ritish Salvage Work Prospers Adequate Equipment is Now Available--Profit to the Strong Well Trained Organizations-- ATHER curiously, Great Britain, although possessing a _ huge mercantile marine, was not well supplied with salvage facilities down to the outbreak of the war. In ante- bellum days, the salvage operations of Great Britain were under the direc- tion of the marine insurance interests. Among the agencies which they em- ployed was a salvage association which had headquarters in London. This organization was and still is con- trolled by a committee of marine underwriters. Even at present this body usually acts on behalf of all the underwriters concerned, whether mem- bers of Lloyd's or marine insurance companies, when marine casualties occur in which the London marine in- surance interests are financially con- cerned. A central organization is maintained where a number of expert surveyors are employed, who can be dispatched to wrecks without delay. These ex- perts survey the wrecks, make esti- mates of the probable cost of salvage, if salvage operations are justified, and report to the underwriters concerned, BY CUTHBERT MAUGHAN Shipping Editor, 'The Times', London who are thereby in a position to make prompt and reliable decisions. When wrecks occur in far distant quarters of the world, the services of Lloyd's agents are usually employed. Before the war, the London Salvage associa- tion was headed by Sir Joseph Lowrey, a man who devoted the greater part of his life to the work of salvage. This body has no shareholders. It is main- tained simply in the interests of the in- surance underwriters. There is a similar organization at Liverpool, although in some directions its operations are more extensive than those of the London. Salvage associa- tion. It goes by the formidable title of "The Liverpool Association for the Protection of Commercial Interests as Respects Wrecked and Damaged Property." This association was estab- lished in 1857 and incorporated in 1881. As its title represents too much of a mouthful for busy modern times it is commonly known as the Liver- pool Salvage association. It resembles the London Salvage association in that it has no shareholders but differs from the London organization because s Confined Generally Experience Necessary it owfis some quite efficient salvage craft. Its principal salvage vessel, Rancer, is probably one of the most famous salvage vessels in the world. Long before the war this ship was re- sponsible for saving many valuable steamers. The Rancer was built by J. Elder & Co. at Glasgow, Scotland, in 1880. She is cf 409 gross tons register. Her length is 157 feet, 5 inches, her beam 29 feet, 5 inches and her depth 14 feet, 4 inches. She has an ordinary portable pumping capacity of 2550 tons of water per hour. The RanGER is stationed at Holyhead near Liverpool on the west coast of England and sufficient steam pressure is constantly maintained for 8 knots, at 30 minutes notice in fine weather, and for 12 to 14 knots at 10 minutes notice in fogs and bad weather. The Rancer is fully equipped with a varied assortment of salvage gear, including air compressors, submarine pneumatic tools, heavy moor- ing cables and anchors, 50-ton purchases, a powerful towing gear and line-throw- ing guns. She carries a crew of skilled workmen, carpenters, divers and a spe- cially trained staff of wrecking experts. = = => = = => -- = => => => > = => > = = -- -- => => = > > => => = => > = > > RI -- => > = => -- = => = -- -- => => > = -- = => > => => = => -- > UII c : cAN WATERS FIG. 9--THE RANGER--ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS ayes (coma = 7 oe notice in bad weather She is stationed at Holyhead near Liverpool and is constantly in commission ready to take the s 393