484 Jupiter's Electric Machinery The Navy department has received the report of Lieut.-Com'dr C. S. Kempff, who brought the new collier Jupiter from the Pacific coast recently through the Panama canal, during which her turbo-electric propulsive machinery, fur- nished by the General Electric Co., was given a thorough test. Lieut.-Com'dr Kempff states that the Jupiter with an inadequate rudder successfully navi- gated the many tight places, as around | the Culebra cut where only 40 feet clearance in all directions is available, in a most. satisfactory manner. While coming up the coast and steaming at the rate of 1414 knots, the Jupiter, upon sighting an object ahead, in five seconds' time had her motors reversed to full speed astern and was changed to full speed ahead in the same period of time. This ease of control in the turbo-elec- tric drive appeals to naval commanders, as it is believed that great efficiency in maneuvering could be gained for bat- tleships equipped with this type of pro- pelling machinery, and the department is consequently considering its installation in one of the new dreadnoughts. Other valuable advantages of the Jupiter's propulsive machinery brought out by her recent trip are that under favorable conditions she made 12 knots with 20,000 tons displacement on sixty tons of coal a day, a saving of 25 per cent over reciprocating engines. The Jupiter is designed for 14 knots, but maintained 15 knots for a period of forty-eight hours. Her machinery has also made such a good record in repair costs in two years of successful opera- tion that it is ¢onsidered by the Depart- ment to have passed the experimental stage. Miscellaneous R. M. Henningsen has been ap- pointed harbor engineer of Oakland, Cat. The Cowles Ship Yard, Buffalo, has been awarded contract for a steel tug for the Tonawanda & Grand Islarid Ferry Co., Tonawanda, N. Y. Judge Putnam of Portland, Me., has appointed Calvin Austin receiver for the Eastern Steamship Corporation on a petition recently filed by the Ber- wind-White Coal Mining Co. of Phila- delphia. The receivership is considered to be part of a plan for reorganizing the Corporation. An inspection of the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. and of the property of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co.'s property was made re- cently by H. E. Huntington with the board of directors and other officials of the railway. Homer L. Ferguson, vice president and manager of the ship- THE MARINE REVIEW yard, who is thoroughly familiar with every detail of this extensive plant, con- ducted the tour. The Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co., 96 Liberty street, New York, has dur- ing the 40 odd years of its existence built more than 37,000 electric and steam hoists and a comparison of the type built 30 years ago and that of today is interesting from an engineering stand- point. Contracts for the three new _ bat- tleships California, Mississippi and Idaho, have been awarded by the' Navy department as follows: New York Shipbuilding Co., Camden, N. J., $7,250,000; Newport News Ship- building & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va, $7,115,000; Brooklyn navy yard, ore The Kinzie Bros. Steamboat Line, Fort Myers, Fla., has given contract to Wil- liam R. Osborn & Sons, 'Croton; N.. Y., for a shallow. draft freight and passen- ger steamer, to. be named Dixie. The new vessel will be 100 feet long, 20 feet December, 1914 beam and 4 feet 2 inches deep. She was designed by Cox & Stevens, naval architects, New York. In view of the probable increase of trade between the United States and Central and South American ports as a result of the European war, the steam- ers Yoro and Ceiba of the Vaccaro Bros. Line, New Orleans, are being lengthened 40 feet each, at the yard of the Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co. The Pore River Shipbuilding Corpo- ration, Quincy, Mass., recently received an order for 20 submarines, amounting to about $10,000,000. The names of the contractors