September, 1920 age voyage of 30 days' round trip and we find it would require 335 ships of this size, or twice the world's present total' oil tonnage, to transport the hep oil of the--Tampico district of Mexico alone. When it is remem- pered that this district represents less than 1 per cent of the total production, we need have no fear of the fuel oil supply for the future gen- eration being assured and, in fact, the present potential production the Tampico field alone is now 18 per cent world's of © International Piln Service OIL TRANSFER of the total coal production of Great Britain. The entire situation is; at the Present time dominated by the number of oil tank steamers obtainable for the transportation of the oil to the mar- kets of the world, the particular situa- ton being that the markets are ready '0 accept the oil as the ideal fuel, the oy Tequirements being: lL. A guaranteed supply of oil at the 'erminal plants, . = ee Price that readily com- D . with the price of ccal, the pur- a. inclined {to pay.-a little its aa. oil in consideration of ees. ss both for marine "Both e tor land installations. €se conditions are being met, the frst by the larger oil companies THE MARINE REVIEW offering contracts of from.5 to 20-year periods, and the second by these con- tracts being made to compare favorably with the price of coal." Fuel oil, of course, is not now oh- tained in Europe, but it is planned by the transatlantic liners to bunker all their oil 'in the port of New York sufficient being taken aboard for the round trip. Diz Ps Plans already drawn for recondition- ing the LeviatHAN, the largest mer- chant ship ever built, and which will 493 the double sides suitable for carrying oil from bulkhead No. 224 to No. 245 up to "J" deck and from bulkhead No. 445 to No. 270 up to "K" deck. The double botton:s from frame No. 173 to No. 269 will be fitted for oil, and new settling tanks will be installed abreast ot the boiler rooms. All the present coal perts and trunks will be retained. Where the coal trunks enter the oil bunkers the opening will be closed by an oil tight patch plate. Each fireroom of six boilers will be arranged as a PUMPS FOR PASSING OIL FROM BUNKERS TO SETTLING TANKS fly the flag of the United States, call for converting this ship into an oil burner also. The actual adoption of such plans, very naturally, is dependent 'upon the final disposition the shipping board makes of this vessel. The Ger- mans had 141 stations in the engine room of this ship when she was first placed in service. After being taken over by the government as a transport, the navy carried a crew of 2200 men on her, but that was unusually large because she was then being operated under special precautions growing out of war conditions. fo reduce her engine room staff by 70 per cent would be a tremendous saving. The plans for converting the LrviaA- 'HAN to an oil burner call for making separate unit. On each side, port and starboard, of each boiler room in the space formerly occupied by the coal bunkers will be built service tanks. These tanks will each have a capacity of 65 tons of -fuel oil. Mechanical atomizing burners will be adjusted to the boilers, and an improved transicr system will be provided for handling the fuel oil. The United States shipping board has allocated the steel steamer NEw ORLEANS, constructed by the Doullut & Williams Shipbuilding Co. at New Orleans, to the J. H. W. Steele Co., of the Louisiana port. NEw ORLEANS is of 9600 tons and will be used in European trade.