Hoover at the ~ trade. =SUUUUUAUUUUUUAUUUAUUAGUUURCUUUURUACA TOOT ail ENRY M. ROBINSON, recently H appointed member of the _ ship- ping board who... succeeds Cuartes N. Pace, brings experience which it is believed will be valuable in determining and carrying out the future policy of the government in regard to its merchant marine. Mr. Robinson, who had been assistant to Chairman Hurley from July, 1918, had been in charge of the preparation of studies re- lating to foreign trade and when the armistice came was given the duty of collecting shipping information for presentation at the peace conference. Last January he was summoned to Europe to relieve Commissioner Stevens as the American member of the. allied maritime transport council and, upon Chairman Hurley's return to the United : States, became special commissioner of shipping at the peace conference. Mr. Robinson is credited with having won for the United States the contention that _ interned German and Austrian shipping in this country when America went to war should go to the United States and' not be, pooled for distribution among the .allies. .To him also -is credited the achievement of obtaining for the United States nine of the largest German liners in an arrangement with Herbert Brussels food confer- ence, by which the ships were assigned to the United States in exchange for food. He won them on the plea of their being needed as transports, while England and France were forced to be content with smaller ships for cargo Mr. Robinson, who grew up with the steel business in Youngstown--he was born at Ravenna, O., 51 years ago-- was urged by Chairman Hurley to suc- ceed Charles M. Schwab as director general of the Emergency Fleet corpora- tion. This he declined and finally was Prevailed upon to take the commissioner-_ ship vacated by Charles R. Page of San Francisco. Mr. his residence in Pasadena, Cal. Cee S. J. Jackson has been appointed gen- eral manager of the International Mcr- - ' _ Bier and Louis J. Robertson; Cantile Marine Co., Boston, ah the late W.- E. STEVENSON. Son was manager of the see line's Galy feston, Tex., office. * * * Carr, A. G. Apspgotr is now associated With the Boston firm of Kelvin & Wil- Robinson now maintains | - Insurance Co., Isaac H. Klein. Jack- . 2 Marine News 1 In. a, Peso Way Intimate Gossip Aba What Leaders i in the Maritime World Are Doing frid O. White, as compass adjuster. Captain Abbott. during the war was su- perintendent of painting at the Hog Island shipyard. He has been port captain for the New England Fuel & f¥ansportation Co., at Boston, and com- manded the steamship Newron, built for the coal trade between Chesapeake bay and New England points. * * * JoserpH J. McLrean has been appointed vice consul to the Republic of Argentina at Boston, 'succeeding Wutt1am Mc- Kissock, resigned. Mr.McLean has been identified with shipping interests and is thoroughly familiar with duties of the new position. Until recently it has been necessary for Boston exporters to transact necessary business through the Argentine consul-general at New York. ee Oe V.-S: Hocc, who has been assistant trafic manager of the Independent Steamship Corp., has resigned. ee G. F. Partrick, who has been con- nected with Harriss, Magill & Co., New York, has resigned and will join the organization of the Atlantic Charter- ing Co., organized two years ago by Douglas Donald.' Oe ee Capt, Cart C.. W, SEATON; manager of the Scandinavian department of the 'International Maritime Corp., New York, has gone to Copenhagen to look after the company's foreign interests. Some- time ago the International established active Scandinavian connections. Cap- tain Seaton will return to New York in about four weeks. The International's plans contemplate considerable activity in the Scandinavian market it is said. Ei ee ok SamueL P. GotpMAN has been elected president of the Merchants & Shippers' New York, to fill the vacancy caused by the recent death of Other recently elected Vice presidents, Sylvan secretary, officers afe: Samuel L. Martin. Ps oe. FE. A. Morse has been elected vice president and general. manager of the United States Steamship Co. to succeed his brother, B. W. Morse, who recently = = = S Sill OT UHHUTTHUHVTRItrIND DDT Z--IiT(ttiiiiititiiiitiiHKtiKiiKHHHHHMHNHNMNNHNNHNNRMAE resigned. E, A. Morse also is president of the Grotow Iron Works, Groton, Conn., a subsidiary of the United States Steamship Co. B. W. Morse will 'continue onthe board 'of -- direc- tors of the steamship company and all other subsidiary companies. The resig- nation of B. W. 'Morse was due to a desire to re-enter 'the ship. and shipping brokerage business, which work: he gave up when the United States became in- volved, in war. H. Ho GALLIsoN has resumed his duties as traffic manager of the United States & Pacific line. He recently re- turned from France after seeing over a year of active service. K 2k * Capt. C. W. Witert, formerly Uni- . ted States inspector of hulls at Chicago, who served in the navy for a year and a half, has been appointed traveling inspector for the Great Lakes and the middle states. Formerly Captain Willett sailed on the lakes, his last command being the J. H. Wane of the Richard- son fleet. Oe Se ee H. E. Henry, formerly sales man- ager of the Fulflo Pump Co., Blan- chester, O., has accepted the position of sales manager of the Michigan Machine Co., Detroit. This company plans to manufacture pumps for ma- chine tool and marine engine use. i ee R. E. WHEELAN, vice president of the Fotter Transportation Co. is under- stood to have assumed the general -- management of the Triangle Steamship Co. Mr. Wheelan is well known in New York, South American and West coast shipping circles. | 'oe ee, Rogert W. BosseviAN has been ap- pointed European manager of the Anglo- American Commercial Corp. Formerly Mr. Bossevian was manager of the de- partment of Holland and the Far East for the Kerr Steamship lines. * * * L. W. Hertz is now vice president and general manager of the National Steamship Lines, Ltd, New York. Formerly Mr. Hertz was connected with the Moore & McCormack Co.