18 THE MARINE REVIEW February, 1918 WHITING TRAVELING CRANES Our. standard | designs are adapted for use in shipbuilding plants, combin- ing safety and accessibility with efficient operation. Practically any spanorcapacity. Send for catalog 130. | WHITING Complete Foundry Plants |ijgpttaemionaias CHICAGO SUBURB. Designed, Equipped and Started in Operation Electric Traveling Yard Crane, 100 ft. span. One trolley fitted with magnet. sSiIxX—Steam-Operated Coal Handling Bridges FOR SALE—-IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Two Bridges operate as Single, Self-contained Units. The other four Bridges are united in two pairs which operate entirely independently except as regards lateral movement along the property, when each pair travel together, as the Supporting Towers are respectively united in a common structure. ‘ SPAN OF BRIDGES—200 Ft. Cantilevers at Rear—92 Ft. from center of Rear Supporting Leg. All Bridges and their Accessory Equipment are of Brown Hoisting Machinery Company’s manufacture, and comprise the following:— or SIX—Single Rope Grab Buckets, each of 1)4-ton capacity. FIVE—Shovel Buckets, each of 2-ton capacity. In addition to the Bridges, which are complete and in good working order, there is for sale on the same Property a Steam Power Plant, containing: FOUR--60"x16 ft. Horizontal Tubular Boilers built for 100 lbs. working pressure, with accessory : equipment, including Feed Water Heater and two Duplex Feed Pumps. There is also other machinery on the Dock for sale, as follows:— ONE—18"x36" CORLISS ENGINE with Fly-wheel 12 ft. diam. by 21" face. _ ONE—Grip Sheave Car Pulling Mechanism. ONE—Grip Sheave Bridge Moving Apparatus. The above Machinery can be inspected on 20th St. Dock, Milwaukee-Western Fuel Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. MEAD-MORRISON MFG. CO.’q2ieck CHICAGO,ILL. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers Ber eee ST