re Reduction Gear--Drift Bolt Driver--Lock Nut--Air and Wate Sepa- rator---Hand and Arm Protectors--Electric Hammer--Tower Whirlers N connecting marine auxiliary ap- paratus to the driving unit some form of speed transforming equip- ment is necessary. This is due to the fact that the driving turbine, engine or motor for efficient operation requires a greater or less speed than the most efficient speed of the driven unit. A reduction gear which was designed for this purpose is shown in the ac- companying illustrations, and is manu- factured by the Poole Engineering & Machine Co., Baltimore. The gear consists of an internal dou- ble helical herringbone gear, a double helical pinion, cut integral with the high-speed shatt, and The latter are mounted on steel shafts se- cured to the cast steel, slow-speed mem- intermediate double helical gears. ber. On this slow-speed member, which is part of the slow-speed shaft, are mounted two heavy-duty ball bearings, one on each side of the gears and supported direct- ly by the substantial casing. The entire gear members are com- pletely enclosed in a dust and mois- ture proof cast iron casing. The gears are lubricated by a self-con- tained, forced-feed, lubricating system. The gear operates in the following manner: Let it be assumed that it is desired to drive a pump with a high- speed turbine. The turbine should be connected to the pinion shaft (small diameter shaft) of. the gear. This causes the pinion shaft to rotate and turn the intermediate gears. As the internal gear is held stationary, the intermediate gears must not only rotate but of ne- cessity revolve about the center of the pinion shaft as a center. The inter- mediate gears are mounted in the cage or low speed member which conse- quently must rotate as the intermediate gears revolve. In this manner the speed transformation is accomplished. The pump is connected to the large-diameter, slow-speed shaft. All shafts and gear members are sup- ported on each side, which insures per- manent alignment. Both high and low- speed shafts are in the same line, this construction eliminating any side pull or strain on the bearings. The device is said to operate without noise or vibration, and it will drive in either direction of rotation without making any changes. in the same direction. any ratio from 4 to 1 up and-'in any ca- pacity from 1. to 20,000 horsepower. The The high and low-speed shafts rotate It is designed in lower illustration shows a prac- tical application of the device to a marine drive. In this case an 85-horsepower gear, direct con- nected to a turbine running at 3000 revo- lutions per minute, drives a centrifugal pump at 870 revolutions pér minute. Stuart Root, representative in the south for the Central Foundry Co., New York, has opened an office in the Trust Co. of Georgia building, Atlanta, Ga., REDUCTION GEAR AND ITS APPLICATION 365 BETWEEN A MARINE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP AND A STEAM TURBINE