Maritime History of the Great Lakes

American Bureau of Shipping, Great Lakes Department, 1920, p. 6

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STEAM VESSELS. ANN STEAM VESSELS. ANN e DIMENSIONS IN FEET | & 2 CLASSIFICATION, OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. can . 4 z c a See Sec. 1 fy 3 Q SYMBOLS OF m BUILDERS. MANAGERS. e < | <9 2 5 3 NAME OF VESSEL 6 < 3 AND INCHES. o g = 2 See | Seen CYLINDERS. ails d sok oeeee: ao DIMENSIONS. | FURNACES. - Og | 08) & Us ao AND < --|a¥ CONSTRUCTION; s -- £| 3 | | Menor 33 2 fe isa als apes g4 BUILDERS. Be) ee | eg fs > 8 PORT OF HAIL E & |Gros.| oe s 3 ae a A AND ABBREVIATIONS. I WHERE BUILT. race | ¢| ts) es! g ADDRESS, 28 a 3 Diameterin | $3] § 8 |G amare ess ae ce d |4| 234 £ ge) 83 -- A & B i < ° " : 3 ---- gs a2 | ae iS m Pea ee eel & @®)ENGINES|5| Inches. | £3| 88 | 3 8 DATE. an) A ; @ 618) 659] Sse | am DATE | a - Net. ga as gs 5 »| Adlon 3 z asd a = a 8 |Z a" | ie 7 0| 9 208478| Tug. | Andrew H.Green.....| Am.| Steel.| 115 | 80'0"|21'0"/12'0"| 1 |Harbor Tug. Weals]------- 2010 | Foteton Bros... Fee. Great Lakes Dredge|--|F.& A. |2) 16-34 {26 | 600 |140 |/MontagueIronWks. |-- {1 | Fire-box. 1050" |14/0" (24°44 11760 | 165 | Johnston, Bros.20. 5 | 22°) - ah | 22. 55 : Ferrysburg, Mich. me H & Dock Co., Chicago, Ill. Comp. Montague, 1896. Ferrysburg, 1910. 117031| Tug. | Andrew J. Smith. -.- Can} Oak. 1987 12970" | 256146 Ot | oe es ee 1806 Cmion Dey Dock Co.s 2}... | 2} |. |NorthChannelTowing .- |Steeple. |2| 17-36 |36 | 470 | 95 |King Iron Works - ]-- |1 |Scotch. 11/6" (13°0" (3+ 60: 1:2075:(145 | Manitowoc. Borler | 20 '| - 22) _.. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. 209 Re.'93 | Buffalo, N. Y. ; : : Co., Ltd., Cutler, Ont. Comp. Buffalo, 1876, Re. 93. Wks, Co., Manitowoc, 1893. | 206167 | Prop.| Andrew S. Upson... --- Am. | Steel. | 4442 | 380'0" |52'0"|28'0"| 1 |Ch.S. @ OG U A ---- |1909 |American Ship Bldg. Co. | --.- |---|...) - i Kinney 8.8. Co. .... ]-- |Triple |3 |21-334-57 |42 |1442 | 83 |AmericanShipBldg. |-- |~ |Scotch. 13°9" |TL'6" |4) 90 -|4640:}180 | American Ship Bldg. | 2.3) -.- }..- Duluth, Minn. 3120 Arches Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Cleveland, O. a oF . ee Exp. Co., Cleveland, 1909. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1907. |] Cleveland, ; 107454| Prop.| Angeline ..-.--.---- Am. | Steel. | 4690} 414'0"| 50'0"| 28'0"| 1 |Ch.S. BO [tt & ------- 1899 | Detroit Ship Bldg. Co... }@ 100 | 2 | 4-19} 4-21] 4.19 |Presque Isle Trans. |@® |Triple |3) 22-35-58 |42 |1150 | 85 |Detroit Ship Bldg. | ® |2 | Scotch. 13'2"|11'°7" |4} 88 | 4292/165| Detroit Ship Bldg. | 419 | 4-21 |419 Fairport, O. 3441 Arches SS 24'¢. 4Comp. Reconstructed Wyandotte, Mich. q Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. . Co., Detroit, 1899. Co., Detroit, 1899. in a 105896| Tug. | Angler ....--------- Aya) Oak) 18 | 64014 112 O" > Bho eR oe a a 1980) 2 Po tee 4k meet. Hill... __ 4 1 12 127 Se 100 Satter. 23. .. {1 | Fire-box, 4°O"). TiG" Ae 485) 24 Pee 22 oh Detour, Mich. 9 Detroit, Mich. "| || Detour, Mich. Non-Cond. : Buffalo, N. Y. Detroit, Mich. Meee? Tag, |. Ania)... 2-22.22... Am. | Oak) |} 26 [| 62°07 100" |G'°16") 3 42. ek 1892 |Thos. W. Kirby _....-- Be ee C. VanZanten --.---- -- | High 1 12 OO Se ee su El ee Ppa sh bos pled | ee Jet doa Grand Haven, Mich. 12 Grand Haven, Mich. "| | Grand Haven, Mich. Pressure. 107846 | Prop.