$l Marine Business Statistics Condensed ----=--= Sn Canal Report Freight movement through the Soo canal in April, 1921 shows a gain of 419,922 tons over the opening month in 1920, when the total freight was 537,209 tons. The April, 1921 freight movement was 957,131 tons. Compari- son of tonnage figures for the past seven years follow: April, 921 sic esc buen e ee 957,131 April, 19200 ie ee ee 537,209 Apetl, 191988. tock ooo. ices Gey meee eee 2,373,163 Worl, 1918. 2.6. sn ee 422,489 Aprils 1907 ect 0a Oe re eee ie 258,290 Nopril, 1916... Oo See ea 2,215,362 April, 1915-0. cs kes eee ee 1,434,735 Figures in detail for 1921 and 1920 are: EASTBOUND To May 1, To May 1, 1921 1920 Lumber, Mi ft. <B. M. 4 Sees 2,050 Hour: barrels. ssc... 54,540 Sa Wheat; bushels . 3... 0.0232. 8,592,826 4,274,611 Grain, bushels: 25530 7,418,708 6,008,000 Copper, net tons... 2.2334. 145 Gees Tvon ore, net "tons 63... 2 95,328 162,630 Hig: iron, tet. tons. ...645 Orie See Stone, net tons. <7... ace. cee Oe General merchandise, net tons 1,457 545 Passengers, number ....... seme aes WESTBOUND Coal\ soft: net tons.c.25.. 3, 259,288 50,831 Coal, hard, net tons.....:.. 109,719 10,000 Ifon ore, net tons....... = ee Ses Mftd. iron and steel, net tons 1,296 Salt; tet: fons, 32. .552..... 3,045 Oily net tons: 8 52,526 25h Dione, met tons. oh. 2s cae 6,247 General merchandise, net tons 12,799 15,405 Passengers, number ...... 5 sae SUMMARY Vessel passages, number.... 370 232 Registered tonnage, net.... 639,502 613,325 Freight-- Eastbound, net tons...... 518,458 454,726 Westbound, 'net tons.... 438,673 82,483 Total freight, net tons.. 957,131 537,209 Ore on Dock May 1 Slackened demand during the past winter made the movement of iron Cre from Lake Erie docks to interior furnaces unusually light. The result is that the balance on dock May 1 this year is easily the highest on rec- ord. At the opening of navigation this year, these docks held 8,089,216 gross tons. This compares with 6,192,101 gross tons a year ago, an increase of 1,897,115 gross tons. The Previous record balance was set on May 1, 1911, when Lake Erie docks held 6,778,494 gross tons. On May 1, 1919, the balance was 5,681,085 gross tons; and on May 1, 1918, was 5,622,- 019 8Toss_ tons. The large balance carried over into the 1921 navigation season coupled with the present small demand from the iron and steel industry has brought about an unusually light call for transportation of ore during the early part of the navigation season. Statistics gathered by Marine ReE- VIEW from various dock managers at Lake Erie ports show that the total rail shipments from Lake Erie ports to furnaces during the winter season from Dec. 1, '1920 to May 1, 1921, were 2,841,638 gross tons. Winter shipments during 1919-20 were 4,264,- 213 gross tons. Last winter ship- ments were: Tons On dock Lake Erie ports, Dec. 1, 1920 10,930,854 On7dock May, 19213577 8,089,216 2,841,638 The amount of ore shipped to fur- naces during the 1920 navigation sea- son was 41,651,241 gross tons which, added to the winter shipments, gives a total of 44,492,879 gross tons of ore forwarded to furnaces over these docks in the year ended May 1, 1921. This total compares with 36,912,569 gross tons moved in the corresponding period ended May 1, 1920; 48,123,949 tons in the year ended May 1, 1919; 47,963,072 tons in the year ended May 1, 1918, and 50,378,445 tons in the year ended May 1, 1917. Port records are: = By rail to furnaces, winter of 1920-21 Gross tons May 1, Dec. 1, Port 1921 1920 Butialo: .25 rc oe Ss 403,242 440,749 ieee SoNigie Giavauons ota wreeuakeouts aa : ee ec ee 1 ,059, ace Pie 2/883,003 3,552,503 BaInpOLt ie G00 «eos Gas oe 329,987 498,704 Cleveland. 2... sss. 1:547,3337 1,791,921 WGOTain sae es Iie ease 626,084 1,143,515 nablidor 48 ere en 631,940 733,297 Toledo? cewek oh secre oe 320,975 336,609 MOtals secis oes dec ches vies 8,089,216 10,930,854 Theodore A. Crane's Sons Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y., has just launched the second section of its new 12,000-ton drydock. The cost of the new drydock will amount to $1,000,000. It is a floating drydock constructed of Georgia pine throughout. "Two more sections are to be launched. When completed this will be the third largest pontoon dock in the port of New York. The Crane company has recently purchased adjacent property which will make it the fourth largest repair yard in the port of New York. The Tampa, the first of four 240-foot electrically propelled cutters to be built for the United States government, was launched by the Union Construction Co., Oakland, Cal. The Tampa has a dis- placement of 1600 tons and is 39 feet beam, 14 feet draft and capable of 16 knots. 267 April Ore Shipments Ore shipments on the Great Lakes, which started with the opening of mavigation in April are light. The | slump in the iron and steel industry has retarded the demand for iron ore and has held back shipping orders. As a result, many of the bulk freighters are not being sent up for cargo. Ore shipments during April follow: Gross tons Port April, '21 April, '20 Escanaba -..c.cuecusesecie 6 Marquette. 065 vis0sde ise Ashland 91490 ee ee erste oe yh ee eee 111,848 205,586 WIUTOS Soe ii ii oe aie 27,431 255 Two Harbors". 73) 27,78 hoi Total 5 ete 176,211 230,854 1921 dectease 2, 5.5.53... 54,643 Lake Erie Receipts Out "of a total' of 176211 tone shipped from upper lake ports in April, Lake Erie ports received 35,- 366 tons as shown by figures com- piled by Marine Review. The _ bal- ance on dock May 1 was 8,089,216 tons compared with 6,192,101 tons on May 1, 1920. Detailed figures are: Port Gross tons 00.0.8 0 9/00 0.8 6.6, 6 Ole. 6.0106 06 68 60 6 e.5 8 Conneaut Ashtabula Fairport Cleveland Lorain Huron Toledo . Detroit Cee meee wee eer ere ee eee esesee Ce ee ee ee ee Cem eee eee mem wwe ree eees ee eee O90 0 6 e O00 600 6 0 6 6 66h 16 6 We 6 we 8 er ee Lake Michigan Receipts Receipts of ore at Lake Michigan ports in April were 30,965 gross tons as shown in the following record by ports : Port South Chicago, Tll.............++50-- East Jordan, Mich............+.+++0+ Boyne City; Mich.) 3... oss 0e esse Milwaukee 24 17.6023 ee Indiana Harbor, Ind Gary, Ind. Gross tons 9,906 Pare ee ee ee ee 30,965 O08 06 6 0 00 0 8 4.68 0008 6 #6 806 :8) 6 64 # Rinek Cordage Co. has just been awarded a contract for 1,000,000 pounds of rope by the shipping board. This company has opened an office at 149 Broadway, New York. The West Faraton, second of the 11,500-ton steel freighters to be built by the Los Angeles Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. for the Emergency Fleet cor- poration, was launched at San Pedro, Cal., April 19.