STEAM VESSELS. ALP ¢ DIMENSIONS IN FEET. | & B CLASSIFICATION, 2% | & 3 | NAME OF VESSEL 3 < z AND INCHES. x 3 SYMBOLS OF . BUILDERS. See Sec. 1. 58 an ne < m4 a 9 CONSTRUCTION; a -- e 16 : n : "oS KP a sont ow lial. me | > Bevis. é = d < a AND ABBREVIATIONS. = WHERE BUILT. CLASS. | 4 Se 23 8 Bol gee 8 e - 8 3 a) eb | BR 202643 fTug. |Alfred W...--..-. |Am. |Oak. | 56 eG 2 10°C? 10°OC eo... I ee - ------ | 2 2 -, pe eed tS ea Duluth, Minn. 19 Green Bay, Wis. 205106 |Prop. | Alexis W.Thompson |Am. (Steel. | 6436 | 504'0" [55'0" | 30'0" 1 Ch. 8. & UO ca Js] || A-- | 1908 |Bay City Ship Bldg. | -_-_-- ope : Fairport, O. 4670 Arches. | Side Tanks. Co., Bay City, Mich. 106539 [Prop. | Alfred P. Wright... |Am. (Oak. | 2207 | 286'0" |41'6" |23'8" 2 x or fe] fe - 2 Sk; Pose (ites. Quayie & Sons | -.-... | ._|.... |. Fairport, O. 1899 Cleveland, O. 106022 Prop. Aloomah = .-.-_-. (Am: Oak: | 486 | 127'0" |33'0" |11°0" Sie ee Boor errors Pry Dock Co.) = 8. |. | -_ . |. ; Mackinae, Mich. 360 Re.'99. | Detroit, Mich. 105927 |Prop.|Algona ---------- Wal Oe OF 9b OF 1180? | 6/08 ed. eee. Bef Pee. STs 63 Buffalo, N. Y. 95051 |Prop.|Algonquin ...-.-. |Can. Steel. | 1806 | 245'0" |40'1" | 20'6"" Bo eee. | 2888 | Napier, Shanks & Bell}... ----- Ge Port Arthur, Ont. 1172 Glasgow, Scot. eee etiCsiC 8 Oe | 07 ee eee: oe... ee 19 Grand Haven, Mich. dzecG0 Prop. Allee....._.. _._.. Can. |Steel.| 403 | 125'5" |25'8"" | 10'8" Re 1907) Bertram Eng... Wks._.} ....-- oe 2 os Quebec, Que. 239 Toronto, Ont. 109296. (Prop. | Allee. 20no2 0. ee 1 ee fe eo i ee eee Montreal, Que. 46 Sorel, Que. 106469 |Prop. | Alice M. Gill... -- Am. |Oak. | 264 | 127'0" |28'0"|10'0"| 1 | 1+ Topsides Clk.'10..... | 1887 |D. Robertson___-.._.} 90CF | 1/3-11 |5-12 | 3-1 Detroit, Mich. 1 208 : Grand Haven, Mich. 207792 (Prop. |Allegheny....-.-- om, Reel. [2808 | 2200" | 4070" | 30/0"| 2 | Oh. S wwesplli § ---| 1910 | Detroit Ship Bldg: Co.| _.____ |__|... | --. : ; Erie, Pa. 2967 : Package Freight. Wyandotte, Mich. Pie i | Allenton. 2 Am. fOnk: | 25 | o7'ar |110"| bert) bs 1, escent, 17a | fe sys ae di Buffalo, N. Y. 12 os ~--+--+- as | 106925 |Prop. | Allie E. Shipman.. |Am. (Oak. | 39 B10 1 14/@) | 18/674. 8 4 Pass). ccd ce oe; 1899 eee © Boece 2 | |. | i a 28 Manitowoc, Wis. fo | 206130 |Prop. Moena soe cou Am. |Steel.| 2886 | 356'0" | 47° 0" | 26'0" 1 Ch Ss. s Zo 1909| Detroit Ship Bldg. C es 4 "| Wyandotte, Mich. 1787 Side SAS Rae et esdicke CO ae pp eos 25 fae. jIron. , 87 17/0") 19'57 |. 130 Me 1881 | Chicago D. & D. Co._| __---- Lo eeaps 3 2 | Chicago, IIL, ALP ENGINES. BOILERS. ain : : : gm & mM. a OWNERS OR CYLINDERS. eins DIMENSIONS. | FURNACES. OS "oa |. & MANAGERS. 