| Anna C. Minch-.---- .| Am.} Steel. 4285] 380'0"| 50'0"/ 28'0"| 1 |Ch.S. QOPI Oe------- 1903 | American Ship Bldg. Co. |®100 | 2 | 4-18) 4-20} 4.18 4 Kinsman Transit Co.|@ |Triple |3 | 22-35-58 |40/1500 | 85 | AmericanShipBldg. | ® |3 | Scotch. 12'0" |12'0" |6| 126 | 5217 | 180 | American Ship Bldg. | 4-18 | 4-20 | 4-18 Fairport, O. 3229 '| Arches. Ye 24'¢ 4.Comp. Reconstructed Cleveland, 0. |} Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. . - Co., Cleveland, 1903. Co., Cleveland, 1903. 106429 | Tug. | Anna F. Onen -.----- Aimn.} Oak. | 29 | S30" 19 4 | 66 di Be 1966 ot ee 4 | @gobn Beck ...._---.- So [Seo oe ba) See es ee ee pede toc apo wee te oe ae Pa 15 Youngstown, N. Y. Be atalo, N.Y. 107418] Prop.| Ann Arbor, Were? Am. | Steel. | 1677 | 258'3"|52'3"|15'3"} 2 |Car Ferry JAW W.-.____-- 1898 |Globe Iron Works Co. _.| _.._ | ..| ...] ... : Ann Arbor Ry. & 3. 1..-|F & A. |2 | ' 20-40 36 {1200 |100 Samuel F. Hodge-- | -- | 2 | Scotch. 12'74"(13'0"| 4) 99 | 3968) 135 | American Ship Bldg.| _.. | ---| --- South Frankfort, Mich. 996 Cleveland, O. S. Lines, Toledo, Ohio. Horiz. Detroit, Mich., 1888. Co., Cleveland, 1903. 203695 | T.S. Ann Arbor, No. 4... -- Am.| Steel.) 1884] 259'0"| 52'0"| 190"| 2 |Car Ferry & Js] W.------ |1906 |American Ship Bldg. Co. | _.__ | -.| -..] --. Ann Arbor Ry. & 8. ]-- |2Triple |6 |14-22}-38 [32 |2400 | --- AmericanShipBldg. | _-_ |2 | Scotch. 12/103" |13'0" |4| 104 | 2061 | 175 | American Ship Bldg. }] --- | --- | -- uth Frankfort, Mich. 1082 Cleveland, O. S. Lines, Toledo, Ohio. Exp. N Co., Cleveland, 1906. Co., Cleveland, 1906. 208261] T.S. | Ann Arbor, No. 5- -- -- Am. | Steel. | 2884) 361'3"|56'0"|21'0"| 1 |Car Ferry @ & Js[ § W.-- |1910 |Toledo Ship Bldg. Co... ] -.-. | --| .-.| --. Ann Arbor Ry. & S. |.. |2Triple |6 | 21-33-52 |40 {3600 | 90 |Toledo Ship Bldg. |.. |4 | Scotch. 13'6" |12'0" |8| 184 | 8096) 185 | Marine Boiler. Wks.}| .-.| --. | --- South Frankfort, Mich. 1961 Equipped with Steel Stern Gate. Toledo, O. : §. Lines, Toledo, Ohio. EXp. Co., Toledo, 1910. Forced Draft. Toledo, 1910. 214656 | T.S. Ann Arbor, No. G20: Am.| Steel. hd 338'0"| 56'0"| 20'6"| 2 |Car Ferry @ Js] § W @-.-- |1917 Great Lakes Eng. Wks. | ® 100} 3} 1-17) 1-20 '1a Ann Arbor Ry. & 8. | |2Triple |6 | 193-31-52 |36 |1250|105|Great Lakes Eng.| @| 4] Scotch. 13'2"| 11'6"| 8} 168| 8504) 175) Manitowoc Ship {1-17 | 1-20 /1-17 ' . = S. Equipped with Steel Stern Ecorse, Mich. S. Lines, Toledo, Ohio. Exp. Wks., Detroit, Mich., 1917. ss eo Manito- 106633) Prop. ANDIG 2228 es. AmsP-Oaks 7) 18 [75/07 206") OBE iat 1 et SO eee ec Great Lakes Towing|.. |H. P. |1 24 . |26|400 |110 |T. Manning ._..-- _. |1|Fire-box. | °.7'6"|15'6"|2| 40 |1520/125|D. Connelly & Co._| -..| --. | --- airport, 0. 48 Lorain, 0. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Non Cond. ; Cleveland, 1889. Cleveland, 1889. 106436] Tug. | Annie D.............| Am.] Oak. g" rg ren ee ~ | @reen Bay, Wis. il " OA OT ASO") AGS ee a ee 1686 foo ee feist Meine panty Muhlenberg ...| -- |__2-_..! Beas wp eR OF ne Dee ee es ps ee ee de WS ee ee wet | SORE 5 lSaugatuck, Mich. Sheboygan, Wis. 83158) Tug. | Annie Lake --------- Can.j Oak. |.19 | 6471' |) 9'84) 3°54 4 Go E. 1894 | Allen __ Mea). Gake\c Oe: Leen St eats A UES go es oe Te al ON Lee ee oe Sa eke CR 6 a Rit Ga ee Belleville, Ont. Bo ee a Bie a ee '| Belleville, Ont. 6

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