STEAM VESSELS. BEL STEAM VESSELS. BEL 5 @ | pmmensions IN FEET | 5 g | ENGINES. BOILERS. x 5 AME OF VESSEL . < = AND INCHES. ya SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. : ' 2 i S N ont 3 5 ° _|§ x --seslimiaiiaasis * ; sceiiaiae CYLINDERS. Z 5 i asl i DIMENSIONS. FURNACES. : ss ee ; v 3 a - sittane tik abdas. i Sie 5 « a3 j 3 26 AND ABBREVIATIONS. a WHERE BUILT. _| crass. E| OF | §| Diameter in| ¢¢ 3 g 2| WHERE BUILT. | 32) § TYPE. B) 82 | 282 WHERE BUILT s 8 rr 'eae i $3 | B38 | 5 | @| ENGINES.| §| Inches. 83 aS 5 g DATE. aa| Zz i g ES & DATE. § aA QA Zz ar = z a / ' , an, Hunter & Wigham| --.-.- s ; 2140001 'T. &, 1 Beeel.. 2.2... Am. | Steel. | 1638] 248'0"| 42'6"|20'6"| 1 |Get @-------- ear a ee 1912 | Swan, & Standard Oil Co... -- ..| Internal] 4 11.4 /16.9 520] 250} Diesel Motor Co...| _.| 2} Donkey Up} 5'0% 123% 2| 25! 400 100 I d New York, AY. 1305 Arches. ~~ Service. Hatches 24'¢. Richardson, Newcastle, Eng. wed Wy. Scundamnad pedro ate pg y Up ---- oe or. . ee * - 100306 | Tug. | Balize.....-..--..-- Oan,| Osk. | 247 1182'0° | 20°00 (12°0° | 2) MIS ---- 18S Lee John Charlton ..-..- --| Dble. | 4 218 | 30) 460} 120) J. Murphy .....-- --| 1} Fire-box. | 10'6"| 17'0"| 2} 54 | 2045] 110] M. Riter.......... : . Windsor, Ont. 168 oe Lyndock, Ont. Stple. Comp. Detroit, 1870. . Buffalo, 1888. 201695 | Prop.| Ball Brothers ..-...--| Am. | Steel. |5733 | 480'0"|52'0"|30'0"| 1 |Ch.S. BY GFL O------ 1908 | Amy Ship Bie G. A. Tomlinson....| ..| Triple | 3, 223-36-60| 42] 1500, 80| Detroit Ship Bldg.| _.| 2] Scotch. 13'9"| 11'6"| 4) 100| 4536| 180] Am. Ship Bldg. Co. P Duluth, Minn. 4438 Arches. |Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢. 8 Comp. Lorain, O. Duluth, a . a 3 + Co., wesc ee S matucad Draft. eee . 5 wes 208787 | Tug. | Baltimore... -------- Am. |Steel.| 45 | 62'0"|16'0"| 7'6"| 1 |Fish Tug Js] ------------_- 1911 | Am. Ship Bldg. Co. -.-.] ---- Booth Fisheries Co. -| ..| H. P. | 1 12 14, 100| ...| BayState IronWks.| __| 1) Scotch. 7'o"; OC" Ty. ot 10) Am, Bile Bide. Oo.) .. Michigan City, Ind. 31 ar 0. Chicago, Il. Non Cond. Erie, 1911. Lorain, 1911. 201164 | Prop.| Batavia ........---- Am. | Steel, | 202°] 98'1"|26'8"] 7'6*) 1: [Lighter..-: 1904 |Empire Ship Bldg. Co... | --_- Lehigh Valley Trans] _.| ......- SOU Ne a oe oe or ee at) ee ee 158 Buffalo, N. Y. } Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 126867 | Prop.| Bawating ...----.---| Can.| Oak. | 246 | 104'0"|29'0"|22'0" | 2 |--+Ayp@f\ Pass. Ferry_____- 1875 | Detroit Dry Dock Co. --] ---- International Transit ..| H. P. | 2 204 24; 460) 110) Frontier Iron Wks.| --| 1) Fire-box. 8'6"| 15'0"| 2| 46 | 1572} 110} Dry Dk. Eng. Wks.| . -- Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. 167 Detroit, Mich. Oo., Sault Sie, Marie, Ont. Non Cond. Detroit, 1875. Detroit, 1890. Nee Fortune. 209741 | Prop.| Bayamon ..--..----- Am, | Steel. | 2551 | 253'0" | 436" |28'6"| 2 |Ch.S. @ OW GIs GO ---- |1912 |Great Lakes Eng. Wks. -| ---- Ocean Freight Line..| -.| Triple | 3) 213-352-58 42) 1500) 83| Great Lakes Eng.| --| 2) Scotch. 14'2"| 12'0"| 6} 105 | 4458) 180) John Brennan & Son] - - Wilmington, Del. 1992 Coastwise Service. Ecorse, Mich. New York, N. Y. Exp. Wks., Detroit, 1912. Detroit, 1912. 