0 : 41he Coe ae) 8 £3 eae fe z z a \C8 gE ne QF : Diameterin | §g) 2o | ¢8 WHERE BUILT. 3 E E TYPE, ; a. 2 28a Ese 2 5 WHERE BUILT. Pi es x & a es| sk le me TE eee Stal & | 2| ENGINES. Z Inches. Ee iS 52 3 DATE. NA! 7, : g Z Oss gag a, DATE. iB o = Baluth Supericri.. ......2 (4 (2ii7. 4: Oe a ee i) oe | A ee ee ae Dredging Co. , Valley S.S. Co... |-.| Triple |3| 234-38-63 | 42 |1800/80 |Detroit Ship Bldg. |_. |2 | Scotch. 14°76" (1ie6" 16 | 95 |... 280 1 Detroit. Ship. Bldgsyyh.. os pics Exp. Co., Detroit, 1908. Induced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1908. || Gilchrist Trans. Co.| ..| F. & A.|..) 2-18-2-44 | 48} 400} 70| H. G. Trout -_.-_. |---| 1] Scotch. 1470") 13°O" 32 | 60. |. 2-170 |\Manitowoe* (Boilem ts 2.2 oC). eeu: 3 Comp. Buffalo, 1888. Wks., Manitowoc, 1902. 1. R. Boynton... }-.| F.& A.| 2). 18-37 361300851 Dry Dock Engine't:5|1| New. = | 3-5. ee eet Boyles Comp. Works, Detroit, 1881. W. W. Cline -..- |---| Steeple. |2 10-18 14 |150 |150|Jno. Glass ..-...-. |. ]1|Fire-box. 46" 1070" |1 |) 17 | 442 133 1: Puit & Sons... .8_ Beeld Comp. Ogdensburg, 1890. , | Buffalo 1,894. St. Lawrence &]--| Triple |3/ 21-33-54 | 36 |1000| 70 | Dunsmuir & Jackson |__| 2} Scotch. 13/0? | 9°0" | 6| 120 72664 F60 (Dunsmuir & Jack! fo. ho be Chicago St. Nav. Co. Exp. Glasgow, 1888. Assisted Draft. son, Glasgow, 1888. ?,H. Keensa.i 4 20 es) i. be a a pe ee ee Jee ee Minister. of Agri-|..|) F.d& A. | 4| 2-12.02-26 | 16 _-_ | ..| Bertram Eng. Wks.|__| 2) Scotch. -- | -..--| ----- |) 2S) 8 a. a: culture. Comp. Toronto, 1907. Bincennes: Me. 1.2.2... a | ce a PUP oa Ale pe a Be eee Naughton Co. Geo. A. Douglass. | --| H. P. 1 22 26 1 300, 90: Bocker:..._. 210... et Lb). Bcoteht 9/6" | 11/3" |2]| 38 /1200)110| Jos.Stringer &Sons |3-11 | 5-12 | 3-11 Cond. Grand Haven, 1887. Detroit, 1910. Anchor Line _.-_-. ..| Quad. |4] 19-274-40 | 42 |1600| 85| Detroit Ship Bldg. | --| 3) Scotch. 11'6" |11'6"'(6| 10846921210; Detroit Ship Bldgoy .. 17... -°) 22S Exp. 58 Co., Detroit, 1910. Forced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1910. q Chas. Hebard | 4). -2 320. Cel ee ee a ee Greiling Bros. 2...) ..| 1. &- 1 12.3, 42° 96.1125) Sutton Gros. ...... 1-2) 1) Scotch. HO" | O68" 1) 2 | 450059510 Mill... ee. ses Non Cond. Buffalo, 1892. Escanaba, 1892. Wyandotte 8.8. Co.}] -.| Quad. | 4) 17$-254-37 | 36 | 1300] 90| Detroit Ship Bldg. |--| 2| Scotch. 13/2" 11/6") 4) 988 |. 421210) Detroit Ship Blidge. ..7) 1 «| 2 2: Exp. 54 Co., Detroit, 1909. Forced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1909. m Great Lakes Tow-|../ 0 2.-.. = 7). 21- ee Oo ee COLD) od oe ee ee ee bee Poe eee | | ing Co. ) 5 STEAM VESSELS.