----_-_-- OO Marine Business Statistics Condensed Volume of Shipbuilding On June 1, 1920, private American shipyards were building or under contract to build for private ship- owners 345 steel vessels of 1,360,643 gross tons, compared with 348 steel vessels of 1,391,341 gross tons on May 1, 1920, the first decline since July, 1919. These figures do not in- clude government ships building or contracted for by the United States shipping board out of money voted by congress. Accompanying is a sum- mary of reports of shipyards to the bureau of navigation, department of commerce, showing the number and gross tonnage of steel ships under construction or contract for private owners on June 1, 1920, particulars of new contracts entered into during May, 1920° and the particulars «of new steel vessels for private owners launched in May. ------ June Ore Shipments Shipments of iron ore from the Lake Superior district in June aggre- gated 9,233,566 tons, a creditable showing considering the retarding in- fluence of transportation delays. In June, 1918, shipments totaled 7,980,- 839 tons. Detailed figures follow: June To July 1, Port 1920 1920 Pe ys, "1,147,186 1,942,809 Pees 553,367 928,403 Pe ee: 1,299,820 2,312,869 RU 2,256,250 4,445,496 WU ae 2,528,446 4,216,685 TO CHa a 1,448,547 2,594,243 otal Resi La wee se 9,233,566 16,440,505 1920 increase ........ 1252 72% 432,086 June Lake Levels The United States lake survey re- Ports the monthly mean stages of the Great Lakes for the month of June, 1920, as follows: Lakes Feet above mean sea _ level Supeel May June Michi ee ee, 602.40 602.75 Caheae Le 580.73 580.86 Erie Be. 575.24 575.42 Ma 572.31 572.49 ee ae. 245.60 245.56 ee Superior js 0.35 foot higher " Year ago, 0.49 foot above the aver- - Stage of June of the last 10 years, foot below the high stage of ' 916, and 1.5] feet above the que of June, 1879. on Nichigan-Huron are 0.13 foot oe % an last month, 0.62 foot time as . a year ago, exactly the the tes i. average stage of June of years, 2.74 feet. below the June, an last month, 0.31 foot higher than Ship Orders Held by American Yards : Companies No. Gross tons American Bridge Co., Ambridge, Pa.) 70 88,765 simcrican "Shipbuilding Co, Clevelaid, 0.00 .(0 10) 2 12 48.000 Baltimore Dry Docks & Shipbuilding" Co., Baltimore... 1.0. 1 7,367 Bath Iron Works, Bath, Me.) vie ie oo ae? i 6,25 Bethlehem' Shipbuilding 'Corp. (Ltd): 7 1) Ose ee aa, au Fore River Plant, Quincy, Mass... 002 7 54,520 Harlan | Plant, Wiimington, "Deli. 03700) 0 ee 4 23.00 Moore Plant, Muiaabeth, Ndi) 000 5 2850 Sparrows Point Plant, Sparrows Point, Md op ye ue ea 6 : 48.700 Union Plant, Gan: Wranclsco os oi) a ee cee 7 49,050 Brunswick Marine Construction Corp., Brunswiek;; Gio) eee oe 1 1,000 fhickasaw Shipbuilding & Cer Co, Mobile, Mn, et ae 13 84,100 Clinton Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Philadelplita (Ge 6 4,000 Consolidated Shipbuilding Corp., Morris Helge: No OY eu 1 : Downey Shipbuilding Co. Nea Be Me me dns eco ce mee a ia Federal" Shipbuilding Cs, Newark, "Nod teste ca oa " 12,000 George A. Fuller Co., Wilmington, N. Core ee a a a 4 eRe George Lawley & ded Cork. Neponset, Mang ge ieee ae 5 ,800 Great Lakes Engineering Works, Ecorse, Mich oe Oe eet ree en i ia ee alone. Greenp ort Shipbuilding Co. : Greenport, N. Y eo heels Ge ee Herreshoff Mfg. Co., Bristol, R. Ce PEE Re es ie 2 584 International Shipbuilding Co., Pascagoula, Miss... 50 ee EG ie i a0B James Rees & Sons Co., Pittsburgh: 2626. 