Marine News in a Personal Way Intimate Gossip About What Leaders in the Maritime World Are Doing ed general passenger agent of the United States Mail Steamship Co, New York. He has been iden- tifed both in. this country and in Europe for the past 20 years with the Cunard line and is one of the best known passenger men in the steam- ship business. Ok. ak J B. KENNEDY has been appoint- James E.. Scorr has been appointed commercial freight agent for the United Fruit Co., at New Orleans. Oe ae A. K. ARMSTRONG, for some time asso- ciated with the government's forest service and the Forest Products Labora- tory and previously in charge of wood ship construction as assistant to the chief surveyor of the American Bureau of Shipping, a specialist on the treatment and handling of wood and its products, has opened an office as timber engineer at 30 Church street, New York. Oe Bric, .GEN, FRANK JT.. Hines, for- merly chief. of the inland waterways and head of the army transport serv- ice, has resigned his command to be- come vice president and director of operations for the Baltic Steamship Co, New York. He will have sole charge of the company's fleet. * 2K xk Detmar G. Ross who recently resigned as engineer of Hare's Motors, Inc., Bridgeport, Conn., is now associated with Gaston, Williams & Wigmore, Inc, New York. ce OO * Harry B. Sxmrman, who conducts the page "Late Decisions in Maritime Law" in the Martne Review, is the editor of a new edition of internal tevenue laws which has just been is- sued by the treasury department. The Volume, which comprises 1035 pages, contains the income, excess profits, cap- tal stock, estate, transportation and other internal tax laws now in force, and is annotated and indexed. Mr. Skillman has been connected with the bureau of internal revenue for the past wo and a half years_as a_ special 'ltorney in the office of the solicitor. * kk Ciartes STEWART, manager of the matd Steamship Co. Boston, and 'try L. Porter, manager Furness, Withy: 625Co. Boston, were elected honorary members at the recent meeting of the Boston Marine society. Capt. Fred , 2; Tabeling of the steamer SABOTAWAN, Capt. Forrest C. Small of the steamer Lake YEMASSE and Capt. Charles T. Show of the steamer Nortu LaNnpD were elected members of the or- ganization. k * 2 Josrra $. Sruin ja. formerly general superintendent, Pusey & Jones Co. J. B. KENNEDY Gloucester, N. J., has been appointed assistant manager of ship construction, shipyards, and drydocks of the United States shipping board. + ek H.- F. Dorceron, formerly with Christoffer Hannevig, Inc, and _ the French-American line, New York, is now cargo agent of the Bulk Freight Steamship Co., Hoboken, N. J. so koe F. R Wapieich was tecently ap- pointed export sales manager of Weston, Dodson & Co., Inc., New York. <2 Ko * 'Bay_y Hirxins has resigned as vice president and Pacific coast manager of the Foundation Co., New York. His future plans are not announced. As coast manager for the Foundation com- pany, Mr. Hipkins had charge of all 515 its general contracting work, shipbuild- ing, and other activities in the west. eo & A R. H. Cooper, formerly assistant to the district director of the division of operations of the shipping 'board, San Francisco, has been appointed vice presi- dent of the Export Transportation Co., which _ recently reorganized. He suc- ceeds Robert Ramsay. W. 'F. Taytor formerly assistant- director at Washing- ton is president. cee Cart. Pusrav_ recently resigned. from the Triangle Steamship Corp. and has joined the Susquehanna Steamship Co., owned by J. & F, Auditore & Co., New York. oe ee Cot. Grorce VAN Orpen has recently assumed command of the marine corps. at the Charlestown navy yard, Charles- town, Mass., to succeed Col. Melville J. Shaw. RO Lieut. Com. Wittiam L. Deyo has recently been appointed aide to Rear Admiral Samuel B. Robison, command- ant of the Charlestown navy yard, Charlestown, Mass. He was formerly in command of the destroyer Morris. xs om Freperick T. D. Cook of the Interna- tional Mercantile Marine passenger depart- ment at Boston has been appointed southern passenger manager of the com- pany with headquarters at New Orleans, to succeed E. E. Provost who has re- tired. Mr. Cook has been affiliated with the Boston office for the past 21 years. + ey 8 GrorGE DeENCKER, formerly with the freight department of the Federal line, is now traffic manager of the French- American, lind, New York. eo Oe E. V. Vacuon has been appointed gen- eral manager of the Pacific Union, re- cently organized at Portland, Oreg., to engage in a general import and export business. ; ok OM Davi C. Younc has been placed at the head of the recently established Seattle branch office of the firm of Martin & Gardner, New York. Mr. Young was formerly general manager of the Hanlon Drydock & Construction Co. San Francisco and Oakland, Cal.