Maritime History of the Great Lakes

American Bureau of Shipping, Great Lakes Department, 1920, p. 9

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STEAM VESSELS. AWC STEAM VESSELS. AWC _ | $ | prvenstons in Feet | a ssn ogi eae OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. othe [ '2 a Ba NAME OF VESSEL a < z AND INCHES. , wi eee z Lot oo = : a MANAGERS, CYLINDERS : 3 rar Ke Par gi oH | af 'is oe ----z-| #8 CONSTRUCTION; : ~- | .4/2,| (rr 35) SYSTEM |-- a ee asl oe eS | ss) sumvers, «= | aE | ER | P P . p PORT OF HAIL. . 3 Gross.| 8 4! 3 3 g 3 a A AND ABBREVIATIONS. WHERE BUILT. CLASs. | § ° 313 s : ADDRESS, 85 OF | Diameterin | § 2 3 : 43 WHERE BUILT. 8 B| g TYPE, é g § 2g gig ge 28 WHERE BUILT. < f & is a Le ° o 3 o a og & 7 Se £ Ne. | Go | ES | BS - »|ad/oa| a a® | ENGINES 3 Inches. | £2) 9s lag DATE. am | 2 s a 3 Osa 5a | &% DATE. eis? 203071; T..8; | Ashtabila 2-210 Am.| Steel.| 2670| 338/07] 56/0"| 20'6"| 2 |Ch.S. Wad]s] AaaW--.-- |1906 |Great Lakes Engineering} @& 100} 2) 3-19) 3-21) 3.19 H Penna. Ontario Trans.| &| Triple | 6} 2-194-2-31| 36 3000|110| Great Lakes Eng. | ® | 4| Scotch. 13/2" 11'6"|8| 176 | 8200] 176] Lake Erie Boil. Wks. | 3-19 | 3-21} 3-19] Fairport, 0. 1525 : H. B. wh Ferry. Equipped with Steel Stern Works, St. Clair, Mich. | Co. Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. 2-52 f Wks., Detroit, 1906. Forced Draft. Buffalo, 1906. : ate. Pe 919966| Tug:) Aghtdbula st0011._) Anh Steel.| 66 |) 68°0") 170") 126%) 1 Jel. cet eee 1915 | Great Lakes Towing Co.| -...| -| ..| _.| ,.| |] Great Lakes Towing|--| Simple {1} -- 21 24 |____ |145 |Great Lakes Towing|-.| 1] ReturnFlue| 8/0"| 12'0"| 2) ____| ____ |154| Great Lakes Towing | -.-| - cu Duluth, Minn. 31 Cleveland, 1915 '| Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Co., Cleveland, 1915 Co., Cleveland, 1915 125984| Prop.| Assiniboia ..-.-.--- Can, | Stel? | 3880']336'0"] 4376" |26°6" |S | (Gy Sryat A soci 2-22 1907 | Fairfield Ship Bldg. Co..| _...| .| ..| _.| ..| ] Canadian PacificR.R.|-.| Quad. |4 |234-34-484] 45 | 3300 | 100 | Fairfield Ship Bldg. |. | 4| Scotch. 14/10"| 11'0"|19 299 | 7802| 220] Fairfield Ship Bldg.]| ...| .--| --- Montreal, Que. 2486 Package Freight and Pass. Govan, Scotland. Co., Montreal, Que. Exp. 70 Co., Govan, 1907. 3 Co., Govan, 1907. 107598| Prop.| Asuncion .....-----| Am. | Steel. | 2196 |242'0"| 42/0" |26'6"| 1 |Ch.8. BRT OU --------- 1900 | American Ship Bldg. Co.} __--| -| ..] ... Standard Oil Co. of Cal} -.| Quad. [4] 15-23 /36|1000| 85 | American ShipBldg]| -. | 2| Water-tube| 12/6"|10"6"|2| 132 | 5000 | 250 | Babcock & Wilcox -| --.| ---| --- 1328 cE: B. Lorain, O. San Francisco, Cal. Exp. 35-54 Co., Cleveland, 1900. Assisted Draft. New York, 1900. 85764| Prop.| Athabasca -.-.__---- Can.| Steel.| 2784] 290'0"| 38'2"| 23/3"| 2 | Fr. & Pass. © Gf ----- $esd | Aiken @ Meet eee Cw te. Canadian Pacific Ry.] --| F. &A.|2] 30-64 |48/1225| 64 | D. Rowan........]-. |2|Scotch. -- 14/0"|11'0"|6]____| ____|150] WesternD.D. &Ship] ...| --.| --- Montreal, Que. 2348 Glasgow, Scotland. Montreal, Que. Comp. Glasgow, 1883. Forced Draft. Bldg. Co., Port Arthur, 1914. 131053 | Prop.| Atikokan -.---.-----| Can.| Steel.| 2004] 308'0"| 38'0"| 24'0"| 1 | @DWeals[U A ---------- 1895 | American Steel Barge Co.}| ____ | __| ___| __.| __| | Montreal Trans. Co. |--|Triple {3 |183-32-54 |42 |1100 | 85 |S. F. Hodge & Co. |_-_ |2 |Scotch. 12/0" 113°0" 16} 118: 3996 | 125 |) Wickes Bras. =p Montreal, Que. 1291 Arches | Hatches 24'¢. 2 Comp. W. Superior, Wis. Montreal, Que. Exp. Detroit, 1895. Saginaw, 1894. Nee John B, Trevor 204864] Prop.