BRO STEAM VESSELS. STEAM VESSELS. BRO 2 DIMENSIONS IN FEET | § 7 | OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. dle | z . : _ BUILDERS. ee 3 ~ ME OF VESSEL < z AND INCHES. y a ------ 5 MANAGERS. CYLINDERS. Py Be | Sg : i : : Me AND 2 = 2 : = 9 CONSTRUCTION; : FI Low = once ce neeete cence ceeeonenes aT eo 3 B : g BUILDERS, ani ey ee oa BUILDERS. 2 = = s a 3 j VIATI : 8 a OF 3 : fc| 2 2 4 & é . z =] ~ i P z i eoer ov HAL. i & Gross. So é 3 4 g 5 Qa AND ABBREVIATIONS. E WHERE BUILT. ADDRESS, RB J 3 -- gi 3: é : WHERE BUILT. g E 5 TYPE. é 2 : £ ee £ ge 3 WHERE BUILT. a bi i % 3 a Net. § 6 ES B 2 - (Bel Ag lize DATE. s é 5 63 E58 aa DATE. a | 8 mods < : qe 'qn qe b.S. & _....... |1903 | American Ship Bldg. Co. So eee ' Great Lakes 8. 8. Co.]-. |Triple [3 | 22-35-58 |40 [1480 |90 |AmericanShipbldg. |__ | 2 | Scotch. 13/2" |11'6"|4) 88 |4292|170 | American ShipBldg. | _.. | -__ | _-. 3971 | Pr op. 6. Lyman See ---- | Am. | Steel. -- 380'0" | 50'0" | 28°0 ieee wee aig et 8 Lorain, O. : | Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. Co. Cleveland, oe - Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, ae e oan. | nee he 'ee gel 4 he 1972 |Geo. H, Notter... . seb) wh ee : oA. Carron... -- |Non 1 14 1G bo eee oe ee Mid) Soe APG OO ie OO bart ae 2867 | 'Tu gz. Gon Stepnenson wc -...| Am. | Oak. : 50'0 13°5 6'2 1 |------------ Buffalo, N. Y. : F Cheboygan, Mich. Cond. 1879. e989 | Tue pels! geyel 4 4 1963 |Martel 22.272 2 see | hg see WN. EY Huge... -o4 "=| ee Rat eek Se aes oo eae ee id Cee ee wah es eh oe ioe oe 3262 | Tug. Bes Teed: Je cae. Am.| Oak. ° 64/2"|18'7 ee Sa Wie a ates fiend 5. ' ra sovel ron ren Daan en ee 1494 IB. T Hoge __.. |__| ...| ...| | 98 |Hart Trans. Co...... ].. |F. & A. |2| 1428 [20 | 240 |140 | Wilson & Hendrie_ |__ /1 | Fire-box. 770" | 42/0" 1 LE} 28.) 906 (125.1 Wilson & Hendrie: f 2.27 22 pes 3626 | I rope Bon Ami ---+--------| Am.| Mx, - 108°2 21°8 15°6 4 Pass. -_--~-------- Saugatuck, i. 4 Green Bay, Wis. Comp. Montague, 1894. Montague, 1894. 87966 | Prop.| Bonavista ....------ Can: | Iron. '| 1306 | 240'4"| 33'B"1 1878") Fo 1 ete ee 1884 |Wigham, Richardson &| ---- | --| ---| ---| -. : Dominion Coal Co... ]-.|Comp. |2{ 31-62 |42] 160 |... |Wigham, Richard-|-.|2|Scotch. |______|----- 6| 108 | 3010 |-.. | Wigham, Richardson | --- | --- | --. Montreal, Que. ea 837 H. B. Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. j Montreal, Que. son & Co., Newcastle, 1884, & Co., Newcastle, 1884. 2()9335 | Prop. inne owe) Am. | Steel. | 2551 | 253'0" | 43'6"|28'6"| 2 ICh. 8. -__. 11911 |Great Lakes Eno. Works. | .....| _-| .--| ---| ...) -- [Ocean Freight Line--]|--|Triple | 3 |214-354-58/42 |1500 | 83 |Great Lakes Eng. |_. |2 |Scotch. 14'2" |12'0" |6 | 105 | 4458 | 180 | John Brennan & Son | -_-. | --- | --- 2 eoraen " i oe Coastwise wy ie U o Ecorse, Mich. & . New York, N.Y. Exp. Wks, Detroit, 1911. Detroit, 1911. 91n0t : Sion a}enn'qn ron leqrant « AVS 2 ek : Great Lakes Transit |.. | Quad. 4 | 19-272-40 |42 |}1700 | 83 |Great Lakes Eng. |_- |2 |Scotch. 14° 2" 1120" 161110 |4924}210 | Marine Boiler Wks. |... + -. f - ae = oo N. Y. ye: er cae ads eit fae : eae a Y &3 FF \ 6 se ita: ge se ee . Corp., Buffalo, N. Y. Exp. 58 . Wks. Detroit, 1913. - Forced Draft. Toledo, 1913. 