Maritime History of the Great Lakes

American Bureau of Shipping, Great Lakes Department, 1920, p. 4

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AUP STEAM VESSELS. ' STEAM VESSELS. ALP 5 2 DIMENSIONS IN FEET | - SSAOATICATION OWNERSOR ENGINES. : BOILERS. Wi) 8 " ¢ =] elk j & 3m ms NAME OF VESSEL < z AND INCHES. % vi SYMBOLS OF D SUTLEEES. shee b MANAGERS. CYLINDERS. oe 63/1$8/ 8 G8 i AND 7 a et CONSTRUCTION; 3 -- ce LSS g3| SYSTEM |-- Ze |e} sumpers. = |. § ES | eee se BUILDERS. ae lee | & fe D - > PORT OF HAIL. < taron.| 4 a 3 3 4 3 a = AND ABBREVIATIONS. a WHERE BUILT. crass.| § | OS | S82] ADDRESS, gi) OF | 8| Diameter in| ¢¢| 3 8 a 2 WHERE BUILT. g2| § TYPE. : § |8| $e £8s ag WHERE BUILT Se | te 5 @ OZ Atte | ae $2 | ee |= 5 $i ss| be! § ®!ENGINES| §| Inches. |£3| 2 | 38 DATE. aa |Z § § |8| S33 soy | ce DATE. Ag =e * os as ~~ | AQ! Vm] a 2 ar % Q 4 z a' | Za 0 126994 | Prop.| Alex. B. Uhrig--.---- |Am. |Steel. [8401 |360'0" |45'0" 26/0" | 2 Pwo Isl J ------- .. {1893 |F. W. Wheeler & Co... | 100 | 2 | 4-18} 420] 449} |Mentor Transit Co,|--|Triple |3| 20-33-54 |44)/1000| 75 | F.W.Wheeler&Co. | -- | 2 | Scotch. 13/2" |11'6" |4] 84 |4270 |180 | Manitowoc Boiler ]4-18 |4-20 |4-18 Fairport, O. 2728 Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. West Bay City, Mich. i John T. Kelley, Mgr. Exp. ce W. Bay City, 1893. Works, 1916. Nee Centurion Cleveland, Ohio. 122559 | Tug. | Alex Clark...-:..... Can. | Oak. | 98 |.88/8"|18'3" | 8/8" }°1 |_-_ es mi seg a3 pet) 22k 1911. |Robert Morrell ______-- too wok cc} BY. J. Fisher ........]-. | Bteeple.1 2). 14-26...|20/.... |. __ | Dotw ine. Wis... 1. 1 Seoten. 10/0*.11046" 124-36 14220 | 135 | Collinawood «- Ship} _..4 -<./}...- Collingwood, Ont. 64 Collingwood, Ont. Collingwood, Ont. Comp. Goodrich, 1911. Bldg. Co., Collingwood, 1911. 107372 | Prop. | Alex. McDougall .- -- - Am. | Steel. 13686 |414'0" |50'0" |27/0"| 1 |Ch.S. 46B9 Bo eee Ae. Steel Barse Co]... fibre life th. _ | Pittsburg 8. 8. Co... ]-- | Quad. | 4 [19-283-43-66 40| 1700) 78 | Cleve. Ship Bldg.| ._| 2| Water-tube | 12'6"} 9'2"/|2| 163 |7000/|--.- | Babcock & Wilcox. |---| ---| --.- Duluth, Minn. 2662 H.B. | Hatches 24'¢. 4 Comp. West Superior, Wis. *- Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. Co., Cleveland, 1898. New York, 1898. 202643 | Tug. | Alfred W...---...---- Ain: ako G6} GG 3" 10 0" 0 Oo OO fF a i Duluth - Superior <t 1 Soeeeee pe eee ar |e - oe oe joe} e-o6ehis-- Gag -aa-- = SA) += -ean a bir a eee mel He Sond <= Duluth, Minn. 19 Green Bay, Wis. a Dredging Co., Duluth, Minn. 205106 | Prop. | Alexis W. Thompson -- | Am. |Steel. [6436 |504'0" |55'0" (30'0" | 1 (Ch. S. @ OU GdJs| i] A---- 1908 [Bay City Ship Bldg. Co.. | -...-|--.) __.| . Valley 8.8. Co. ..--] --| Triple | 3] 234-38-63 | 42 | 1800 | 80 | Detroit Ship Bldg. | -. | 2 | Scotch. 14°6" 1116" 56 | 115, |... 1380) Detroit. Ship. Bide. |.) -<.u oc. Fairport, O. 4670 Arches. Side Tanks. Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. Bay City, Mich. pean eretend, Ohio. Exp. Co., Detroit, 1908. Induced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1908. 106022 | Prop.'| Algomah © ..--2.-2-.'| Ams) Oak:::| 486. 112770" 1383/0" {1T40") }52 (15 @ leg 23 te 1881. Petroit Dry Dock Com] ... bl. |e: Island Trans. Co. ...4 -.1 GA. 124- 18:37. .|36 | 300. | 85 (Dry Deck. Engine|_.j|1 |News... |25... | Lac: cade ge a he Mackinac, Mich. 359 : Re.'99. |Detroit, Mich. Get ee St. Ignace, Mich. Comp. Works, Detroit, 1881. 