such other ports as may from time to time appear desirable, and to establish a ser- vice of value to the national defense in time of war. : Be It Enacted, Etc., That the. United States of America is hereby empowered to establish and operate a line of steam- VESSELS REGISTERED UNDER THE ACT OF AUGUST 18, 1914. Name of vessel. Oceana Moldegaard Robert Dollar Wiaindrash 3 ere ey oe ee nan ee ae Tivives Roseway Santa Rosalia Kentra Bantu Grottott balls Fave Gd Fe es es entices Rie: SNL NOLO Salcedo aeoes Saes uals a wes eure cs San Francisco Buenaventura Charlton Hall Craster Hall Howick Hall 17. vessels ross Service. Home Port. 7,796 Passenger New, York? Ne oy. 2,852 Freight New York, N. Y. SBD OU see a aah ees San Francisco, Cal. D5 Ode ee Boston, Mass. 5,017 Passenger New York N. Y. 2,450 Freight Port Arthur, Texas DOT es a ns Mobile, Ala. 5,409 Freight "New York, N. Y. 4,682 Freight New <York, Ni ¥: 4,188 Freight New York, N. Y. SiS Passenger New York, N.Y. 2,165 Re ads ie San Francisco, Cal. 5,102 Freight New York, N. Y. 4,881 Freight New York, N. Y. 4,749 Freight New York, N.Y. 4,319 Freight New York, N. Y. 4,922 Freight New Yu York, N. tween the Atlantic seaboard of 'the United States and the West Indies an Central and South America. 'The Steel Corporation is proceeding with the transfer of ten vessels. These. boats are listed as having been operated by two different British companies. The Isthmian Steamship lines has con- trolled the Bantu, Santa Rosalia, San Francisco, Kentra and Buena Ventura. The New York & South American Steamship Co. has operated the Craster Hall, Charlton Hall, Howick Hall. Crof- ton Hall and Foxton Hall. These boats have been plying principally between At- lantic ports and South America. The title of these boats, when transferred, will be vested either in the United States Steel Products Co. or in a new subsidiary to be formed. The Steel Corporation has under permanent char- ter about 35 deep-sea vessels and many of these eventually--it is believed--will be put under American registry. Applications for registry also have been made for the Robert Dollar of the Robert Dollar Steamship Co., now at San Francisco; the Oceanic, for which the application was made by the Morse Dry Dock Repair Co. and the Wind- ships to trade between ports of the United States and ports of the various countries of South America, and such other ports as may from time to time appear desirable and to be available for use as naval auxiliaries in time of emergency; Provided, that no expendi- tures for this purpose, other than neces- sary, expenses hereinafter referred : to, shall be made until there has been pre- pared a complete report covering all de- 'tails of the proposed scheme, with esti- mates of cost, and the same has been submitted to'and approved by Congress. Sec. 2---That for the purpose of pre- paring this report the President of the United States is hereby empowered to appoint a commission consisting of three members of the House of Representa- tives, three members of the Senate, one official of the Department of Commerce, two officers of the navy, one of whom shall be a naval constructor and one an expert in matters pertaining to per- sonnel, and two citizens not at present in the employ of the United States, one of whom shall be experienced in the shipping business and one in shipbuild- ing. a Sec. 3--That for the purpose of de-