Isherwood System of Construction Calculation for the Neutral Axis and Moment of Inertia for the Transverse Framed Vessel By Robert Curr é -EVERTING to article 15 in which ; : the transverse midship section is : ee fy Saas shown, I find that by careful a dl measurement around the half girth of é ql i seas the section it requires 21 strakes of 3 Pe melee =e Keel to comply: 7 a ee bee oe aad . . . . i el iq with the 54-inch limit. Swear 3 4 or This increases the plating by 25 ; P inches with a strength of 299 tons. e| , The narrow strakes increases the oe fe strength of the shell plating as well as . , makes it stiffer with the increased num- otees ol 2 ber of laps. I oe | Fig. 1 shows the material which con-. cia/ fl tribute to the strength longitudinally in | -----f\- - - -3-- 4 the transverse frame vessel. > Fiat 5 Fig. 2 shows the expanded shell plat- i a fa ing inway of the watertight bulkhead oI and one frame space beyond same. \ ee Po a a , ; 'al has | : a ait a jou rel ms "se 0 } 1 'oy 10 . tee ee * ot ee on NEUTRAL AXIS ie \ne i P a 'a °e 1 St a ot a ea is a f ° Id 4 o| : i io RioGR e i Fe j= oe pian oy =_-- a lL e | , 0 ey @ a i e 1% bal co bh me CICROER ares? 8 RAE inal ON a 3 re INTERCOSTAL, i! 9 'ot Ct © Se | of | i ft | : & E na | Bo i . 7 a es Fret J Fig. 3 is the expanded tank top and ordinary frame or unavoidable weakest ' 5 Pe Bt rane ee Fig. 4 the stringer plate, stringer angle section. Ql 4 ve me : : lo} D oF ae and hatch coaming. The strength at the seven diameter d to s ee The rivets for watertight work are PF ' t iol | spaced five diameters apart center to rh 8 1 ly Ha center and the balance seven diameters. jo4 { rie There are 242 rivet holes across the i 4 | { feo le watertight frame section and 166 at the = i | paces: A ie | e i } : ! ecis7 lol ° \o | *This is the eighteenth of a series of ar- ee } eee fe eaaldivow lo at ticles on the Isherwood system of construc- P| f ol J ' 0 | tion which began in 'the September. 1912, is- | i of i i a lol sue. of THE Marine Review. The first article he ' 4 by ct fot dealt with the general specifications of the ' fk | es 8 lol ik steamer; the second with the sheet, half- | | lal ot o breadth and body plans; the third explained I STRINGER | ee the method of getting the sheer; the fourth 4 ! 2 lot dealt with the longitudinal and_ transverse loy ht oes Bi ey framing; the fifth with offsets; the sixth with A i Pl Riper It the shell plating; the seventh with the shell oc ar =| += Bo ea Bal KEP C Oa, Soe yeh plating expansion; the eighth with the ar- oh eof on rangement of plates and angles forming the ot ++ Fig.3. spar deck; the ninth with the transverses; i \ : ' : the tenth with bulk head construction; the Se ey ee ee mod Were J punching is 26 tons per square inch and eleventh with the connection of longitudinal lo§ 25 for the ott ia ae Pe pe heads and fea the | i \ ae eC OUIer: twelfth showed the interior framing between ee hi i i the tank top and spar deck; the thirteenth of i ; e difference is made Bee shown showed the amount of work that can be put isa : by Fig. 2 on the outside strakes of plat- together in a Great Lakes ship yard in a ' i, i \ : he : a ; s few hours; foe fn ioe ne ee details of t 5 AN Ing. ere are five doubling plates with riveting in shifts of butts; the fifteenth con- 9 cs i S44 i sidered the subject of butt straps and laps; : ; 85 rivets A inch diameter and 12 on the the sixteenth discussed Lloyds rules and their application; 'the seventeenth shows certain details of the transverse and _ longitudinal system. FG. tga, keel plate 7-inch diameter. The total strength of the rivets amounts to 1,030 tons while the difference between the