398 fraying the necessary expenses in con- nection with the preparation of this re- port there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $25,000. Gentle Satires The Liverpool Journal of Commerce is now publishing a weekly edition. Obviously a very large part of its col- umns is devoted to maritime affairs ow- ing to the abundance of this class of The Surgeon has been called to treat an accident news in Great Britain. started a joke competition in which the foibles of the cloth are very neatly touched upon. Every seafaring man will appreciate the gentle satire of the two cartoons which are reproduced here. Busch-Salzer Diesel Engine The Busch-Sulzer Bros. Diesel En- gine Co., St. Louis, Mo., has just closed contract with the Lake Torpe- doboat Co. for six 600 brake horse- power two-cycle marine Diesel en- gines which are to be installed in three twin screw submarine torpedo boats now building for the United States government. The control of the engines now on order is so ar- ranged that a single operator standing in one place between any two engines to be used in the same submarine has complete control over both. Each engine is provided with two separate scavenging pumps arranged in line with the working cylinders; also two Latterly it has ° THE MARINE REVIEW three-stage injection air pumps. All are operated from the crank shaft and each engine has its own oil and water circulating pumps. Excepting air storage bottles, these engines are complete units with all parts integral. These marine engines are totally different in every way from the non- reversible two and four-cycle massive engines which the company is build- ing for stationary purposes, or from the light-weight marine type Diesel generator sets supplied to the Argen- tine Republic for their first-class war- ships Rivadavia and Moreno. Gun-crete Co. The Gun-crete Co. has opened its new offices in the McCormick build- ing, Chicago, This firm specializes in cement gun work for engineering, industrial and mining structures. The cement gtin process is especially val- uable in connection with marine work. It' isan efficient and. economical method of protecting and waterproof- ing wharves, docks and similar struc- tures. It has also been extensively used for the repair of sea walls, for the protection of wooden piles against torpedoes and for the encasing of steel structures of all kinds _ for rust and Hre protection. °°. Mr. Carl Weber is president of the company. October, 1914 Steel Steamer J. R. Hanify & Co., of San Francisco, shipowners and lumber operators, have awarded the Harlan & Hollingsworth Corporation, Wilmington, Del. a con- tract for the construction of a steel steamer for use on the Pacific coast, with a lumber-carrying capacity of about 2,300,000 ft. The vessel will be fitted with the most up-to-date appli- ances for handling of lumber, and will be delivered on the Pacific in February, next year. Bids will be opened by the navy de- partment Oct. 6 for the construction of the three super-dreadnaughts California, Mississippi and Idaho recently author- ized by Congress. Their dimensions are: Length over all, 624 feet; length between perpendiculars 600 feet; breadth extreme 97 feet 414 inches; draught 30 feet; displacement 32,000 tons; speed, 21 knots; armament, main battery, 12 14-inch guns and four submerged tor- pedo tubes; torpedo defense battery, 22 5-inch rapid-fire guns. Nicholson ship logs have just been installed on the lake freighters Samuel Mather (big) and W. oH: Crawford, and from information so far obtain- able are proving very successful. <A Nicholson ship log is also being in- stalled on the Vanitie, one of the cup defenders. LILI TON OO 9, Captain (explaining to Board of Directors the cause of his vessel's stranding in the Thames) : Director (indignantly interrupting) ; "Lost your way, Sir! ce . As soon as we had lost our way I ordered the engines--"' Lost your way!! Do you mean to stand there and tell us that after the hundreds of times you have been up and down the river you are still capable of losing your way? Why, Sir--" (becomes incoherent).