rene LITA RETTIG VEEN LL OFT SRE POL TTT CTE TOTO PEON TOT ATONE OTTO TLE TER TEPE ESL 0 CTH UCN TCH | Marine News in a Personal Way AR PTTL LLL LL LLL LULL LLL LL : Intimate Gossip About What Leaders in the : Maritime World Are Doing al NTR ALTER G.. MUELLER, gen- W eral traffic manager of the Submarine Boat Corp., Harry Lioyp, general comptroller, and A. S. GRANZEN, have 'been made vice presi- dent in charge of traffic, comptroller, and general traffic manager respectively of the Transmarine Shipping Corp., a sub- sidiary of the: former company. ew Oe E. K. Howarp has resigned as man- meer oi MOH Tracy & €o's New Orleans office to join the staff of the Pacific Mail Steamship Co., San Fran- cisco. He was formerly connected with the Pacific coast and Far: East districts of the division of. operations of the shipping board. ek J. H. Nose resigned recently from the Export Steamship Corp., New York, to become affiliated with the Judson Freight Forwarding Co. T. D. Savut,"'formerly with the Oriental Navigation Co. and the Export Steamship Corp. has been appointed assistant to the Chicago man- ager of the Judson company. 2K * x _ S. Georce Tate has become foreign {rae Manager of A. V. Berner & Co., New York. Formerly Mr. Tate was vice president of the Atpac Forwarding Corp. and assistant traffic manager of G: W. Sheldon. & Co. ** * * L. L. Bates, foreign freight agent of the Pacific Steamship Co., Seattle, re- cently attended a meeting of shipping men in New York, the object of which was the organization of a rate confer- ence of all the important maritime dis- tricts of the country. 2 * * Cart SuNnpE, president of the Sunde & d'Evers Co., Seattle, accompanied by his family, has started on a six months' tour of Europe. ee J.. C. FRANCESCONI, president of the brokerage firm of J. C. Francesconi, New York and Chicago, recently made a trip to Seattle to investigate market conditions, particularly in connection with Oriental oils. x se & Carr. T. Irtsawa, who began his career as a deck boy and is now master of the liner FusHimr Marv of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, which sailed re- cently for ports in the Orient, is to accept a shore berth when the vessel reaches Japan. * 8 + JoserpH H. DrFrees, Chicago, has been elected president of the chamber of commerce of the United States, succeed- ing Homer L. Fercuson, president of the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va. * * * Epmunp J. Dowp, Sea Carriers, Inc., CurisTiAN Epricu, Amalgamated Paint Co. Freep C. Océ, J & Es. Wilson, Ltd: and Epwarp S. Townsenp, Vaughn Stevedoring Co., Inc., have been elected members of the Maritime association, New York. kk W. Lestice Comyn is~ president of WL. Comyn & Co., San drancisco, re- cently incorporated, which is to act as agent for both the Pacific Motorship Co, and the Paciftc Freighters. Co. --R. J. Rinewoop is president of the Pacific Motorship Co. and the Pacific Freighters Co. te Victor T. Noonan, formerly safety en- gineer at the Fore River, Mass., plant of the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., has become a public consulting engineer on accident prevention in. industry. ES * ok Capt. CLARENCE C. Drcxer, Southport, Me., has been given command of the 10,000-ton liner PowHatan, ex-HAMBURG. The appointment was made by the United States shipping board. Captain Decker has had long experience in coast- wise shipping. ee Maj. Gen. Witttram M. Brack, who retired from the. army last October, has resigned as an advisory engineer with the shipping board because of the ruling by the treasury department. that the board cannot pay the expenses of retired army and navy officers serving with it. General Black was formerly in charge of the engineers' corps of the war department. + ks Rear Admiral Samuet S. RogBinson, commandant of the Charlestown navy yard, Charlestown, Mass., is one of the nine officers of that rank to receive a 414 permanent promotion. The others are Jostan S. McKean, Newton A. Me. Curty, Anprew T. Lone, Tuomas WasuincTon, Guy H. Burrace, Asuiey H. Ropertson, Cuartes F. Hucues and Henry A. Wirey. Rear Admiral Wash- ington is the present chief of opera- tions. President Wilson approved the promotions on May 23. * * * Henry Wricut, who as gunner on the flagship Hartrorp helped lash Admiral Farragut to the mast of his ship in the battle of Mobile bay, recently died in Springfield, Mass. He was 74 years old, having joined the navy when only 16 years of age. ek & GEORGE POWELL, president of the Oregon-Pacific Co. has been appointed Portland, Oreg., agent for the Toyo Kisen Kaisha, a powerful Japanese line which has inaugurated service between Portland and Japan. ey Capt. Frank E. Ferris has been ap- pointed special commissioner of the United States shipping board and _ the Emergency Fleet corporation with head- quarters at 8 Grosvenor Gardens, Lon- Go, ng in place of "Capt Eo © Tobey resigned. 4 oe Witt1AM H. Easron, of the depart- ment of publicity of the Westinghouse: Electric & Mfg. Co. has been placed in charge of the publicity work of that ccmpany's marine department. ok 8 Lynn R. Rurrer has been appointed assistant director of operations in charge of personnel, of the. shipping board, suc- ceeding George Eggers, resigned. Mr. Rutter is a graduate of Princeton uni- versity and Northwestern University of Law. During the war he was a licu- tenant commander in the navy. x Ok ArtHur Brys, head of the Lloyd Royal Belge, has been elected senator from the Antwerp district over the so- cialist candidate and party leader. This event is regarded in Belgium as an in- dication that radicalism is on the decline in Europe. The Lloyd Royal Belge, the largest steamship line in Belgium, has grown from less than 10 vessels at the signing of the armistice to 84 under the management of M. Brys.