| A. T. Kinney -------- Am. | Steel. | 6328] 504'0"|54'0" |30/0"| 1 |ChS.QWOP OL & ------ 1908 | Bay City 'Ship Bldg. Go:j ....| ..) .) - Kinney 8. 8. Co._.-- -- | Triple {3 | 22-36-60 |42 |1600 | 80 |Detroit Ship Bldg. | __ |2 | Scotch. 13/9"|11'6"| 4] 91.6 | 4640| 180| Detroit Ship Bldg.] .--| ---| --- Duluth, Minn. 4686 Arches, | Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Bay City, Mich. (A. T. Kinney, Mgr.) Exp. Co., Detroit, 1908. Induced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1908. Nee Caldera Cleveland, Ohio. 106480 | Prop,| Atlantis 2.--..-.-._- Am. {Oak.'| 497 7100/2") 932") B90"): 2 tiara Ss ee 1987 (F Whodt!... 5... oe: pete bet SE J. R. Snook ..-.-_-. -- | Non 1 15 OP Aee .. {1 |Fire-box. 6°0" 4110/6" [1 |. 1 6 Spurgeon & Son. 7 2 "| Mt. Clemens, Mich. . 106 Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mt. Clemens, Mich. Cond. Detroit. 215870 | Prop.| August Zeising .--.--| Am. | Steel. | 8271] 5800") 60'0"|32'0"| 1 |G Js] AGW Ch. Sys.._-- 1917 |Great Lakes Eng. Works] __-_| .-| .--| --- Pittsburg 8.8. Co. .-|--| Triple [3 |244-40-65 |42 |1900 |83 Great Lakes Eng. |_- |83 |Scotch. 13/6") 11/0") G) 987 |6406 |180) Marine Boiler Wks. ..- |) .-.7 .-. Duluth, Minn. 6408 Arches | Straight Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢. Ecorse, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. Wks. Detroit, Mich. 1917 Toledo, O., 1917. mp. 200883 | Prop. |Augustus B. Wolvin -. | Am. | Steel. |6585 |540'0" |56/0" |32/0"| 1 [ChS. BURT I wel 1904 | American Ship Bldg. Co.| ..-. | --| --.| --- Interlake 8. S. Co.--} --| Quad. | 4] 184-284 | 42/2000] 85 | AmericanShip Bldg] __| 2] Water-tube| ______ 10'0"| 4] 156 | 6800 | 250| Babcock & Wilcox_| ...| ---| --- Pape 6. 6311 Hatches 12'. ~ Latah. 0: Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. 4314-66 Co., Cleveland, 1904. Induced Draft. New York, 1904. 66063'| Pug:!| Aurelias. 2 oug.c2 Can, | Oaks: | 34 1)°R670F F149" | 6°OO Pia Foi ead sede geo) Ge whist Ss ' se Pgs Robert Weddell--- -- ac Pee ie wo eee ee Tee Rh oe. _| Montreal, Que. 23 ~~ IRe. 08 (Buffalo, N. Y. See Soe: = a Trenton, Ont. 133834 | Tug. :| Aurelie G............|Can. |Steel, |137 | 79'0" |22'0" f11'0" | 1 fet Ay ease th aot voe a. 2) peat fas cee 8. pO ep epee Sincennes McNaugh- |.._|F.& A.}2] 18-36 |24] 420] _- Gouldie, Gillespie & | _- | 1} Scotch. 13°67) 11/6" +S). : } oe A. GW. Daleish ff Montreal, Que. 9 Greenock, Saas 22% = | ton Line, Ltd., Montreal, Que. Comp. Co., Glasgow,Scotland,1912. Pollokshaws, Scotland, 1912. 30094 | Prop. | A Cao Am. | Steel. [3845 |376'0" 147'9" |26'0" | 1 JCh.S. " Pee OL: Shi» Bide. Co ___| ..| [Pioneer 8. 8. Co. .._]-. |Triple [3 | 19-333-56 |42 |1500| 86 |Cleve. Ship Bldg. | -. | 2| Scotch. 12'6"|12'0"| 4| 176 | 6606] 175| Manitowoc Boiler_. [4-17 |4-19 |4-17 Tn es Goh, aseiaclie, 2877 H.B. [Hatches mrt Ves ee Re. '12 |S. caieds, Ft: eden One? ket ro Ee ee vers. See 96873 | Tug. | A. V. Crawford .----- '|Can.|Oak. | 51 | 72/0" }15/7" | 7/2" EK. B. Boone -.._.-- ee a A eee Olea ee Se . Port Stanley, Ont. 35 ee cs [ |------------------------- 1891 wat eee a ae Oe a anion, Ontz. tL De ee ph Eee ee tee 106025 | Tug. | A. W. Colton -...-.-- Am. |Iron. | 92 | 81/0"}18'0" |10'0" | 1 Oo hies 1881 |Bell __|]Great Lakes Towing] -- |Steeple.|2] 15-30 |26|____ |140 | Bell Engine Co,... | -- | 1] Fire-box. 8'6" 1192/0" /2|. |. 180 |Cleyeland Ship Bldg. | .. |... 4. Duluth, Minn. a8 a ee ee Buffalo, N.Y. oo ae Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Comp. Buffalo, N. Y., 1881. Co., Cleveland, O., 1898. 9

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