June, 1921 MARINE REVik Ww 285 Ocean Freight Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated Corrected to May 5, 1921 Nee Vet Cots S Coal from From North Pacific 3 Grain Provisions. (HD) Flour ea fe" 10Gibs, hone? Vitginia soo per tt Liverpool........ 80.284 $0.75 80.5734 80.3314 $0.45 $0.85 $8.00 a London «200... 0:28%4 0.75 0.5754 0.3354 0.48 je or South cola * 00 eee 1.00 10.00T $6.00T Hawaiian Islands... 15.00 Copenhagen 3 0.30 O50: 670% 055. G6: 295 "soar eae w Zalane Hamburg........ 0.24 0.55 0.50 0.29 0.45 -0.821¢ 9.007 . §.50T Say pene A Bremen... 0.24 0.55 050° 0.99. 0.45 | 0.89912 9'ooT: For MelbourieRdcinide sae Rotterdam. ..... 0.25 0.50 0.45 0.30 0.40. 075 8.00T 5.00T Oriental-ports -. 10:00 Antwerp........ 0.2134 0.50 0.45 0.264% 0.40 0.75 8.00T 5.00T Peru-Chile,.. 2. 01, 20.00 Havie = 5s 0.20 0.40 0.45 0.25 0.25, 70°50 6.00T 5.50T South Africa......... 27/00 to 30.00 Bordeaux........ 0.20 0.40 0.45 0.25 @.25 0.50 6.00T 5.50T Cuba 0.25. 90 ee Barcelona....... 0.30 Lz 5) 0.75 0.65 --20.00T-- 16.00T 6.257 United-Kingdom..... 200s bisbon=.: 4.6 0.30 1.25 0.75: 0.65 --20.00T-- 16.00T 6.00T United Kingdom (ties) 150s Marseilles....... 0.30 0.75 0.75 0.40 --22.00T-- 122008 6.255 New York. ..2 2.2), 20.00 Gtnoass ns 0.25 0.75 0.50 0.65 0.50 1.00 9.00T G.25T New York (ties)...... 18.00 Naples... 0.25 Pee 0.50 0.65 (50 1.00 9. 00T = 6.357 : onstantinople.. . ; ; ; ; --22. : Resides 0.35 1800T 35) ge or ste oer Sao eos: Algiers 24025 0.35 25.00T es 0.40 --25.00T-- 12-00T. 26.257 Oriental ports........ $ 7.00T Dakar. sxe aa 23.00T cee 23.00T --23.00T-- 20.00T gees United Kingdom..... 60 to 65 sT Capetown. .... 2... 27.00T 27.00T 27.00T 30.00T --27.00T-- 20.00T PS Scandinavia... <2. 2, 60 to 65 sT Buenos Aires... 2-3 eas aan bene --20.00T--t 12.00T 5..50T Mediterranean....... 63 to 65 sT ne de jane ay eee Coke ce tee 16 OT oe ernambuco..... eae cree RAS --23. -- --5OF AS Havana. 0.46* 0.50* 0.46* 0.47* 0.94 0.46344 2 OOT sais Vera Cruz... i. os 0.70 oS 0.75 0.521% 1.05 0.66 ey Oriental ports... ..... $ 5.88T Valparaiso....... 1.25 1.16 1.00 0.74 132 16:00 5.50T San Francisco... . 0.75 NEOs 0.85 I rere 0.75 cae Cotton prey Beets eee ee Oo eat oe eee ae aleuttac:, 235 ee ; ook helenae --21. -- ; ok Oriental te ee i T--ton. tLanded. ttHeavy products limited in length. *Extra charge for wharfage. oe ei Principal Rates To and From United Kingdom : 8. od sid Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom..:.......... 52256 Iron ore, Bilboa to Middlesborough.....................00. 7326 Coal, South Wales to Near East (nominal)................ 20. 0 General British market, six months time charters, per ton per Coal, Newcastle to France (nominal);?...,..-5- a. 726 MONCD 0c ees. ee ee Bunke r Price Ss At New York At Philadelphia Coal Fuel oil Diesel oil Fuel oil Diesel oil alongside 16 baume gravity 27 Coal 16 baume gravity 27 per ton per barrel per gallon per ton per barrel per gallon jJangary S$. -<..:; $7.00 $2.94 10 cents january 102079 3 3: $9.45 $2.08 eae February 5...... 5.40 @ 6.80 2.50 9 cents Bebruary 7802... 8.40 2.31 8.2 cents March: : fe... sce. 5.25 @ 6.75 2.39 9 cents Match 70g. 203. 7.60 2.10 6.5 cents April: 6.505.508 6.40 @ 6.75 1.95 6.5 cents Aprile aa oe 5.75 @ 6.00 1.98 5.7 cents May.) Preis. se 8 6.35 @ 6.50 1.85 6.5 cents Maye 105c eon 5.50 @ 5.90 1.68 6.2 cents -- and Antwerp and on some of the other European 4176 tons. Exports to England from Boston consist services, but exports to Scandinavia have improved, and this together with an improvement in coast to coast trading has offset the tonnage lost to Montreal. The strike in England has appreciably reduced exports to that country from Boston. Trading to France also declined and lines operating between Boston and Italy report practically no change in_ tonnage. Despite the declining trade with England, Patter- son, Wylde & Co. have added two. new steamers to their service between Boston and Manchester. These are the NorumBeca, 4544 tons, and the WEsTPorT, principally of New England manufactured products and foodstuffs. A recent sailing with full cargo from Boston contained wire in coils, shoes, machinery, cattle and matchwood. Sailings during the past month have been made to Buenos Aires, Cuba, China, Japan and Philippines, Constantinople and Jamaica, in addition to the regular services. The readjustment of wages and the increase in ex- port orders reported by many New England manufac- turers indicates. gradual improving conditions at the port of Boston through the spring and early summer. South American Rate Swings Upward From Our European Manager London, May 10.--(By cable) Advances in the rates from the river Plate feature the month's ship market. With the exception of inbound coal ocean trade is generally dull. Far eastern markets continue at the same level, Australian coal again go- ing to India at 27 shillings 6 pence. Deck or room men have accepted the wage reduction 0 36 shillings a month. Stewards are trying to resist en- forcement of reduction. Nonunion men are un- loading coal. Coincident with the declaration by James A. Farrell at the Cleveland (Ohio) meeting of the National Foreign Trade council favoring a proportionate reduction in the various national fleets of the world to accommodate the reduced cargo offerings, the British Chamber of Shipping is actively arranging an international shipping conference in London in October. About six million tons of British ships are idle.