Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), June 1918, p. 263

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Tune, 1918 THE MARINE REVIEW ae 263 BOARD UP To APRIL 26.1918 2 Company Location of Works Dead W'ght Date Keel Launching © Date Hall No. Tonk ioe) <> tele Date Accepted American Shipbuilding Company____-__-__ Cleveland, Ohio___..._-___ War Ferrett ________- 215 3,100 12-29-17 2-14-18 War Hound: .022c22052 84 3,100 10- 6-17 11-19-17 Louis W. Hillow2 22s 721 12,500 7-14-17 Bst. 9-12-17 Carmi A. Thompson___ 722 12,500 8- 4-17 Est. 9-12-17 Choctaw fos. soe 81 3,300 T- 7-17 8-31-17 War Chant 3,100 7-31-17 9-21-17 War: Song: 20072 209 4,100: 7-15-17 9-22-17 War Paths 225s eo 4,100 8-11-17 9-27-17 War Penguin 3,100 30-17 10- 8-17 War Banner 3,100 9-15-17 10-31-17 War Beaver 3,100. - 9-22:17. 11- 1-17 War Signal 3,100 9-22-17 11- 2-17 War Honor 3,100 10-10-17 11-14-17 War Finch 3,100 -22- 11-17-17 War Hox 22222 3,100 11- 0-17 11-23-17 War Raven __ 2 3,100 11-24-17 1-31-1 War Martin a 8,100 11-24-17 2-14-18 War Oak __ 3,100 12-15-17 2-25-18 War Hope - 3,100 . 1-19-18 2-27-18 War Duty - 3,100 1-31-18 4-19-18 % wae ren S ana 1-14-18 4-23-18 Ames Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co.___|Seattle, Wash. .--.-_-__-__ Westwood 8/800 as saan eel eek oene 1-31-18 ' 3-29- Albina Engine & Machine Works, Inc.__|Portland, Ore. __-_-_--_-__ Point Avena es 3/300 119ay $018 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Ltd.|Sparrows Point, Md._-__-_ ae SEE eee ia 13300 ee oar pee Meltore: ogee ee oe 161 11,300 9-27-17 10-29-17 peor waas-- = Soon aoe re 8- 1-18 10-29-17 Baltimore Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co._|Baltimore, Md. _-_-------- Wal [aon el ane eS ete WUDOM Loses ee 6,200 Fe -20- Chester Shipbuilding Co.--_---_-__-_-+_-__ Chester; Pao Sc5255 7% Hisko EC RT ae hee Beh 9,000 - beds sauce eee a ee be hoon ian 3- 5-18 Verbrook 25 22¢:023 23 ; -17- -26- Cramp, Wm., & Sons, Shipbuilding Co.--_.|Philadelphia, Pa.._-------- Sibpiey 4341 4500 See. ue : Santa "Anta. 2202 442 4,986 10-13- -18- Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation_|Portland, Ore. -------- ~---| Westward, Ho ___2._.- A 8,800 1 20-4t Rade Westbrook:.22272. 2528 2 8,800 1-13-18 3-30-18 War butch 2 3] 8800 3 orie toe ar Bullett: 2.2 So F ; ye -27- Duthie Js B. & Co. ae ees Seattle, Wash. -.--.--.--- Westpoint 2622.8) 3 8 8,800 11-15-17 1-21-18 i : Westerner 2252 2 9 8,800 11- 6-17 2- 4-18 Westfieldic 22252 ee 0 8,800 12- 8-17 2-22-18 Western King ___-_--- 17 8,800 1- 3-18 3-26-18 yeh a BE oe | tee : ar Moon. 2032202 "2 -26- OTe Fore River Shipbuilding Co._--_-_--_.--_- Quincy, Mass; 22-222 5 F. J. Luckenbach_____ 265; 10,000 9-15-17 11-28-17 K. I. Luckenbach__-___ 264 10,000 10-27-17 2- 3-18 Great Lakes Engineering Works_-__-__.-- Detroit; Mich: <22 2253 August Yiesing________ 170 13,000 9- 9-17 10- 9-17 ; 3 Florence H._---------- 168 5,500 T- 1-17 10-23-17 Sidi Mabrouk -------- 172 4,000 7-27-17 10-25-17 War. Leader: 2.00602 174 4,000 9-19-17 11-12-17 Merrecdhux.cscecsecn ee 173 000. 9-15-17 11-15-17 Tapeertjond ks ene 175 4,000 10-16-17 11-23-17 fr : Ss. Se GIN Oni eee es 169 5,500 8- 1-17 12- 1-17 Harlan & Hollingsworth Corporation______ Wilmington, Del. -------- W..H. TMifords: 2 442 8,130 8- 4-17 12-28-17 rSaeHla: Zoccu ee eS 453 4,500 12-19-17 8- 1-18 Gare e222 es oe eee 454 4,500 2-17-18 4- 4-18 Maryland Shipbuilding Co.---_-__-_---__-- Baltimore,' Md. 2 .22--222-2 W. D. Munson_____-_+- 163 5,500 8- 4-17 9-20-17 i Hatteras: 22-25 167 7,500 11-20-17 12-21-17 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co. --.--------.- Manitowoc, Wis. ---.-----|Ada ___-__=- 80 8,500 4-21-17 10- 8-17 : : Motor One - 81 3,500 6-23-17 10-23-17 Pate ' 'War Castle -- 82 3,500 10-20-17 11-24-17 i War Victor 83 3,500 9-29-17 11-17-17 Moore -ShipbuildingCo;. 