for these vessels have not been announced, but it is understood that the vessels are not to be delivered in a completed state but in finished sec- tions ready for assembling. The en- gines are to be built at the Groton, Conn., plant of the Electric Boat Co., and the type of submarine to be con- structed will probably be that for which this company holds patent rights. SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. effect as of September 21, 1914, Per cent of completion Nov. aoe Oct. Pott ' er cent er cent Name of Vessel. Contractor. Hive wenaes Total. onship. Total. on ship. Nevada 6 Soars Fore River Ship Building Co....... O18 Fae 8 Oklahoma OP aes Mev Pork Ship Huldine' Ga.) 00 pola ogee se:3 94:0 Pe yy One ene Stal Newport News Ship Building Co...... 58.3 47.8 51.6 42.7 Culionas see eee ene New York, Navy.cVardsics Secs ce oe. 36.8 =. 31.6 33.6 27.0 Ms Ornia ..........- New Mork Navy "Yards. 0...60. 6. 200. oS NES ocr Re wapiere adeno ++tseeee:+ Newport News Ship Building Co...... ees ats ' een ANO - eee eee eee es New York Ship Building Co......... . DESTROYERS a sh be dee eclay + New York Ship Building Co......... 9583 95.3 95.3 95.3 Mokon Oe Win Cramp, Go Sones. beso. ees 88.4 871 85.2 S325 a Win, Cramp: 67 Sons, oy eso es 86.5 85.1 84.2 82.6 Cehne Wane Cramp & oSonss isc ise ce 82.3 ADA 79.3 45.9 Rete es Fore River slp Building (Co... .... Did 1/7. Q. 7. 68.1 64.7 fo New: York Ship. Building Cow, ... 20.6. 87.4 87.3 85-3 85.2 Conyackaw ease Bore River, Ship Building, Co..o.. i c4 18.8 11.6 '16.0 9.1 Se ' ae ao Cramp oS Sons, foe 3955 36.3 28.7 24.6 Wodiouk fie Cramp wee Sonsen 3 occas co 29:5 24.9 15.0 58.0 fucob bones Haine trom Worksite aes os ae cas 66.4 63.4 62.2 59.0 Wainwiene oe New York Ship Building Co......... soe 32.2 28.6 27.0 sit sugieceus iene New. York: Ship, Butlding (Go. cok oi 2 33.4 31.9 28.1 26.5 ; DESTROYER TENDERS Melville ......--.+00. New York Ship Building Co..... eu T0626 ees 5 4 63.8 Gade C2) eed oes : : SUBMARINES ER G2 a ee as po Cov CP Hla) i... (3) Accepted /396;4,, 95.5 Cath eee : oe ee Co, (Bridgeport)... 405°. 89.7 89.7 89.805 89.7 ace a et ly eB. Coy (Bridgeport... 2 85.7 85.4 83.8". | 82.6 Ka Ue ae ectric: Boat. Co. (Seattle) 5 5.6 06 Delv'd. 10/29/14 99.757, °99.7 4 Ri eee Electric Boat: Co, (Seattleyovy.0..5.. Delv'd. 10/24/14 99.7) 99.7 Kee oe Blectric Boat Co, (San Eran oc... 937 1 98.1 98.1 98.1 Tai Hlectric Boat Co... (San. Frag)... .. 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1! Lo ee Electric Boar Ug. (Ouincy) 07 .ca 67.4 63.7 61.7 57.0 Lo ee eee Hlectric, Boat:-Co. (Quincy). 40..5%.c0 « 66.2%: 62.4 58.8 54.3 Tad ee ee ete Boat Co, (Quincy) ee. acs.. 66.1 62.2 58.3 53.4 Le ee # ae Boat Go COuiney) ae. 65.7 61.4 S73 51.9 Ce ee pees UB.) Co; s@Rridseporhye 2.47, 41.2 30.3 37.5 31.4 Lo axe i. B. Co. (Vong Beach Gali): 4127 35.5 38.1 32.6 Mop eee mo i B.eCo, (Lone Beachy Cal). 2). 39:7 30.0 36.4 30.5 te oe lectric Boat sGo.-(Oujincy). 23.0...) 50.6 45.4 44.8 38.9 Lo ee Portsmouth, N. oH., Navy Yards ...... Sons coe eRe ees Lee Bleceric Boat Co. (Quincy)... 4... .: 24.9 18.0 20.0 13.6 Lit ee Edectric Boat Co; (Quincy) ......;.... 23.8 16.7 19.3 12.9 ilectric Moat. Co. (Onuincy.. 5 8...) Lt .2 733 4.1 0.0 Uiton: eo ocw Hondon 5. & EK. B. Co, (Quincy) 97.8 97. . . Bushnell: oe Seattle Construction & D. D. oo ; - 71.9 ie 23° ra K 1H Mare Island N ee a anawha 3 are Islan AVY Vand. eee 82.4 81. : a Maumee 00s ee ee Mare Ueland Navy? Yard.: 3. oo. 57.2 56.5 48:8 48 i MISCELLANEOUS Supply Ship Ne 17. -boston: Navy Yards). !.. 00 c...... See Lo. ek ay Transport No. 1 Rees lee Phila. Navy Yard MER SAU CAece Wh eeurer eR cehece: eecveve DB 5 0.0 8 0.0 PANAMA CANAL C Ulysces Maryland: "Steel «Co! 26.552 ae Ulysse gS ala a aaa S68 G2 50.9 43:7 Ghilles Se maryland Steel 2Cou. cc ete... ce: 51.9 42.2 45ct 35.4 : (1) Contracts forfeited, vessels being completed New York Yard. : (2) Conditionally delivered at Phila. Yard yi /22/14. a bcele (3) Department on October 27, 1914, conditionally accepted G-4, the acceptance to take