96049 | Prop.| Bayfield ..........-.| Can.| Oak. | 276 140/0"|24'1"|11/3"| 1 See ee ABOS eee ee ee Minister of Marine & -.| Triple | 3) 123-20-33) 24) 112) 100) D. &W. Henderson] --} 1] Scotch. 13'6") 11/0" @ UL. <22_| 166] D. & W. Henderson! ... ' Ottawa, Ont. 114 Glasgow, G. B. Fisheries. Ottawa, Ont. Exp. & Co., Glasgow, Scot. 1889 Co., Glasgow, Scot. 1887. Nee Lord Stanley. 136205 | Prop.| Bay Port ...--..---.| Am. | Steel. | 1399 |255'0" | 380" |24'0" | 1 O)Wea ll 45-5). 1891 | Am. Steel Barge Co._...] _..- -|| White Oak Trans. Co.J ..| Triple | 3) 174-28-97| 33) 850| 89| Northeastern Eng. -.| 2} Scotch. 10'1"| 12'6"| 9| 87 | 3010; 160) Lake Erie Boil.Wks| -. ' Nee E. B. Bartlett. 1075 H.B, |Coastwise Service. Hatches 24'¢. West Superior, Wis. } Boston, Mass. Exp. Wks., Sunderland, Eng.,1893. Buffalo, 76933 | Prop.| Bay State. .......-..- Am, | Steel. | 12457 255'0* 1 36'0*% 1220" | 1: W@W be... 1890 | Am. Steel Barge Co. _. -_- ae .J] White Oak Trans. Co.| _.| F. & A.| 2 26-50 | 421 800] 80] S. F. Hodge & Co.} _.| 2} Scotch. 11'0"| 12'0"| 9| 88 | 2706] 125) Lake Erie Boil.Wks.| ~.. Nee Jos. L, Colby. 914 H. B. |Coastwise Service. Hatches 24'¢. West Superior, Wis. ] Boston, Mass. Comp. Detroit, 1891. Buffalo, 1889. 106834 | Prop.| Bay View. ..---.--.- | Am. | Steel. | 1399 | 252'8"" |38'0" |24'0" | 1 CJ |] sl ----2...<.-. |1 89) Am. Steet Barce Ta. on -|} White Oak Trans. Co.] ..| Triple | 3) 17-30-48| 36) 825] 82) S. F. Hodge & Co.| --| 2} Scotch. 10'7"| 11'6"| 2} 88 | 2956) 160} Lake Erie Boil.Wks.| - - : Nee A. D. Thomson. 1075 H. B. |Coastwise Service. Hatches 24'¢. West Superior, Wis. Boston, Mass. Exp. Detroit, 1891. Buffalo, 1891. 124160 | Tug. | Beaumont ...---...-- Can. | Steel. | 58 69°0" 16/6" 1 9'6" | 1 oi... 1907 |P. McGregor & Sons....]| --__- Canadian Dredging -.| F. & A.| 2 15-30 | 21) 275) __.| Colin, Houston&Co.} --} 1} Scotch. 10'2"| 9/7"| 2) ....| ....| 125] Ewing & Lawson - oe ' Midland, Ont. Kirkintilloch, Scotland. Co, Ltd., Midland, Ont. Comp. Glasgow, 1907. Glasgow, 1907. GS167 | Prop. | Beaver... ....-...4, 1 Cem. | Omk. | Si 64'3* 1160'S" | 7'S"1 14. 1999 |Allgn oe .4] Harbor Commission-} ..| .____-- bd a es oO ek) Bae on es ee gk a at oo Gal coon] Sc Gal a6) oe eae wie Belleville, Ont. 24 Belleville, Ont. ers of Montreal, Montreal, Que 125440 | Prop. | Beaverton .---..-.--- Brit. | Steel. | 2011 | 249'0" |42'0" |24'0"| 2 Imo is] { .-<---. 5.227 1908 (R. Stephenson @ £0... 3). MerchantsMutualLing -.| Triple | 3 17-28-46) 33] 1006) 90} North Eastern aod .-| 2| Scotch. 13'0"| 11'0"1 4) <-..| 2c.-| 166) North Hestem Meri ... 'ke Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1357 Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. Ltd., Hepburn-on-Tyne, Eng. Ltd , Montreal, Que. Exp. Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne, 1 Co.,Wallsend-on-Ty ne, 1908. 96606 | Prop. | Belgium -..-.-.------ Am. | Steel. | 3860 |370'0" |48/0" |28'u0"" | 1 (jCh.S. eee (Ohi ' Great Lakes 8. S. Co. -.| Triple | 3) 22-334-55) 40} 1200} 90 | Chicago Ship Bldg.} --| 2| Scotch. 12'10$"|13'0"| 4| 108 | 4229|175| John Mohr & Sons -| --- --4 ore» ee S. Wilkinson. 3057 Per eee S Y G3 | BB os ee uide. : ane Cleveland, Ohio. = Co., Chisago, 1902. Cattenge, 1008. 12 12