February, 1918 THE MARINE REVIEW gna A Reputation for Quality and Service is back of all our products MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE SPECIALTIES Welin Quadrant Davits Norton, Sheath Screw Davits Compensating Quadrant Cranes Lundin Decked Lifeboats Lundin Power Lifeboats Standard Lifeboats, wooden and steel Metallic Cylinder Liferafts Mill's Releasing Gear A. B.C. Life Preservers A. B.C. Life Rafts A. B. C. Ring Buoys , Wada Non-Toppling Blocks Welin Gripe Release Gear Catalog on request 'WELIN MARINE EQUIPMENT CO. 305 Vernon Avenue , Long Island City, N. Y. a ce 000000000 SS A a LT TT Please mention THE Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers [ y