SUBSCRIBERS. (ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY.) Admiralty, The 1 si526 sock nnmmme o2nn anne. tenn 985i Soni = msm London, Eng. Administration of Bureau Vetitatsiss b-- 6 n-cnnens nndanenSkhiniee 4 Paris, France. Aetna Insurance Co. .--- edne eres wan mtwe ponies aim oe oni an bee Chicago, Ill. American Shin Ballding Co. °2205 - co0 cine mies conn onen cena te a ee Appleton & Gon cone cone nn, one cnteswn Swlee sce l ee cnn een New York, N.Y. Atlantic Mutual Tasurancé Co... 225. 3 ee New York, N. Y. Assecutans Union VO0 1065 220. suse code dncncnnen Sone cane snes es Hamburg, Germany. Automobile Ingurance Co, +--- denn conn coon oo he no) ene vitine ds oc Fe ee, Bete [Bes pimview toes whey Hotes coerienigcs ee Becker, W.. Eitbae 620500 d,s cciac ewes sess nee ig SU Cleveland, O. BIGA BON, 50) WY 5132 SSE Bld sas bc cnc sane sees ates sssanyanddeennes Duluth, Minn. ORG, COOCE CRTIOS a nck we ocd twee conn Hee eee anes London, Eng. Boland & Cortislios sj .s546-0 5. 102255 see scces ee area be Buffalo, N. Y. Bowring, Cc). & Ge ba ons cnmeee n-ne wt cveaoe meth onion ie ay London, Eng. Breslauer, P. L. (Great Lakes Register Agency) ---+<.. <:...4:4-. London, Eng. British Dominions General Ins. Co,, Ltd. --...-. London, Eng. British and Foreign Marine Ins. Co., Ltd. -.-- -..- ~~... ee New York, N. Y. British and Foreigd Martine Ins. Co, Ltd. .--- London, Eng. EHOW, FIGIVOY Fay OU Gi gon ones wees Sake ccn ene ee Cleveland, O. Calderwood, Hugh ..... 0 --vess---+--ousensae etenCeeens <0 ee Canada Steamship Lines, Limited ..... .......- 0.0% 0. ik Toronto, Ont. Canada Steanisnip Lites, Linkited -..-.- 005.20 Montreal, Que. Canadian Towing & Wrecking Co. ........,-....-...._......-.. Porr Areaur, One Canadian Vickers, Limited '2.2 .225.2.. .-22/2252i000).. Pe Montreal; Ouie: Chamberigin, 3b. Ts sins sne0 satus dcoced scot eumigin de ee Washington, D. C. Choisy & Simeon eweshse locas bn occa bcekenceeseces oh ee London, Eng. Chup Som on siedak dn dncnabicwcscw sions New York, N.Y. Cleveland Pubito Library wi. io:s 200 soc cet Cleveland, O. Collingwood Ship Bidg, Co. . 252625 sucess cc leds tei se ee Collingwood, Ont. Commercial Union Assurance Co, -....- 622505 cece eas .--Chicago, Ill. Committee of Lloyd's: Jiulccisiccccccscs sceccekescci sane eed London, Eng. DAVIGROD, TOMER Fi niinnsingeocne oan cne See a Bay City, Mich. DAL & CO, pene nomena efednmw eons fincas cnsc ap Montreal, Que. SPMNO GC, ooo feces concen gree occ cote ce Toronto, Ont. Davidson, W. By a0- cfc ho ae ee -- Milwaukee, Wis. Det Norske Veritas °..- cco 2 cocoon ee New York, N. Y. Detroit Ship Metdigg Cy os c= cece se ek Detroit, Mich. Otro 7 kth, Ca ne on ee Detroit, Mich. Drake, A. B,..taslae cite a a Buffalo, N. Y. Dudgeon & Gtay ins womens eos ee London, Eng. El phicke; Bpepdtead @°G0) os. nie connwecstecwoci oes ee. Chicago, Ill. rirempat's Fund tt Co...---.