362 just below the cowl. This feature permits the cowl to be turned easily even in a high wind due to the fact that the leverage developed by a long pipe is absent. Thus the turning gear and pinion operate easily. Instead of turning the sheet metal over a wire to form the mouth of the cowl, a heavy slotted pipe section is used. This feature is said to afford ample strength and permanency. The company has furnished a number of these cowls to the Emergency Fleet corporation and to shipbuilders build- ing for private account. Countersinking Ship | | Plates For countersinking ship plates in fabricating shops. and in shipyards, the portable, ,electric drill, mounted on a | special: buggy, shown in the accompany- ing illustration, is- said to give good service... The electric drill utilized is a product of the. Van Dorn Electric Tool Co., Cleveland, - while. the buggy was supplied by~ the',Louis F. Shoemaker Co., Pottstown, Pa. - The drill was de- signed especially; for this purpose. It is 22 inches long, weighs 125 pounds and -- takes direct-current at 230 volts. Its maximum speed is. 425 revolutions a minute. It is equipped with a No. 4 morse taper socket 'and will countersink holes 'up to. 1l-inch: diametér:' It is claimed that. a. %-inch hole can «be countersunk in 7 seconds: With the object of reducing friction to a mini- THE MARINE REVIEW TOOL FOR CUTTING IRREGULAR SHAPES FROM: SHEET METAL WITHOUT DISTORTION mum, the drill is equipped with ball bearings. The buggy consists of a frame sup- ported on two wheels and is equipped with two handles by means of which the operator guides the device and feeds the countersink into the holes to be machined. The drill is fastened to the buggy by two studs which are screwed to trunnion bosses on the drill housing. PORTABLE BUGGY EQUIPPED WITH AN ELECTRIC DRILL FOR COUNTERSINKING SHIP PLATES One stud is passed through the frame of the buggy while the other engages a cross tie between the buggy handles. | The buggy is equipped with a counter- weight in front to_insure ease of opera- tion. In operation, the plates are laid out on the floor, in which position it is a simple matter to pass the buggy from one hole to another as the work progresses. Sheet Metal. Cutter Cutting sheet metal into special shapes is usually a 'comparatively slow process as the work is. done generally by hand with 'a hammer and cold chisel or by means of a cutting torch. The machine shown in the accom- panying illustration, 'which is a prod- ucts'of the W. J. Savage. Co. Ine, Knoxville, Tenn., was designed for cutting sheet metal into various shapes with the least possible delay. It is pointed out that:'the tool is not a rotary shear and that it does not dis- tort the sheet. or plate' during the cutting operation. In design, the tool ordinary punch press' as far as its resembles an