SUBSCRIBERS. (ARRANGED ACCORDING TO PLACE OF RESIDENCE.) ANN ARBoR, MICH, Wart, Geoee. . ...._..a- ---- --- -- Stationers, ASHTABULA, OHIO, Great Lakes Enpincering Works ___... .-..---.---- Ship Builders. BARRIE, ONT. Cee e..tsti"('"'(é'CO#OéCONWNUCWUU....--.--Surveyor. BENTON Harsor, MICH. Grahagi & Morton Traus, Ca. °°. 2 ee: Ship Owners. BupapEst, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. "Fonciere" Pester Ins. Institute of Budapest (The)-. Underwriters. BuFFALO, N. Y. Bee se Cores. ee Ship Owners. TTA, A. OB oe es - be cee Surveyor. meee eevee. eL_--_-, ,--.-- Insurance Brokers. Willcox, Peck & Hughes-__-_---.--.....Average Adjusters and Insurance Brokers. CAMDEN, N. J. ew FGc8 Serie Co... .. ._---- Ship Builders. Cuicaco, ILL. Beate ce... CC... ----- + ---- Underwriters. te hhh... ----- ---- Surveyor. y Bose sO... ---- Ship Owners and Ins. Agents. ON Manufacturers. meres et... ttsCiti'#iC¥..... .._____...--. Insurance Broker. Ree Pte e.g ne te -- Insurance Brokers Poe eee... 8 -..- Insurance Brokers. ween eee... s+ Ship Owner. Wricos, Peck &@ tiuehes..._...___.. -._. Average Adjusters and Insurance Brokers CLEVELAND, O. Wpeeene Sais Buliding Co........._.._. .._......- Ship Builders. meee we... 8 ons so Ship Owner. Pee ee a 8 -- t --s- Ship Owners. Roetreee, cr ine, @ Cow 8. Ship Owner. ree re .. ......_.. ._..-.---Ship Owners. Moonee, Fey Vite & Garry... -___-. __________-- Attorneys. erent eee Powe Co... _._.--.--- Ship Owners. (great Lakes Protective Association... ____-...___- Ship Owners. Coot Laken ©. S. Co... cs) ics Ship Owners. * ES Ship Owners. Moet ete... 8c Ship Owners and Insurance Brokers. eo ee Ship Owners. ror ea ote... hh. ee Ship Owners. mrreeeeeee we. le Ship Owner. a ens «8 - Surveyor. eee ee a ---- Ship Owners. Weiicox, Peck & Hughes.__._____:.._.- Average Adjusters and Insurance Brokers. CoLLINGWoop, ONT. oes a Bide. Co... Ship Builders. Detroit, MIcH. Cowell, © Oe Oe. a 8 ee Bankers. Beerrole Pre oe Meetiic Tnoto. . 8 tle Underwriters. Detect Sip Puliding Co... eee Ship Builders. Were feast eh Bankers. ferent Eaees Ungineering Works ..._.___..-..-_._-- Ship Builders. Parmer Bros, Company, Lid. _.... ._ ..-.-..--.--- Ship Owners and Ins. Agents, Wate, Cady & (odd... 2) ee Attorneys. Wester, (6ne Fg ye Surveyor. DututTn, MINN. _ eet es -. Ship Owner. ERIE, Pa. Pw ning ee Wickinger 2S leei 0 Sat. Forp RIVER, WIs. More Biver Lived (0, os). a 5 le - Ship Owners. HAMBURG, GERMANY Miiutvenhetner 1. Foo, 2. Underwriter. WV ite 2 aoe & Ses. oe ie et ee Underwriter. LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Liverpool Underwriters' Association _._.__......._. Underwriters. Union Mariie Insurance Co.. Lid............._..__.. Underwriters. Sea Tnsdvance (0. ba... Underwriters. LoNpon, ENGLAND. Bivgs Cec Cities At Lloyd's. Powe, CT. & Co Eid: Ship Owners and Ins. Brokers. me OGuet Tn a Rep. Bureau Veritas. British Dominions General Ins. Co., Ltd. _____ _____- Underwriters. British 6 Porcien Marine Ina, (Co. Lid... 2... 2. Underwriters. Coy @ Gimeon, 21 2 Insurance Brokers. Soritice ot Liovis Underwriters. Indemnity Mutual Marine Assurance Co., Ltd._____- Underwriters, pawee, eet C. , Underwriter. Poe ego id. Insurance Brokers. bioyd «© Wegister of Shipping... Classification Society. Meenas surance Co Underwriters. marten, f. W..8 A . At Lloyd's. Miller, (ios. BR. @ San... ae Insurance. em Oval Pxchauge Assurance... Underwriters. Oe OG SOGC i oe ee Marine Salvage. Smt War ate OC: ULUhUmUCUmCT.CrC~="'SON Underwriters and Ins. Brokers. eayior, Charice @ CO be ee Insurance Brokers. peetr eo. 8. Insurance Brokers. Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd. ____.____... Underwriters. WaseeteiG Leonard... ..... Underwriter. Wits, Paver & Co. iid. Insurance Brokers. Wort Disnie it. 40. Underwriters. ~a00- (ete fos, Acadcistion Underwriters.