105927 | Prop. | Algona -.--.-------- 'Am. | Oak: | 9819987011840" | 664169 9 ee Si ce A. p |W. W. Cline _..-...4..,.| Steeple. |2| 10-18 /|14)| 150 |150|Jno. Glass _....-- -- | 1 | Fire-box. 4/6" 140/10" 11.137 | 441 1333 Tit & Sone cos Fe hn | 68 3 . Buffalo, N. Y. Ro ey a ee Massena, N. Y. Comp. Ogdensburg, 1890. Buffalo, 1894. 106884 | Prop. |:Allee= 26 $206 col fb Ae | Oakial 40 GR O77" | Beha 1 me te ee ae ole gant 2 me. H. Keenan ___- 4% .0.2 Bol bok ee | ee ee ee eee ee aes cd tales: 19 "ue Grand Haven, Mich. : ig ge Sheboygan, Wis. ' 122260 | Prop. | Allee... 2.20220. 2. Can: |Steel*| 403 1255" 12878" 10'S%:17 1 2 BG rept ate _ 1907 |Bertram'Eng. Wks. ~. |) Minister of Agriculture] ..| F. & A. | 4/2-12 &2-26| 16| .... |... | Bertram Eng. Wks.|-.|2|Scotch. j|_--__~- |----- Wr a ge a ell bade. Quebee, Que. 239 Toronto, Ont. eee Lb ee ea) Ont. Comp, -- Toronto, 1907. 108236 | Prop.:| Allee 2c... os ei wc Can.:(Steel| 67. 70' 77/4776" | T4668 ia 4 RO a oe 1894 |Cartsey -- ne Dept. of Railways &|-..|F.& A.|2} 15-30 |22]| 300 /150 | The PontbriandCo.|-.|1)|Fire-box. | 7'3"|12'0"|2) 33 | 132)125| J. & R. Weir-____ oe eae Ottawa, Ont. 46 ae Sorel, Que. ee eae vee Ce berg Canals, Ottawa, Ont. Comp. Ltd., Sorel, Que., 1903. Montreal, Que., 1894. 106469 | Prop. | Alice M: Gilleo:. 22.2 (Am? Oak. | 264-'927'0"%lo8/0" lo'Oe bY he | a ok a Sy Be Robbbacn ss | |Lake Erie Sand Co. -|-._|H. P. {1 22: .. 261 300: - 90 ibocker® 8... -- |1 |Scotch. 9'°6" 1411/3" |2:} 33...13200. 110 |Jos. Stringer. & Sons} ::. | -.59)..:- Detroit, Mich. 208 fa S Grand Haven, Mi ah Po es = re are Sandusky, Ohio. Cond. _ |Grand Haven, 1887. Detroit, 1910. 212103 | Tug. |Alice Stafford ------- Am. |Steel. 1141 | 75'6" |22'0" 2'9" | 14 ; . -- _ |ErieLand & Improve--}_.|F. & A. |2] 17-36 30| 525 1120 | Manitowoc S. B. &|-_- | 1 | Fire-box 10'6" |14'0" |2| 47 {1856 |130 |Manitowoc Boilett 02 |) 4c bae 96 es]s] 6 Te ee aa ea L914 serene ang SDDS | .. Se ee ment Co., New eg N.Y. Comp. - D. D. Co., Manitowoc, 1914| Forced Draft. Wks., Manitowoc, Wis. 207792. | Prop. | Allegheny-.-.......-.- Am. |Steel. 13898 |1350'0" 146'0" |80'/0" | 2 7 : : = Great Lakes Transit |-. |Quad. 4 |19-274-40 |42 11600 | 85 |Detroit Ship Bldg. |_- {3 |Scotch. 116": 314684 6 1108 . 4602 P10 Detroit Shin. Bide. | ..2:} -aifes- rae 7 . oe we raed 2 ed Ts] U 8. Lees 1910 ~~ Bidg..Co..--] 22-2 | Gepesc hee | |Corpn,, Buffalo, N. Y. Exp. ie Co., Detroit, i914. - Forced Draft. Co., Detroit, i910! . 106925 | Prop. | Allie E. Shipman..... |Am. |Oak. | 39 | 61'0" [14'6"" 113'6" | 2 e : miGreiling Bros. ...... }..|H. P.. -j1 12.3 12} 95 1125 |Sutton Bros. -.....1_2°|1 \S8coteh. B08 G46 Sb olr 14455 2 boo id. Hill =. cstyueed. Ltt aur ee P 28 e PAE BSS, 2 = 3% oa 1892 -- Sunder ------ | oe E Green ae Wis. Non Cond. be Buffalo, 1892. Escanaba, 1892. 206130 | Prop. (Alpena... . os U5 Am. |Steel. 12886 [856'0" 47/2" ron os : . 3 Wyandotte Trans. Co. |.. |Quad. | 4 [174-254-37 |36 |1300 | 90 |Detroit Ship Bldg. |.. |2 |Scotch. 13/2" |11'6" |4 |} 88 |___. [210 [Detroit Ship Bldg. |9-19 |9-21 |9-19 ve oe oe 7'2" 26/0 1 ee = ey ag ee, 1909 Detroit Ship Bldg. Co... | 100 | 2 | 9-19} 9-21} 919] |pctoit, mich, oe r ae | Co., Detroit, eg 8 Forced Draft. : Co., Detroit, i900 & 196. Sell Unlnading Come. 4 es yandotte, Mich. : 4° 4

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