STEAM VESSELS. STEAM VESSELS. ASP E DIMENSIONS IN FEET | & B : pa cares OWNERSOR : ENGINES. BOILERS. i |e s ' 2] 2 ° Zz 3 od fe NAME OF VESSEL < z AND INCHES. ae SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. sANAGERS. ee : . BE |< = a g/g orl Ee) cosrrocmos, |g -- a... qg| vere (Semone aes a] momo | lg pation [Svante Y | See | PELE be Pp 1&5 PORT OF HAIL. ° < Gross.| 5g: 23 | 33 20 AND ABBREVIATIONS. a WHERE BUILT. crass.| 2 | $4 i i sr iadeal ge) OF 3 Diameter in| ¢g/ ¢ ¥ Z 3 WHERE BUILT. | $2 @| TYPE. @ |8| s8¢| #8 é WHERE BUILT < e e x g -- & 3 3 Z, s$| $8 ® a of] § ¢ ss . 3 Net. | § 4 £3 3 g B slaélégi' ® | ENGINES. B| tches | Be nize DATE. an! z : § 3 658 oad ae DATE. 818 - 96416 | Prop.| Argus.----.--------- Am. | Steel. | 4444| 408'0"|50'0" |28/0"| 1 |IChS.@WaG UI ------- |1898 |Globe Iron Works Co.-.| ---- |---| -. .|]}|Interlake S. 8. Co.-..] -.) Quad. |4 /203-30}-44) 42/1800} 90 | GlobeIron Wks. Co. | --| 3| Scotch. 12'0"| 10'6"| 9| 135 | 3968| 230] Globe Iron Wks. Co. Fairport, O. 3091 rt Arches. |Reconstructed to Arches & 12'¢ Cleveland, 0. C'cveland, Ohio. Exp. 633 Cleveland, 1898. .| Induced Draft Cleveland, 1898. Nee H. 8. Hoiden in 1912. 4Comp. ' 106032 | Prop;| Ariel'... <2. :.--0-- Aim,| Oak. | 201 | 95/01/2070" [11°06] 1 2. 2 1881 |Detroit Dry Dock Co....} ----| -.| --.| .-| ..||| Walkerville & Detroit} .. | Non : 20 24 | 360 | 90 | Frontier Iron Wks. | -- | 1 | Fire-box. 8'0" |15'6" |2| 36 |1300 | 90 | Desotelle & Hutton Detroit, Mich. 119 ~ | Detroit, Mich. oe Ferry Co., Walkerville, Ont. Cond. Detroit, 1881. Detroit, 1881. . 197681 Prop:| Arizona .25-....2.4- Am.| Oak. | 765 |189/0"| 32'6"|14/3"] 1. Jar fq[ aA AL. Rps.'17_--.|1868 | Dunford & Alverson...-| 9OCF) 1) 4-19) 4-20 414) Twin City Trans. Co.| -.| Steeple.| 2} 22-40 | 30) 500] 96 | Marine Iron Works| --| 1) Scotch. 11'3"|12'0"|2| 41 | ....]125|Lake Erie Boiler Buffalo, N. Y. 601 '| Hatches 24'¢1 Comp... '|Re. '88 | Port Huron, Mich. Ae | No. Tonawanda, N. Y. Comp. Bay City, 1893. Wks., Buffalo, 1897. 126551 | Prop.| Arizona ...-..-.-.--| Am.] Oak. | 1041] 203'5"| 40/0" |22'2"| 1 |mXUGm@oOalsy A W.---- 1889 |Burger & Burger. _____- --=- | --| ---| «--t:qq@m@oodrich Transit Co.| ..| F.&A.j2) 28-60 © 136/850 | 90 |C. F. Eines... _._-| __ | 2 | Vire-box. 9/0" |16/0"|4| 70 |3502|}125|J. Mohr & Sons... Duluth, Minn. 801 Pass. Manitowoc, Wis. -- Chicago, Ill. Comp. Chicago, 1889. Forced Draft Chicago, Ill. Nee City of Racine. 207300 | Prop.| Arlington ----------- Am. | Steel. | 2338 | 244'0" | 43/0" |26'6"| 2 |Ch.S. @ @ eas] lt] G---- |1910 | Detroit Ship Bldg. Co.--| --__| --| ---| --.| ... New England Coal].. |Quad. | 4 | 17}-25}-37 | 36 | 1250 | 97 | Detroit Ship Bldg. | -- | 2 | Scotch. 12'6" |11'6" |4| 84 |3132 | 210 | Detroit Ship Bldg. - 1691 Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. Coastwise Ser- Wyandotte, Mich. & Coke Co., Boston, Mass. Exp. 54 Co., Detroit, 1910. Forced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1910. vice. 74388 | Prop.| Armenia.---.----- -- Can} Oak.- | 467.7 176'2*) 250721155") fod 3 1878 | Simpson .2./.-.222--2] _1_} -. +.) Ap gecolph Lomer ...-..] ..; Steeple (2) 01 7-84:184) 3161) 1% | Thos. Wilson... .. -- | 1 | Scotch. 11'6" |10'9" |3| 45 |1417| 78 | Inglis & Hutton .