Latest Marine News Shown in Pictures R-34, built by Beardmore Ce oe dir- ete Britich mace : ee Oe Ca Tr ae dylatene ae > ; é ee >» : noe ' and air craft con- 'Adaniie e structors. The Saguache, burlt cat Hog island, passing through the Pan- ama canal enroute to the Pacific, and i. . in the Gatun lock. : At the right-- Rear Admiral Sims confers on his return from England with As- sistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roose- velt Mrs. E. G. Miles, who spon- sored United States torpedo boat destroyer Gilmer, built at Camden, N, J. Brookdale, recently built by Meacham & Babcock, Seat- tle. Below--Cargo of rice unloaded at Seattle. 332