8503) ee 1 cone Johnson Iron Works, Morgan, New Orleans) Py Ve ee aL 200 Kvle & Purdy Cine.) "City Island; NUOY, 6 ee es 2; 710 Long Reich Shipbuilding €o.,. Hong' Beach, Gale (4 2 1,340 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co., Manitowoc, Wik fe oe 2 3,300 MeDovgall-Duluth « Co., | Dullith ics 4 9,400 Merchant Shipbuilding" Corp., Chester, Pa... 7) 18 118,900 Moore Shiobuilding Co., Oakland) Ga... i 9 69,300 National "Shipbuilding Cor.; (Violet, Da iae 2 1,250 Newburgh Shipyards _ (Inc.), Newburgh, N, Vie a ee eS wee 5 18,000 New Jersey Dry Dock Co., Elizabeth, N. Sip eevee eee eae ole ee 2 "730 Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Cou, Newport, News) Valo... 4 48,800 New York Harbor Dry Dock Corv., Port Jefferson, N. NE ea lee ee ee 1 '700 New York Shipbuilding Corp., Camden, eon Mises ies Wa wees bee eG Ge ewes 7 50,800 Northwest Bridge. & . fron: Coy, Pordand, rege. 3, 7 59,150 Sacer Vanlels. Oo. Mamipay MI ee 2 16.000 Pacific Coast Shipbuilding (Co., San BYanciseie sca aoe ee 2 '1,150 Pusey. &., Jones, Wilminition,: DG. ese ro ccc) i 3 4.300 Schaw-Batcher. Pipe (Co., South Bans cWrameitos ace et aa 2 16,000 Seattle Dry, Dock Co. Alaa), Beatie i a "438 Southwestern Shipbuilding Co. San Pedtoy Cal 20 og, 2 325k? Standard» Shipbulliing. "Corp, New Varo. oc. a 2 2,800 Standard Shipbuilding Co., Shooters Usland;)) Ne Yo Oe ee 4 22,400 G. M. Standifer Construction Corp... Vancouver, - Washi... 6 i 6 43,032 Staten Island Shipbuilding Co., Port Richmond; No yin es a ee aes 4 8,750 Submarine Boat Corp, Newark oN. Oc. 35 110,615 - Sun Shipbuilding : Co.) 7" Chester, Pa vie. be 20 145,790 Tank Shipbuilding Corp., | Newburgh, Nu Weng 5 5 3,010 Texas Steamship Uo, Bath, « Meginc.ics. ee ee i 28,750 Todd Dry Dock & Construction Corp., Tacoma, Washi cca te 2 9,600 Union' Construction = 0.7-""Oakland, © Uale.0,...0,/(0 6 4 21,502 Union» Shipbuilding) Co., Baltimore 2.42.2... 2 Leora. eee 2 3,780 William Cramp & Sons' Ship & Engino Building Co., Philadelphia.........6...... 2 5,906 Total) cose helene Piece eee un ee ce 845 1,360,643 New Ship Orders Gross Probable Vessel tonnage Owner Trade date of launch Submarine oe ce Newark, N. J. ves- ; : sels" (a). css es 180 Builder's account ..... setae es +» Freight - June and July, 1920 Sun ee ree i at 0. ; a) eee 6,600 Benham & Boyesen (Inc.)........ Bako ce, Le bas Tank aie | cs : No ra bie ees 6 1,000 Sunset Fuel Oil Co........ Were tet - Bulk oil September, 1920. (a) Each, (b) Speed 11 knots, Recent Ship Launchings Gross Vessel tonnage Owner Trade American Bete Oh A oh coe 0 Bulk oil Cenat e 364 Camegie Steel (0.........00ssseersseees bis Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Spar- ore Oe 3 6010 Yocum. 02 Co, oh... .45-)-% Fesiee laa Bulk oil Rochester = «.- eee eee eee oe Here tot Ate, Co: Bal Eh 196 Carl "Tucker <6 occ ccs ces egal (eee eats Yacht Ohonkara ..-.- eee eee e eee oe National Shipbuilding Corp., Vio- : : ; ape e 'on 721 Pan-American Petroleum & Transportation Co..Bulk oil | expet LUD «eercee en eee * : G. M. Standifer Construction Corp., ek Mince 6,094 Green Star Steamship Corp...........- +. Cargo qua eoeevconeooe see s . , Texas Steamship Co., Bath, Me.: ilder's « account ....+--i +. to ae eneek ae BUR On Occidental ie a ao 6,727 Builder's account a i Bros., Superior, a ilder's account ....... seeeeeee sc eeeeeeee LOWINE ye villiam A. Whitney (a)....- . 158 Builder's account .. (a) Speed 10 knots; (b) 11% knots. 461