--- Kingston, Ont. 318 | Chatham, Ont. Montreal, Que. Comp. Dundas, 1873. Toronto, 1889. 107250 | S. Wal Arrow: nwa Aim,|.Mx. | 365 |165'3"|28'0" (17767 | 2 j-> Pass, 7 4, 11895 |Detroit Dry Dock Co...-] __-_ | -.| ---| -.-| ..{#Mugene McFall ..--. .- | Beam. | 1 40 108} 600 | 30 | Fletcher & Harris. | __ | 1 | Fire-box. 96" |15/11"|2| 63 |2093/| 60 | American Ship Bldg. Sandusky, O. & Steel. | 182 | Wyandotte, Mich. : Sandusky, Ohio. _ | Cond. Hoboken, 1868, Re. 1889. Forced Draft. Co., Lorain, 1911. 106683 | Tug. || Arthur ...-....-<s<: | Am. Oak, 4.86 1.15550 (14°0°1 75") 1 4: sti" eC 1906 ott. eee SS. Hilborn...-._. (Mee dd 14 16 | 125 |130 | Hoffman & Billings | -- | 1 | Fire-box. 5/6" {10/07 |/1 | 214 | 815 |... |T. L. McGregor... 18 ; | Milwaukee, Wis. ; Cheboygan, Mich, Non Cond. Milwaukee, 1889. Milwaukee, 1889. 108098 | S. W.| Arthur: ._._......-.2.4Gan.] Oak.) '78 1.9078"119'4" | 478" |°4 |Pass 2 4c. OR eect Cl i ville Lumber Co] | Oe ie ee ee ee a eh oaks eee Montreal, Que. 36 Sorel, Que. te Montreal, Que. 106640 | Tug. '| Arthur D. ...-.... 25 jAm, |Oak.: | 22. | 4970" 71379 | Fa" 1 8 rrr---- F§ess-- eet ft reat Lakes Towing] ..| 2.214 15 17 | 210 |130 | Donaldson & Whit- | _. | 1 | Fire-box. 5'8" 1106" |1| 21 | 546 |140 | Lake Erie Boil. Wks. Alpena, Mich. 10 Buffalo, N. Y. === Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Non Cond. man, Buffalo, 1889. Buffalo, 1889, 205285 | Prop. Arthur E. Newbold-..--| Am.) Steel. 6971 530'0"|56'0"|31'0"| 1 |Ch.S. 9 O &E I 4 ---- |1908| Great Lakes Eng. Wks. | 100 | 2) 418) 420) 419) eehastown f. ee Co..|-.|Triple {3} 23-37-63 | 42 |1800 | 85 |Great Lakes Engi-|-- | 2 |Scotch. 15'0" |11'6" |6 |115.5 |5344 |180 |Marine Boiler Wks. bert, ens, 82 Arches, |Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Ecorse, Mich. Cl nian Cie o., Mgrs. Exp. neering Wks., Detroit, 1908. Forced Draft. Toledo, 1908. 107005 | Prop. | Arthur Orr ......---- | Am. | Steel. | 2745 |334'0" |41'3"" |24'7" | 2 1893 |Chi . CanadaAtlanticTrans.|-.| Triple | 3] 19-32-52 |44| 800 | 75 |King Iron Works-. | -- | 2 | Scotch. 19"0" (12°6" |4) -_. 160 | American Ship Bldg. Duluth, Minn. 2117 ais BLY 6 8 Hie sees P Ciusage SP Bde. Otis) seg aiaes 4] oe Co., Montreal, Que. feos Buffalo, 1892. : ae Gas Chevataus 1914 e 106554 | Tug. | Arthur Woods -------| Am. | Oak. | 37 54° 67415°6" [oO OP let ci 11888. : Breakwater Co......4..100 el ae ab ee fe Poe ne a es PUA eco! Se a an a ae é Co emer ee ; nae" UU Gee se pee 1a compere, Obie, be ee 1496 | Tug. | Ashland -.--.---..- Am. }Oak, | 97 | 87/4" 31946" | 6°8 | 1: i pe Begs 1867 |Hitchcock & Gibson....| _... | ..| ...| ..| .-{}¥ohm Schroeder Lbr.| -.| Steeple. |2| 15-30 |24| 300 |110 |Sherriffs Mfg. Co._|-. |1 |Fire-box. 76" |12'0" |2 | 35 |____ |150 |Kingsford Foundry Ne a a 57 ah Re °08 |Buffalo, N. Y. ; Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Comp. Milwaukee, Wis., 1867. \ Co., Oswego, 1899. <a Tug. | Aspen.---...------ Am. Steel. (277 /1178"|25'0" |11'10" | 1 [EBT © fA.-2-_-s..wi.-: 2: 11908, |Craig Ship Bldg. Ce | __| _J}U- 8. Lighthouse Est.]..|Comp. [2] 16-31 |24|375 |150 |CraigShipBldg.Co. |-. |1 |Scotch. 11'9" |12'0" |2 | 46 |1494 |120 |Lake Erie Boil. Wks. | Toledo, O. -- 4 | Washington, D. C. Inverted. Toledo, 1905. Buffalo, 1905.