STEAM. VESSELS. CAN ' 3 DIMENSIONS IN FEET | f & oe 2 of te os whine 'Oe Veen 4 2 z AND INCHES. a SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. ee ba ad as g b e 19s CONSTRUCTION; "s -- 2) 2 ; a Qu S g So ee ole E 5 : ade ial fe 5 Gros.) 3 S 3 J 3 5 a AND ABBREVIATIONS. : WHERE BUILT. crass. | : e|\ $8 a MS : © o o ux Net. § 0 ES gs »| AG] OR f 133825 | Prop.| Cabotia ...--------- Can. | Oak. |15301234'0" |36'0" |20'0" | 1 |>¢Js[eg L. Rps. 17 &18-.-. |1880 |Linn & Craig-...-.---- | ---. | 1] -.| -.| _ Montreal, Que. 932 H.B. |Hatches 24'¢. Gibraltar, Mich. Nee Hiawatha, 127569 | Tug. | Cadiliac ..--...--.-. Am. | Oak. 19 BOS" 13°00) O°6* 1 190L ts. es ee eee Buffalo, N. Y. 11 Detroit, Mich. 138230 | Prop. | Cadillac .-......-.-. | Can Steel. 1.12971 235'147 36'S" 19°00") Ls iar tw bafe 1892 Chicago Ship Bldg. Coe bg.) ok i Montreal, Que. 732 Chicago, Il. 117484 | Prop.) Cadiliac ......-. <5 <5 Am. |Steel. |4308 |380'0" |50'0" |28'0" | 1 Ch.8. @ Y Ist U & Ege 1902 | American Ship Bldg. Co. | 100 2| 4-18) 4.20) 4.18 Grand Island, Mich. 8366 H. B. | Hatches 24'¢. 4 Comp. Lorain, O. Nee Steel King 209763 | Prop.| Calcite --.-...-----| Am. | Steel. | 3996] 416 'O*] .64'0")| 29'0") 1: 1 Ch.5. eo Ist U A Lae 1912} Detroit Ship Bldg. Co.--| @ 100} 2) 3-19} 3-21 3-19 Detroit, Mich. 2459 Arches.| Hoppers Self Unloading. Wyandotte, Mich. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. 126948 | Tug. | C. A. Lorman ------- Am. | Oak. | 41 69° O° F170) Bo) 1 il 1808 (oo oe cee ee : Detroit, Mich. 20 Detroit, Mich. 131056 | Prop. | Calgarian--....----- Can. | Steel. | 2326 | 2440" | 42'6"|26'6" | 2 {Long Sys. BYWJs[ lJ Ad --- |1913 | Western Dry Dock & 3 eo ee Port Arthur, Ont. 1301 Hatches 24'¢ 2 Comp. Ship Bldg. Co. Port Arthur, Ont. 126838 | Tug. | Calumet............1 Am. ] Oak. | 63 13°@7 1196") 9714) 1 th 1 1892 | Milwaukee Ship Yd. Co.f 2.3 -2 ~-.| =... Duluth, Minn. 31 Milwaukee, Wis. 204447 | Prop. | Calumet -...-.------ Am. | Steel. | 4928 | 420'0" |52'0" |28'0" | 1 |Ch.S.@] Weg] | 4 ------ |1907 | Detroit Ship Bldg. Co..-| ----| --| '--| --- Fairport, 0. 3673 Arches. | Hatches 12'¢. 4 Comp. Wyandotte, Mich. _ 127100 | Yt. 1] Cambria........--4.] Am.) Oak. | 48 | 94°07) 18'0" | 6°67) 1 6° Fe H894 (6 ae 24 Oshkosh, Wis. 126467 | Prop.| C. A. Meister .-.-..-- Am, | Oak..| 83: | 64°6°113/6") 50°) 360 ge 1890 19): Rohingon. Grand Haven, Mich. 11 Grand Haven, Mich. 125427 | Prop.| Canadian -.--.------| Cam. | Steel. |2214 |248'3" |43'0" |22'8" | 2 [™] @ea Js] LG Coastwise |1907 |Wm. Dobson & Co... --- Coe =. Montreal, Que. 1444 Service Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. 207479 | Prop.| Canadiana -------.-- Am. | Steel. | 974 |203'0" | 450" 16/07. if eoang s iS 3 1 1 0 Fee 1910 Bonne. Dry Dock Co...) 100} 2 =) 4-21) 4-19 126360 | Prop.| Canisteo -....-.-..--- Am. | Oak. | 595 1182/2" 134'3"112'3") 1 jSand Sucker. = 1886) Wm. Dulac Detroit, Mich. 539 Mi. Clee Wich, Ot el ce 133826 | Prop.| Canobie ---.-.------ Can.| Oak. |17481252'0* 13807 121'0" | 1) IisiGs 1887 | Detroit Dry Dock Co....| 90CF| 1| 419, 420 419 -- _ si. 1061 H.B. | Hatches 20'¢. 1 Comp. Detroit, Mich. _ | