eer ee rn ate S : : '5 feet 6 January, 1918 around steam steering engine is geared direct to the quadrant. The deck auxiliaries include six mooring engines of regular size; two smaller ones for handling the hatch cov- ers and one windlass. Boilers The three boilers are of the. cylin- mrical type, 13 feet 6 inches. inside diameter x 11 feet 2 inches long over- heads; each fitted with two corrugated, Morrison furnaces 50 inches inside diameter; 294 tubes, 3 inches external diameter and 7 feet 8 inches long be- tube plates, boiler room installation are: The closed feed water heater, through which. the exhaust from all the auxiliaries passes, the feed' water, after. being forced through the heater tubes, being dis- charged into vertical purifiers, one for each boiler, with the result that the boilers are thoroughly clean; two 6- inch compound hydraulically operated ash guns are located on the forward bulkhead of the fireroom, as a_ speedy and convenient method for discharging the ashes. It is worthy of note that the crew, privileged to work in the fireroom, do THE MARINE REVIEW 7 apparatus of the Ossat type was used freely, showing an average reading of 14 per cent carbon dioxide (CO.) pro- ving not only that the fires were kept in good condition but also that a small additional amount of air, introduced above the grate, would have ° been beneficial. Indicator cards and temperature of feed water, air heaters, ash pits, etc., as well as air pressure, were taken hourly. The 6-hour economy test was accom- plished mostly during daylight, and the only auxiliaries in use were the fan engine, feed pump, the 5-kilowatt gene- tween built according to so in ample and cool quarters, con- rator and the fire pump, only when TRIAL. OF 9.8. PONTIAC. BY MESSRS- MATTSON- DURKIN- BRETZ, LAKE HURON. BETWEEN DETOUR AND THUNDER BRY. AUGUST- 28-1917. ; HULL. -- 6000 -OVERALL- S80RO'KEEL-GOPO'BEAM- 3241 DEPTH, DRAUGHT 20*9'FORD - 20° 8°FIFT. TEST S.S PONTIAC LOAD 12,/87 GROSS TONS OF /RON ORE. ENGINE. TRIPLE EXPANSION- 243-AO-65'X 42" AUGUST-22-/9/7 FIR PUMP- 14° STROKE ~ 39°DIF. - 76" 5 SUCTION =12 "DISCHARGE. BOWLERS 807. 3 CYLINPRIERL 136° OIF, 122" -- OVERALL. rE ee PRESSURE FAILLOWEO /807PER.SQIN 6- FURNACES 50+ DIA. \ Ae eran e 1 GRATE BARS 56" LONG. -- TOTAL GRATE SURFACE '137.25, ; . AEP 16) oo. i TOTAL HEATING SURFACE *640S5h MERTING SURF _ SURF. -467 ' ee es ce ee DISPLACEMENT ees dv: Seas =o NET-TONS - /9350 GROSSTONS.- 17277 A Se 4 POSITIVE HEATED DRAFT Culacee Sierra eases teas BLOWER -SIROCCOFAN DIA_WHEEL +36" SUCT. =27°72X¥ 0" DISCH. Poe BLOWER ENGINE ~ 6X6 VERTICAL DIRECT CONNECTE: HEATER - SCHUETTE AND KOERTLING. "12_-20'0IA-66'LONG, PROPELLER ~ DIA:/3"O' PITCH 739" 'DEVELOPED AREA* 834 DURATION OF TEST res7 () 2:57 RAM, TO 6:48PI1) 5 HRS 5/MIN. 7NOICRTOR CARDS TAKEN EVERY 60MIN Bor Tor BOILER PRESSURE 182 ¥\DRAFTAT ASH PIT, 148 Fook oad : 1P.RECEIVER 80") « + AIRCASING 8 Ss 7a LR RECEIVER. 7a [=~ ~ FA eo : Se : fees i 4 VACUUM. 27.5% (REV. OF FAN - _ 540 \ cosh Sere : ' d REV.PER. IN, AVERAGE 87/6 |COAL (GOGO QUALITY OF RUN OF (INE \ SS g PISTON SPEED 6/0 _|COAL TOTAL 6 H) S- 70HN, 2272 # 1G x MEP. HP. CYz.. 6_|ASH TOTALG . 2MIN. 1854 i VIELE BRB a MEP IP CYL Siz aan So (MOIST) 9.3% Ei MEP LP Cyz. 74.87 eo ar iBUST/aLE (rorAL) 1818 Brtsee tS REF MEP TOL.P Soe Bi «+ PER. HOUR, '2961 es ING, x (HP _HP.CY4, 662 |= a PER AR HOUR.