-.2)- Se San Francisco, Cal. FitsGerayl, Ricnan 5.4... ee ------Ogdensburg, N. Y. Genforsikrings-Aktieselskabet "Skandinavia"__-_ ______.---_____- -Copenhagen, Den. General Hlettric Co, oo... ~-Schen ~ Xs GooGrich Trans. winner ce aheecs oe Chicsen ti" ee Goulder, White & Garry........ a Cleveland, O. Graham & Morton Trans. Co.- ... 0 Benton Harbor, Mich. Great Lakes Engineering Works .--......--- ..2000 0-050. 02 Ashtabula, O. Great Lakes Engineering: Works -.....-.5 -<~ «52-0 -+4cut Ses Cleveland, O. Great Lakes F.npiieeting Works |... ..- 5 enn <5 ----Detroit, Mich, Great Lakés: Protective Association ..... <<... oc nnnenaueee Leak Cleveland, O. Great Lakes SB Copan 6 35 enn ein nep renee Cleveland, O. Gréat Lakes 2 oWing Ge: 1.5 ee cn ------Cleveland, Oi Te Hatipson, Robt. @ SON <= -- woo oe ee Montreal, Que. Hanns MAL. Oe soy p~ amy eel VELL, LR Herrtanti Ty te nein: cae eed New York, N. Y. Holinan, john. & Seas, Lid. --.2.-. a oe London, Eng. Howden, Alex. & Co_...-...--- -++----- teenie +-+2-> .---3-2----+--London, Eng, Hutchinson & Coy.cc2 2025-25 cocs sess ccucss ici eee ee ee Clavel @ Eintchinson, Kivinus & ©0,. 1... i New York, N. Y. Indemnity Mutual Marine Assurance Co., Ltd. --------------.---- London, Eng. Insurance Company of North America... 4. 2. oe ae Philadelphia, Pa. lrish:& Maulson' "7 y 2ii 6. 2s seceescseee cose ccs ce ee Bees TO eee james, Fred |. Co ee New York, N. Y. johnson & Pioging oe New York, N. Y. joties, Richard 1... eee eee eee eee London, Eng. Kidd, ol ae Duluth, Minn. Kingston Ship Bide. Go. 200.202. -=+hasin + gent -ienc ae eens Units Laverne, RH, 3 ee ee eee New York, N. Y. Lectaw; D.. Rito). oe ee = coe oa ee New York, N. Y. Leslie & Gotiwite [40-32 5* ope so ooo oe London, Eng. Libranan of Coneress: 022222: o52- <1 io ho ci ee Limestone Trans. (o, > nse ess SR Rogers ity, Mich, Lincoln, C. 71. eo Detroit, Mich. Liverpool Underwriters Association (2.0 0 Liverpool, Eng. Lioyd's Kepister of nine. a London, Eng. Manitewoc Dry Dock: Ga.::...- -...- 4 2-s 3p cok ote OE AMAL Manitowoc, Wis. Mannheim Insurance 4.0.) 1... oo. Mannheim, Germany Marine dasurance 6.0) 94ei-~- 5 .-. . 5 oe a ee, Eng. Marteh, F. Woauheoe 8 2 London, Eng. MeCurdy, G20) A icrcee wenn $54 nos nee oo pore a po eee ORE MicGre, Wil. sce oO | neta er a Mather' Ge. sec ibn ed oie ec es Philadelphia, Pa. Mittneli Gos Spa ee Cleveland, O. Montreal Trans, Cantal) Montreal, Que. Mutrenpecnet ft. Oli de ns ieee ee ------ Hamburg, Germany. New York 'Ship 'Bldg. O62 0-12 a ce eee Re eo, North Amétiean S282 C62 sie. 2 er ee .-Cleveland, O. Northern Michigaii-Trans, Co. =: 2 22252 ceccceore ie ece ns Depegh oe Chicago, III. Northwestern National Insurance Co. ---2---. ---- 22-2 2 _..~._-- Milwaukee, Wis, Oakes, Herbert he Cleveland, O. Ogdensinire Coal & Towing Co... 5. Ogdensburg, N. Y. OSDOTD SE. C08 «cia ee Chicago, III. Overseas Trans fo, inc....0.....-.:...2 York, Ni-Y. Parkit Digs: Cos G8, Oo ye wtih a wears Detroit, Mich