September, 1920 512 THE MARINE REVIEW of Weather Deck _ | a ie = so -- at Floor oor Levelot Engine Room I a Ze Stee! Bio In fween Deck e From s. eee Ship. ae Qsing Te seca " ted ar Clearance tA/s Frame. RH | Side. L. Por, Bd. on e About 2~+0" Passage Mood Bhd / Skylight CPL nange ledder S0QS Torun Alh wort Shy; Hatch WT. Deckar. J/des of Engine. 0/1 Tanks P&S. Each Lub O11 Tank 36 This Pillar tobe O// Tan Lach about 3655 || |obout 6865 Gals or 163.5 Ga/s. or 86.5815 || |BLL5 OF/7./6 Tons Removed %A 4072 One foPort2 One Ster Each about 1000 Gal. or. 9.09 Tons ee tihng WT BHo fol. A Pillare '5 Station be removed Fresh Water Te '& Each Mau eee als About 2-0"Fassage Between Hs : New Deck Plating FR."l2 to FR* 30 el les es Ce I ingdrames Steel WT. bey ol eres, BHOsS Oe ae eg 7wo Engines One RH. Oe FH i i ine Room Section at Frame 74 Section on € in way of Engine Ro pooeing: Are Quarter Deck Line = \ \ \ 7>.1 \ \ v WL. at Engine Platform = a aes vv s> t - tir (eee ou | ' | £ = '" * a ak 5 Air Bottles ' He ie eee tent ' aa Pepe eee vUELu \ ' ieee es a rey Air Compressor ir Compressor Engine 1 v Ae MTT iT Up thy ey eet clighanet tt ut OB.O1/ Serv, tor) Shy Light O11 Tanks Foro. OH Tanks P&S One to Port & One ro Lach about 3665 Gals. Or 22.370NS , \ JS/7ar Bd. Removed, Each ebour or /6. from each +l" Bie O. i OGa/. Lub.0/1 J7orage \ \ \ Re. ee wde JI Bladed Pr ENGINE ROOM ARRANGEMENT FOR SINGLE AND TWIN SCREW INSTALLATIONS