- 23 Beare ee Se ee LAP UPLCYL, 64 PER SQE'GRATE. © alg eae (HP_LP-CYL 'Sig \CORLPER.AR. 3265" TOTRELHP ICOALPER. LHP. L 34. Fale come ae POF GRATE. psa" BO GRATE SURF, See : z z 70P ; : "THI pone Pr ae : HERTING SURF _ 22.63 , LHP 33000 = 673/10" ' Gos Peet di \ eee ' ae ek 1 ' TEMP. OF ENGINE ROOlT- 90° - : 3 ME.R 14.87- : SS EHD. gaye |OZ. OF CORL PER. YONS/ILE © ae t tee =~ i Pe ae TAC G. o S45-- e ay 7 - Gg: eae ee ASING. 230° |SLA(USING/3 2 9"ASITEANPITCH 8.4% Des i : ASHP _252° |SPEED OF SHIP -/2 = 2. 5 MLPER.HR. oR LS__SPRING. ; Wn FEED HEATER. 186° \FRO. UR TO THUNDER BAY =23191,-5HR-SIM Ps HOT WELL.- 732° |3-LEARMONTPURIFIERS -3-G D/A: 8° 6'HIGH. = TINE WATER. 54° Cee Sea eT STEAL DIA TACK: 60THIGH -6-6/NSIDE D/A. BOILER PRESSURE 76% AVERAGE FLUE GASAINALYS/S = 14-%-CO*® PUR HEATER BE HIGH Eisen ren gyrate NOU, oats. IP RECEIVER 72s 20000 X2441 63 pie RFRCE= 28605 LPRECEIVER. 14.87% | [284 X GooxTG0 VACUUM 62. RPA. 6 4- FUEL ae ysis PISTON SPEED ; 7 ASH- REF PEP TOLP. 39.8 |TOTAL/AP 2441 Sour 73 ei CARP STANEN 2 00 RI1, CUTSALL OFF CARP STAKEN 2 !06 P71, FUEL ANALY S1S BY DET. TESTING LAGORATORY RESULTS DE POWER AND ECONOMY TESTS ON S. S. PONTIAC U. S. government rules for 180 pounds working pressure. The grate bars are inches long with Sturrock patent bridge walls, 12 inches high from the grate. The total heating surface of the Gee boilers is 6402 square feet and _ total grate surface 137% square feet. The boilers are worked under a system of heated positive draft. 'The fan supply- ing the necessary air for combustion has a fan wheel 36 inches in diameter by 18-inch face, driven direct by a 6 6-inch vertical engine. The suction air duct is extended into the fireroom to give improved ventilation there. The boilers are also equipped with mechan- ical flue blowers, arranged so that the tubes in the boilers as well as air heater can be thoroughly cleaned at any time. Other important features of the economy of the tributing considerably to the good re- sults obtained. : The object of this test was to ascer- tain the speed, with full cargo, on Lake -Huron from Detour light to Fort Gra- tiot, "a distance of 4225. miles. .The fuel being of a good quality, it was decided to run .with maximum power and to collect all data regarding the propelling machinery under these conditions. To that effect the valve motion was thrown in_ full gear and steam kept steadily at allowed pressure. Coal and ashes were care- fully weighed for six hours, which co- incides with the watches in the fireroom. The water level in the boiler, 4 inches in the glass, remained constant during the entire test. Six fires were cleaned and the flue blowers operated once as customary, during the six hours. An accumulated ashes were sent overboard. The weather was ideal, very little wind and sea, and the 12%4-mile speed down Lake Huron was maintained. The steam pressure never varied and due credit is given the intelligent work of the firemen. . General Results The compiled data are given in an 'accompanying illustration and the gen- eral result only is repeated :-- Speed 12%4 miles per hour (10.875 knots). Coal per hour as fired, 3265 pounds. Coal per indicated horsepower per hour, 1.34 pounds, which proved that with ample heating and grate surfaces, together with a good quality of fuel, the economy, as expressed in coal per indicated horsepower, is as high with full power, being employed, as with lesser.