90546 | S. W.| Boucherville ..-.....] Cam:[ Oak. {419 | 178'9"| 26'3"| 9'°2"%) 1. Pass. & Freight... 22. = 1866 toss. ee San pf See ee ae pees Ciemeny "| eee Set ee oe ce dere (Ee Roe he eee eee ae ~- |--|---------- | ------ | ----- --|---- |---- |--- |------------------ --- | --- | --- Montreal, po lk 256 be Que. 1 [Rinhelien & Ontario Division.) : : | | Montreal, Que. : 100370 | S.. W..| Bourgols .2- 32 occ. Can. 1 Oak.::| 94 | T08'O" R200") B16") 4 [ou ee 1876: |\Frechette ©. df i ee 1 CorporationoftheCity | -- | -_-_-- 2 EES out Pee Pee lo net eee ed eee GS AS hee oo ee eae be bac oe oS eb lee ee ee a ee ee Quebec, Que. 59 Re. 92 |Three Rivers, Que. _ jof Three Rivers. 3 Three Rivers, Que. 5 207301 | Prop.| Brandon...--...---- Am. | Steel. | 2338] 244'0"| 43/0"|26'6"| 2 |Ch.S.@W Gast] A------ 1910:|/DetroitShip. Bldg. Cougs |... jae <<) | |New England Coal & |-- |Quad. | 4 |17}-254-37/36 |1250 | 97 |Detroit Ship Bldg. |-- |2 |Scotch. 12/6" |11'6" |41 84 (3132 (1210 | Detroit Ship Bide. |... | ._. } _.- Buffalo, N. Y. 1691 Hatches 24'¢. 3 comp. Wyandotte, Mich. | |Coke Co., Boston, Mass. Exp. 54 Co., Detroit, 1910. Forced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1910. Coastwise Service. q 211620 | Prop.} Brilliant ©... 2... Am.| Steel. | 2486] 250'0"| 43'0"| 25'0"| 1 |Long. Sys. w Js] 4 -------- |1913 |American Ship Bldg. Co.,} -.-- | --| ---| ---| + | |Standard Oil Co..... }-. |Triple [2] 19-31-54 |42 [1650 | 97 | AmericanShipBldg. | -- | 2| Scotch. 14'6"| 11'6"| 6/150 | 5052 | 200 | American Ship Bldg. | -.- | --- | --- New York 1260 Bulk Oil. Ocean Service. Lorain, O. . New York, N. Y. Exp. Co., Cleveland, 1913. Co., Lorain, 1913. 100188 | S&S. W.t Gritannioe.. ....5-4.-5 Can.| Mx. 428 | 150'8"| 25'6"| 9'2"| 1 |P4( Pass. & Freight______ 1866 (Wo Seth oe 24-2) 2. Montreal & Cornwall} .. | ____.- ol oweeenee wa Dee be ee ec eee ae ort oe ee eS Bee boo baa ae ee ee ee ee ee oe ie Poe kor on Collingwood, Ont. & Iron. 228 Re. '92, | Sorel, Que. | | Nav. Co., Ltd. Nee Rocket. j Cornwall, Ont. 203237 | Prop.| Britannia -..-.-..-.--- Am. Steel, |:'791 | 164'0")45'0"/17°98)-5 "Wei Rv ee 1906 |Detroit Ship Bldg. Co. - _... | ..| 2--| ---| -.|-- [Detroit & Windsor|..|Triple |3]| 20-32-50 |36 |1400 |... |Detroit Ship Bldg. |.-. |2 | Scotch. 13/2" |12'0° 14) 88 74166 {180 (Detroit Ship Bide} - <2)... t... Detroit, Mich, 401 Ferry Boat. Wyandotte, Mich. | |Ferry Co., Detroit, Mich. Exp. Co., Detroit, 1906. Forced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1906. 107421 | Prop.| Brockville ..-.-.-.--- Can. | Oak. {191 [105/07] 21/5"| S'7®)-4° (Pass, Ae 2) secu) ROS Simpson. ek | ee ee | |Canada Steamship 13 B12 9-18 14 | 140 |165 | Polson Iron Wks. - | -- |1 | Fire-box. 4'9"| 8°00" 11] 16.) 574 1165 | Polson Iron Wks... |.) 7. fk. Picton, Ont. 88 pase Ck | {Lines Limited. Comp. Toronto, 1898. Toronto, 1898. 9 . ae = Si ansainy Division) 206732 | Prop.| Brokate =... -.-....| Am.| Oak. | 140 | 91"4°/26'0"| .8'041: 4 {Sand Sucker: ..2.. 2 3] 1909 |James Stanes__________ __.. | |---| -2.] --]R [United Fuel & Supply |. |Non 1 14 1472 1 ee ke bi Seoteh.. 4 9'O%) 6G" 114. 7 |. (3e5 Loon Gros, te Detroit, Mich. 112 Toledo, O. | | Co., Detroit, Mich. Cond. Buffalo, '09. Toledo, 1909. 14 ; 14