= iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini«n ttn. Personal Intimate Gossip About What Leaders in the INUIT le L. ACKERSON, naval constructor, U. S. N., has been appointed to suc- ceed CHARLES PiEz as. director general of the Emergency Fleet cor- poration. Mr. Ackerson was formerly a vice president of the corporation. Mr. Piez presented his resignation several months ago, effective May 1, in order to return to private business interests. Mr. Ackerson is a practical shipbuilder. Ga fee. CAPT. W. A. MAGEE Successor of Captain Blain as Northern Pacific dis- trict manager of the Emergency Fleet cor- poration who-has also resigned He was born in Michigan in 1881. He ' graduated from the Michigan Naval academy in 1901 and after serving two years at sea as a midshipman, he was selected for the naval construction corps and was sent to the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology to take a post- graduate course in naval architecture. Later he served for two years in the design branch of the bureau of con- struction and repair. In August, 1917, he was assigned to duty as aide to Admiral Capps when he joined the Fleet corporation as general manager. When Admiral Capps resigned, Mr. Ackerson remained as aide to Mr. Piez. Later he was appointed assistant to Director General Charles M. Schwab. Lhe * Epwarp F. Carry has been appointed chairman of an organization to be Maritime World Are Doing known as the Texas City port commis- sion, Texas City, Tex. The organiza- tion will co-operate with the port and harbor facilities commission of the shipping board of which Mr. Carry is chairman, to improve the port's ship- ping facilities. oe B. B. TreaKte has been appointed to take charge of the Philadelphia office of the France-Canada Steamship Corp., which was recently opened. Mr. Teakle formerly had charge of the company's Boston _ office. is located in the Bourse and will pro- vide frequent sailings to Italy, France, South America and South Africa. The company owns and operates one of the largest schooner fleets in the world and several large steamships. ES xk * Capt. F. W. Cuttum, a former master of the Blue Funnel line, Liverpool, has joined the organization of Cart. Joun F.. BLAIN, | Pacific coast, agent of . the Steward Davit & Equipment Corp., Seattle. Captain Cullum will serve in the capacity of marine surveyor. He recently was located in Tacoma, Wash., where he served as fleet inspector for the Emergency Fleet corporation. Ep- warp C. WuitMANn, formerly chief en- gineer of the steamships Vicrorra and ALASKA of the Alaska Steamship Co., has also joined Captain Blain's organ- ization in the capacity of engineer expert. During the war, he served as machinery and hull inspector for the Fleet corporation at various Pacific coast shipyards. ao" JosepH Dittman has been appointed comptroller of the St. Johns River Shipyard, South Jacksonville, Fla. He succeeds J. J. Conroy who has severed his connection with the company. Other newly appointed officers are: F. H. Rover, auditor and Roserr Russet, superintendent. Mr. Russell was for- merly superintendent of the J. M. Mur- dock shipyard at Jacksonville, Fla. x * x Capt. O. A. JoHANSEN was recently elected president of the Shipmasters' association of the United States with headquarters at Seattle. Other officers elected are: Capt. FranK Wort, first vice president; Carr. C. J. BRuGUIERE, second vice president; Carr. J. G. Norp, 287 ' HickMan, The Philadelphia office ' Y Y v % SS SY Cs SS] RSs Yj V Y G V ay ull third vice president; Carr. Epwarp fourth vice president, and W. T. Istep, secretary and treasurer. * * * J. A. Wetts has been appointed di- rector of the American Foreign Service Corp., New York. The corporation is newly formed and will engage in insur- ance, shipping and foreign freight for- warding. For many years previously, J. L, ACKERSON, U. S. N. . Mr. Wells was head of the Wells Ship-. ping Co. He _ disposed of his interest in that concern before taking up his present duties. ; Wee ee InmMAN H. PAyNneE was recently elected vice president of the Cosmopolitan Ship- ping Co., New York, at the company's. annual meeting. Mr. Payne has been trafic manager of the company for several years. Last year he served with the shipping control committee. * * * F. C. WriaMs, formerly with the division of operations, United States shipping board, New York, has been appointed superintendent engineer for the Cosmopolitan Shipping Co. For 12 years prior to taking up shipping board service, Mr. Williams' was with the United States steamboat' inspection service, New York.