November, 1920 THE MARINE REVIEW 581 Pe Ocean Freight Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated New York C to Grain Provisions ap} Flour an ie mae ie Mee Vien Liverpool... .. $0. 50 $1.00 $1.80 a ee cities Boadon.-. 5. 050 100 eh ae o at $10:00'T = 4 Christiania..... 0.80 1.10 2.00 1.00 0.70 1150 1200 eae Copenhagen... 0.80 1 AO 2.00 1.00 0.70 1.50 ee $14.50 T Hamburg... 0.55 0.85 1.25 0.65 0.60 ie oe Bremen....... 0,55 0.85 125 0.65 0.60 13.00 T : : 1.20 - 10.00T* > 135007 Rovierdam..-. 0.52 0.85 1.25 0.65 0.50 1.00 12.00 T Antwerp...... 0.50 0.85 1.25 0.65 0.50 100 8.00T il s0T foc... 0.50 0.65 1.0714 0.70 0.60 125 600T --12.00T Bordeaux... 0.50 0.65 1.0714 0.70 0.60 1.25 8.00T 12.00T Barcelona ieee 0. 7 30.00 T 1.75 30.00 'T --30.00 ps 18.00 Es nee 50 T eben 0.75 30.00T 175 30 08 # 230 00 1-> 18.00T 13.00T Marseilles... 0.75 1.25. 190 1.25" O70 8 4 oh ip Goa... 0.65 1.10 1.00 1.00 0.65 120 400T 14.50T Pic. 0.65 1.10 1.00 1.00 0.65 1.20. 14.00% 744 eae Constantinople. 18.00T 28.00T .... 18.00T ° --9800T-- ig 007 4 gor Alexandria... 140 1.5244 1800T 0.62 119 @ 0p (eee Algiers........ 0.65 1.75 1. © 20.00T 0.87144 1564 1007 age Per 23.00 T- 23.007 a 23.00 T 93. 00 1 20.00 T Capetown..... 30.00T 27.00T 30.00 T 27 00 b= 20,00T Puenos rcs... os ae ek ee --20.00 T--} 12,00 FR 15, 00-8 Rio de.) aneiro.. = 2. oe a vie --22.50 T--t 16.50 17 1560-1 Permambuco 2. aoe, oS eS --23..50 T--t 17.50 Tp 2 16,00 © aie. 0.55" 6 63% 3S 0.55* 0:75" 0.94" 0.71% 6.50, Valparaiso..... 1.25 1.25 1.16 1.16 0.70 1.25 2 18 00T San Francisco.. oie 2.25 sek 1x0 oe oes 1.00 = 2300 Sydney....... ce ee -- i. 925.00 to. 30.00 1b 00 ee T--Ton. fLanded. {Heavy products limited in length. *Extra charge for wharfage. from North Pacific. . Lumber From North Pacific Lumber Ports to Per Mo i. Ports to ve Per Me at; San Brancisco 2.3 $ 8.50 Peru-Chile fie 0 ee vee a) ele ales page gee 4 $30.00 Beith California ... 200. 9.50 to 10.00 ae ATTICA os even ge tas we eee ee - Ube 6. ee .00 to 23. oe ako Oe nel Kinglo 60.00 Pie 30.00 United enedom (tes) = a5 oe Melb A delaid 32.50 POW AOU Go oes os ae 24.00 pea : ee 17.50 -- New. Votk: (ties) 0460. 22.50 PPOUS Brom! Noth Pavife Sarge From North Pacific Flour and Wheat Ports to Per Ton Ports to Per Ton... Oriental: ports <:4:252 7... | $11.00 Oieital ports... eu ey From North Pacific Cotton Cored Kinedom .. 1.7, 2.12.8, 23.00 ports to Per Tou Bee oe a, 23.00 Oriental: ports 32745055, - $20.00 to 25.00 Principal Rates to and From United Kingdom . d s d Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom..... 80 0. Tron ore, Bilboa to Middlesborough. tenes 18 0 Coal, South Wales to the Near East...... 45 0 General British market, six months time : Soa Prauce 2.5). cece 25 0 charters, per ton per month............ Is 0 : British Shipping Market Has Better Tone (From Our European Manager) London, Oct. 10--(By cable)--Time charters Coal vessels to Italy are ce nie show improvement. South Wales coal shipping charge of 1000 tons a fe More active on account' of temporary strike reliei. against port oo cane Australian grain shippers find difficulty in attract- celling some shipbut ing ee Ing sufficient vessels to Australia in ballast. Far mens union has rejec a ve _-- astern inquiry better with outward cargoes scarce. vote motion for governme s