Brief Summaries of Recent Maritime Casualties-- A Record of Collisions, Wrecks, Fires and Losses Late Flashes On Marine Disasters Date NaATuRE PLace Name o£ VESSEL Damace ReEsuttTING Name or VEssEL 'Date Nature Pace Damace RESULTING Northumberland July 9 Collision South Shields Not stated Seine Maru Aug. 1 Ashore Astoria Undamaged Niobe July 6 Disabled Cuxhaven- Engine Sueppe July 12 Disabled Bordeaux Steerer Normandier July 3 Disabled Malta Furnaces damaged Nesco July 23 Collision Walton Bay Not stated Sweden Maru July 28 Disabled = Havre Machinery Nord Africain July 24 Disabled Charleston Pipe burst yros Aug. 1 Disabled Wosfalk Boilers | Shawmut July 27 Disabled East of Trinity noone 1 ul 8 Collision Nixs Mate Not stated ; Shait Bilao : {uy 8 Disabled St. Michaels Turbine Schroon July 29 Fire At sea Slight Odell July 9 Ashore House Island Not stated Sachsenwald July s Fire bled vb eS cargo Oaalis July 11 Disabled St. Michaels Prop. lost Springfield July 23 Disable t sea Dept yor Ozette July 19 pice ee poied Sees ace Onoria July 8 Fire [bee ae Transportation July 6 Grounded Portland Not stated Otto Sverdrup July 30 Disabled 'Onebec > Eng. trouble Penahe July: 7 Strack pier Newnore New Slight O. Bens ae Sea ia Pinca maped Thontolite july 2 fy i i -- ruocieso! ale Pont adams July "Disabled Baltimore Eup trouble: ff open ey es Putney july ye ee eo pe ee Pee rene Telegraaf I July 4 Collision | Antwerp Slight Parthian ae a Detnl Ce Beas Telegraaf IV July 4 Collision | Antwerp Slight Bee chine July 9 Collision Near Gravesend Unknown Tustem July ed ae Galland Gres: Wot stated Port Said Maru July 28 Collision Hampton Roads _ Slight Port Aima July 13 Disabled Cape Town bee ar, Utah July 005 Struck mud : a : an oston ndamage Portinglis July 12 Stranded SS ee Venus July 5 Struck Queen July 20 Disabled Point Sur piotetatee ground Paphos mnchet eine ed am ec one Volunda July | 28 Ashore Hulffaz Total loss Ramsey ee ale EM Foy Unknown Whiteway ae : olsen soe Sound Not arated isi ; int Not stated Walhalla July isable ensacola ng. trouble pee cae ae 14 Aeacdeed Rea aan Total tone Walden July 6 Collision Savannah Undamaged Ryafuku Maru July 20 Disabled Sand Island Lost omer Wichita July 8 Disabled St. Michaels Bop ives : isi Santa Damage 3 Rygia a roe Western Comet uly 8 Ashore St. Nazaire Not stated Rupert K Jules poe At bee Ppt sete Western Front ae 11 Fire Bishops Rocd Not stated San Cristobal July 8 Fire Mobile Slight West Imboden July 14 Disabled Key West Ree Socony, 5 10 ae ee oe Ward iy en Beate Noel ! fae h i l 5 Disabled Off Gibraltar Eng. trouble Winston July isable 'Norfo ce'mach. pomiaels, ju 10 Ranoue é Cape oe : ah eee Winyah July pee oe Gea Naheenes Sydney Maru tate At Birueh oie fone tga Undatnaued West Henshaw July 26 Aground Manilla Not stated Ona l jue 25 Collision Montevideo Slight Winston Salem July 25 Disabled St. Michaels: Boilers Stad Zaltbomme ie 12 Meplosign Near london Not stated W..A. Ebsen _ July 10 Blown ashore Morgans Point Not stated gon rae Tue 14 Bollers : Not stated West Totante July 21 Disabled Holyhead Ee eH OgAe : hiner 5 u : t uly 26 Disabled Fort de France Machinery ee oe B By fobne County july it Coltigion Galveston - Consider- Wieringen July 2 Collision Buenos Aires mts Selead July 23 Struck we hae he ie oe Antwerp Not stated eirsta b u truc i St. Johns Slight West Haven y : Suportco July 19 Disabled Rey West : Boilers obstacle Near Baltimore ee Saree fite eae Ga Met Teun King Jul) 6Dlalad Hone Dede SE : d rou ene June 27 Cargo heated Montevideo Bulkhead Winyah July, 29, Disabled Bon siike Fae cau Saturn June 29 ne Bergen Teast Waukau July 4 Disabled At sea Condensers : wea deckload ; : ; 2 Y it une 27 Disabled Astoria Eng. trouble Stad Amsterdam July 5 Grounded Marie Ce Not stated Vopalaes furs 6 Disabled Ponta Delgada Eng. trouble J 29 Collision Biot ai Slight Yesoking July 20 Disabled Halifax Boilers une Stuartstar Assigned Shipping Board Vessels ScHENECTADY, 7825 tons, assignment division of operations managing caretak- et cancelled. Assigned Trosdal, Plant & La Fonta managing agent. Withdraw managing agent Strachan Shipping Co. Arcus, 9607 tons, assigned Export Transportation Co., Inc., managing agent. Withdrawn division of operations man- aging caretaker. oe cae (new steamer) 9632 tons, assiened E. C. Evans & Son managing agent. ' Wittiam Penn, 12,500 tons, assigned Barber Steamship lines managing agent. Withdraw managing agency United American Lines. : Jomar, 7825 'tons, assigned . Tampa- Interocean Steamship Co. managing agent. Withdraw managing agency Hasler 0 Winona, 7840 tons, assigned sa Port Steamship Corp. managing agent. Withdraw managing agency Hasler & Go: a Atcona, 5070 tons, assigned Sigsbee, Humphrey & Co. managing agent. With- draw division of operations managing caretaker. HawkKEYE STATE, 13,000 tons, upon completion repairs assigned Pacific Steam- ship Co. for one round voyage Seattle transpacific. Withdraw management oper- ation Matson Navigation Co. Upon com- . pletion voyage to be redelivered to Mat- son Navigation Co. managing agent San Francisco, withdrawing managing agen- cy Pacific Steamship Co. ue EASTERN MERCHANT, 12,995 tons, as- signed Williams Dimond & Co. sae aging agent. Withdraw managing agen Pacific Mail andere Coe : : ; LAMA, 4155 tons, assigne Nee Se Cuba Mail Steamship Co. 423 'ber tnanaging agent. Withdraw division of operations managing caretaker, West CussETA (new steamer), 8366 tons, assigned Struthers & Dixon man- aging agent. LAKE GILTEDGE, 4155 tons, assigned Page & Jones managing agent. With- draw managing agency Windward Island line. Cororapo Sprincs, 9996 tons, assign- ment division of operations managing caretaker cancelled. Assigned Trosdal, Plant & Lafonta, managing agent. With-- draw managing agency Sudden & Chris- tianson. Morristown, 7323 tons, assigned Bar- Steamship lines managing agent. Withdraw managing agency United States & Australasia line. Delivery to be effect- ed at Manila. ; NasHaBa (new), 9632 tons, assigned