August, 1918 industrial canal, New Orleans, and will establish a yard there for constructing concrete vessels and barges. ee Fifty cottages for white workmen have been completed for the Chickasaw Shipbuilding Co. at its plant near Mo- bile, Ala, and workmen have begun construction of 100 cottages for negro employes. The 50 cottages for the white men were built in 33 days. x ke The state harbor commission of Ala- bama has given permission to the Kelley- Thompson Shipbuilding Co., Mobile, to erect a marine railway and drydock on Blakely island, and to the Alabama Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Co. to dredge a part of Pinto island for slips for new docks. The Bell Telephone Co. is ldy- ing cables across Chickasaw. creek, near Mobile, to accommodate the large col- ony of shipbuilders which has grown up on the side away from the city. * * x ay. li. 'Kelly and M. R. Fife, 'Chica- go, have sold their interests in the Mo- bile Shipbuilding Co., Mobile, to the Terry Shipbuilding Co., New York. *K ok k The St. Petersburg Shipbuilding Co., $30,000 capital, has been organized to build barges, schooners and tugs, at m. Fetersburg, Fla. * * * Wooden steamer Dancey, 3500 tons, the first to be built there under con- tract for the government, was recently launched from the ways of the J. M. Murdock Shipbuilding Co., Jack- sonville, Fla. The keel of another ship of the same size was laid immedi- ately in the ways vacated by the DANCEY. eek ak The Liberty Shipbuilding Corp., New York, will establish a yard at Biloxi, Miss. according to J. E. Breaux, Jr., president of the Biloxi commerce club. x * * The Henry Piaggio Co. has launched another 3000-ton wooden ship from its yards at Orange, Tex., for the Italian government. Several of the company's ships of this type are now in overseas service. ek x Howard & Nelson, Orange, Tex., have launched a 64-foot, oil-burning _ tugboat. HN ks The Terry Shipbuilding Corp., Savan- nah, Ga. has closed a contract with the United States shipping board to build an 8000-ton drydock, at a cost of ap- Proximately $1,000,000, to be located on the Savannah river. The company has acquired 100 acres with 1500-foot front- age on the river for $500,000. 2 ok ok August is expected to be the great- €st month for ship launching that avannah has ever seen. Every ship- building concern located in the city will launch one or more' ships. The Founda- tion Co. will lead the race with four mine sweepers. These vessels are 150 feet long, draw 17 feet of water and have a 37-foot beam. The Georgia Shipbuilding Co. will launch another 4- Mast schooner, valued at $150,000. The Schooners built by this company have a deadweight capacity of 1400 tons. A _ Second seagoing towboat will be launched THE MARINE REVIEW by the Savannah Engineering & Con- struction Co. This company has a gov- ernment contract to build seven seagoing towboats. They are too large to be used in an ordinary harbor. The Terry Shipbuilding Corp. will also launch a steel composite merchantman during the first 'part of August. The National Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. will launch eight barges. The company has set a record of launching two of these barges a day for a week. * * * The Randsberg Iron Works, New York, is reported to have bought a 9-acre tract on the East river, and is planning to construct a $1,000,000 dry- dock. * ok ok A large shipbuilding plant will be constructed on property known as the Palmer docks, Brooklyn, No. YY; which was recently purchased by the Greenpoint Improvement Co. ook ie Charles Schwab, Emergency Fleet director general, recently at a dinner announced another shipbuilding plant to cost $10,000,000 will be built on the banks of the Delaware river. The capacity of the proposed yard and other details are now being worked out. ak Preliminary plans are being drawn by the Terminal Transit Co., Jersey City, N. J., for a shipbuilding plant, comprising, four ways. J. 'T.. ©'Con- nor, New York, is manager of the company. i K * Kk The Kelly-Spear o; Bath, Me. it is said, will spend $30,000 in im- proving its shipbuilding yard. ck Oe Pacific coast managers of the Foun- dation Co., Seattle, have announced that plans for adding a new unit to the Tacoma, Wash., yards for steel ship construction are now under con- sideration. ok k k The Todd interests. at Tacoma, Wash,. are said to be making arrange- ments for the erection of additions to their present plant. The improve- -ments will cost in the neighborhood of $1,000,000. . ko * Two shipbuilding ways are to be constructed at the plant of the Col- umbia River Shipbuilding Co., Port- land, Oreg. The company now has three ways. Oe The American Concrete Pipe & Shipbuilding Co., Tacoma, Wash.. has secured a site of 12 acres on Lake Washington, which will be cleared at once and two ways constructed for building 7500-ton and _ 10,000-ton con- crete vessels. Ways for constructing barges of 1000-ton capacity will also be built. It is reported that contracts for ten 10,000-ton concrete vessels for foreign registry to cost $20,000,000 have already been offered the com- pany. L. Y. Stayton, Av H. Gardiner, S. W. Bunting and W. F. Hallowell are officers of the company. x * * Plans have practically been completed whereby Portland, Ore.. and Vancouver, yard. 357 B. C. capitalists will establish a saw- mill and shipyard at North Bend, Oteg,, at a cost of $500,000, it recently was announced by L. J. Simpson. ek Terry & Tench have taken a con- 'tract to build 20 government barges to be operated on the New York state barge canal. These vessels, for which a total of 3200 to 3300 tons of fabri- cated plates and shapes are required, will be built in Brooklyn, N. Y. * * K The Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. is about to let contracts for erecting addi-. tions to its Sparrows Point, Md., plant. They will include a fabricating shop extension, an addition to the angle stor- age shop and a roof over the laying out The Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. is in the market for 400 tons o fabricated steel for this work. , 1K * * The first launching at Hog island is. to take place on Sunday, Aug. 4. Sun- day has been selected so that every--- body can see the Rep Jacket slip from way No. 1 into the Delaware. Its keel was laid on Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12, the launching coming 173 days later. * * * Mayor Peters, Boston, has approved a contract with the Boston Shipbuilding Co. for $69,000 for repairs and renewals to. the ferryboat GENERAL SUMNER, which was burned to the water's edge more than a year ago. The same firm also secured the contract to repair the steamer Monitor for $3800. * 7 * The Dauntless Shipbuilding Co., Essex, Conn., has plans for shipyard and river improvements that will call for the outlay of approximately $100,000. The improvements call for the dredging of a channel 200 feet long, 100 teet wide and 9 feet deep in the river leading to the company's yards and the making of such changes in the docks as will per- mit the docking of much larger vessels than can be accommodated at _ the present time. The Edward Balt Ca. Hartford, Conn., secured the contract for dredging. * * * The Motorship Corp., San Francisco, will establish a plant at Martinez, Cal., in the near future for building concrete ships. The corporation will direct its greatest efforts toward turning out re- frigerator ships. * * * The Northwest Steel Co., Portland, Oreg., is said to be planning to double the capacity of its plant by constructing four additional shipbuilding ways. Full equipment to outfit vessels will be installed. ee The Heffernan Engineering Co., Seat- tle, recently acquired title to a strip of waterfront, which will be improved and converted into ship repairing plant. * 2K * M. H. Tholme, president of the North-Pacific Construction & Dry Dock Co., recently closed a contract for the purchase of a site for a_ shipbuilding plant and dry dock. It is to be 1200 feet wide and 1000 feet deep.