222 2 2 22 2 Oakland; Cale: 222 ee Coronado --_ 113 9,400 8-25-17 1-16-18 ; Sagaland ~- 112 7,100 6-30-17 12- 7-17 Yosemite -- oe 114: 9,400 | 5-28-17 | 10-31-17 2- 4-18 mv . Yellowstone --/.25-2223 115 9,400 7-12-17 12- 9-17 4-22-18 MeDougall-Dultith:.Cos:20 oo ee Duluth, Minn: ---__--_--2_= Maskis =o 2 SB S008 eee ae 10-15-17 11-19-17 Newport News Shipbuilding & D. D. Co.|Newport News, Va.------- Ble Capitan: 203224. 204 6,200 9-29-17 8-18-17 9-18- O:°B; Jennings=:222--~ 201 14;900 3081) ace ee 8-25-17 10-31-17 Munindties cc 222-2. 206 7,430 5-21-17 10- 0-17 12- 6-17 \ Munaries 522250 oe 207 7,430 6-27-17 11- 0-17 1- 8-18 J: Ge Donnell: 2 205 14,800 3-23-17 11-24-17 1-22-18 New York Shipbuilding Corporation___-.-- Camden; Nod. cssese- ot eee Deep Water ----------- 176 12650) a) tore ee 8-18-17 10-10-17 . Maitrmont.. 2 ee ee 182 8,600 2-13-17 12- 8-17 2-15- Sylvan Arrow -------- 174| -, 12,650 1 8-22-17 10- 6-17 1- 2-18 Broad Arrow --~------ 175 12,650 4-26-17 12-22-17 3-12-18 Mreeman® 2.20525 2oss25 183 4,900 T- T-17 12-27-17 4- 3-18 Sewalls Point -------- 184 8,600 6-30-17 2-12-18 3-28-18 Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Co._--_-------- Gloucester, N. J.---------- Chestnut Hill; 02.22 1 7,000 9- 9-16 8-23-17 - 3-14-18 Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Co.------ Seattle; Wash: (.-. =<. =-2.-. | Sacramento 222-23 225 , 92 7,500 4- 2-17 11-21-17 1-28-18 4 Southerland ---------. 93 7,500 5-28-17 1-19-18 3-16-18 ' . Bremerton 2-22 22-25--- 94 7,500 6- 4-17 3-27-18 4-23-18 Skinner & Eddy Corporation___--_.-------- Seattle, Wash. ------------ J enrol ohne eee " ce 4- 3-16 ine reas d . . de Missiessy___-_-- BSOO eee eee -16- -19- : Niekkosan Meri es 9 8,800 5-16-16 9-15-17 11-. 1-17 Westhaven 2.200 223-2 10 8,800 8- 9-17 11- 1-17 12-27-17 Trontolite 2.0 11 9,000 ST- 3-17 12-15-17 2- 1- West. Arrow = 2) 2 e 12 8,800 9-18-17 1-19-18 2-26-18 West: Lake ~---------- 16 8,800 11- 9-17 2- 9-18 3- 9-18 Western Queen ------ 17 8,800 1- 2-18 3-28-18 fae Seattle: Saco 2 Seo ae 83 8,800 8-21617 11-24-17 Aes Absaroka. 332020522 84 8,800 Q- 4-17 12-31-17 ,3- ue Canoga, 222.550523 85 8,800 12- 1-17 2-26-18 - is Ossineke -2.5.-------- 86 8,800 12-26-17 ape sn eear Sun Shipbnilding Co. -.-.2:---2-2.---22-.- Chester, Pa, ------- renee Chester one z = z en TS Oca tT "2. 2-4: 3-28-18 r : 3,500 10- 6-16 6-29-17 1-22-18 Staten Island Shipbuilding Co.------------ Port Richens: a =. SE etd Pe ght e ~ 7300 11-11-16 11- 8-17 '1- 5-17 Standard Shipbuilding Co._-_--_---.---_--- Shooters Island, N+. B=") oye. shalt 140| 2930 117 10- 4-17 Toledo Shipbuilding Co.-..--------------- Bree ON ee War Bayonet gait 2 20m | Ce eae 11- 6-17 War Rifle _- 142 PO80 so |. Beate aes 10-16-17 11-16-17 } = ine: oe ee 1 9,530 6- 5-16 5-24-17 10- 9-17 Texas Shipbuilding Co,-------------------- Bah), Me. <-o-e Thode Island --------- wl B38 7-25-16 ° 7-15-17 2-117 r Swords. -23-2 50 a ie ene -80- Wnlon Tron: Works: o4.0 4 ee San Francisco, Cal. ------ win, Jalieen (oe 148 10,475 : 7-21-17 10- 8-17 : F..W. Weller_ a ABE 14,900 8- 8-17 12- 7-17 J. BE. O'Niel_ ~ 143 10,475 8-30-17 1-10-18 Redondo ----- 2A 6 11-11-17 '2- 6-18 A. C. Bedford - 135 14, 10-27-17 2-14-18 BL. Pratt - 144 10,475 11- 8-17 3- 1-18 : S. M. Spauldin - a ee eer eay ee : Willamette Iron Works-_-__---------------- Portland, Ore. ----------- eet oe org 8'800 1-13-18 4-15- : War Viceroy_--------. 2 8,800 8- 3-17 10-23-17 : ' Westland --2.-25-. +5. 5 8,800 9-15-17 12-28-17 : . Westwind ~------------ 3] 8800 1-417 | (2 4-18 \ by the Statistical Department, Executive and Administrative Division. May 1, 1918. Prepared by the Sta P #

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