Equipment Used Afloat, Ashore Simplifies Drive In Radial Drill--Pipe Strainer EVERAL radical changes from ma- chine tool design have been made * in a new line of radial drills re- .cently placed on the market by the Niles-Bement-Pond Co., 111 Broadway, New York. As shown in the accom- panying illustrations, the most distinc- tive feature is the patented double celumn which adds to the general rigidity of the machine and permits the drive to be so simplified that a higher per- centage of the horsepower is delivered at the spindle. The column is a_ single casting formed of two box section mem- bers cast integral at the top and bottom, the arm saddle being mounted between them. The motor is mounted on the back of the arm saddle and drives the spindle through a single horizontal shaft running between the column members, thus eliminating a number of the usual driving gears and shafts. The arm is easy to swing, the entire weight of the arm and column being supported on ball bearings at the bot- tom of the column, while side thrust is taken on roller bearings. By means of a motor-operated de- vice the column can be instant- ly clamped rigidly to the ped- estal. An operating switch is placed on the drill head FIG. 1--END VIEW OF DRILL LOOKING THROUGH and a lever for hand clamping is provid- ed on base. The electric clamp is operat- ed by a small motor through a worm wheel and nut and is self-adjusting, wear being taken up automatically. As this clamp is operated by electricity instead of air, it uses the same source of power as the driving motor. Therefore, when installing these machines, no considera- tion: need be given to a compressed air supply. To give proper resistance to the drill- ing pressure, the arm is of a new section. The most important features are an upper narrow guide for the saddle and the lower bearing set in a plane back of the front surface. This construction brings the driving shaft closer to the spindle and gives a greater depth from the front to the back of the arm, the result being a stiff arm. The arm is raised and lowered by power from the driving motor operat- ing through the stationary elevating screw and a revolving nut in the arm saddle. Starting is ac- complished by _ en- gaging the clutch lever located on the driv- ing gear box and = stop- ping by the controller handle on' the drill head. To prevent engaging the elevating mechanism while the arm js clamped or vice versa, the two me- chanisms are interlocking. Safety stops guard against overtravel. A most important advantage of the double column construction is that the drive can be made so that only four gears and one double-faced pinion are required from the motor to the spindle. Fig. 4 shows a diagram of the drive. A motor control lever is carried on the head. Eight positive geared feeds are secured by setting a disk showing the feed for each position. The feed change gears, which are entirely en- closed and run in oil, may be removed aS a unit, [his machine' is built 1 several sizes to meet various specifica- tions. The Newburgh bureh, N= Y., steel fabricating shop. It will be a 2-story building of more than double the floor space of the present shop. The shop will be 360 feet long and 120 feet wide, divided longitudinally into two bays. The second floor is to be used as a mold loft with offices at one end. The new building will be con- Shipyards, Inc., New- DOUBLE COLUMN FIG. 2--FIVE-FOOT PLAIN RADIAL DRILL FIG. 3 (INSET)--ELECTRIC COLUMN CLAMP OPERATED BY SMALL MOTOR 528 is planning to erect a. a as