372 THE "MARINE REVIEW EDWARD J. BARBER President, Barber Steamship Lines, Inc., and vice presi- dent, American Steamship Owners' association ALFRED GILBERT SMITH President,, New Cuba Mail Steamship Co., and chairman, committee on depreciation, American Steamship Owners' tion FRANKLIN D. MOONEY President, New York & Porto Rico Steamship Co., and member, committee on man- aging agency agreement P. A. S. FRANKLIN P.esident, International Mer- cantile Marine member executive committee, American Steamship Owners' association OAKLEY WOOD Vice president, Barber Steamship Lines, Inc., and acting chairman, committee on managing agency agvee- ment CAPT. EUGENE R&, 0'DONNELL Manager, marine department, C: i. Sprague & Son, and chairman, committee wages and working tions aboard ship July, 1929