February, 1918 THE MARINE REVIEW 23 CABLE ADDRESS-UNISULPCO. THE UNION SULPHUR COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES 17 BATTERY PLACE M Sap NEW YORK AND J. R GORDON TONS TRAFFIC MANAGER DISPLACED New York, May 28th, 1914. Mr. Gardner Cornett, 118 Liberty Street, N. Y. C. My Dear Sir: : Regarding the installation of the Pneumercators in the. Steamers "HERMAN FRASCH," ""FRIEDA," "HARFLEUR" and "HARLEY," I beg to state that-the results obtained with this device in securing cargo and bunker weights, have been in every way satisfactory. : These instruments have more than fulfilled your guarantees in the extraordinary accuracy of their registration of the weights placed in these ships and we feel that the amount expended in fitting the Pneumercators is amply justified by the resulting advantages in operation. Yours very truly, NEEDLE VALVE TO AIR RESERVOIR, CONTROL VALVE AFT Almost anyone can ESTIMATE the weight of goods placed ina ship; but it takes the PNEUMERCATOR ; to give you the ACCURATE figures The knowledge of the exact draft of the vessel and the corresponding tons displaced is of supreme importance to the owner, especially where freights are paid for on tonnage carried. : By indicating accurately the draft, the PNEUMERCATOR also enables the captain to trim to an even keel for passing through the canals. This also prevents danger of damage or delay from grounding. We make Pneumercators for all purposes, indicating the depth, weight or volume of the contents of Ballast Tanks; Fuel Oil or Storage Tanks. Also for furnish- ing perpetual inventory; checking deliveries; giving hourly consumption; weighing cargoes or bunkers, etc. Write for our new catalog, ‘“The Pneumercator Afloat’. PNEUMERCATOR COMPANY, Inc. 118 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK, N.Y. PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHICAGO, ILL. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SEATTLE, WASH. H. S. Parks, H. H. Erickson, Jas. C. H. Ferguson, W. S. DePierris Co., ; 450 N. 10th Street 208 N. 5th Avenue Monadnock Building . 103 Grand Trunk Dock LONDON, E. C., F. S. Dudgeon, Ltd., 30 Great St. Helens LOT LE TT LTT LNT PE ETE SIE ODT TESTE PAIS OE Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers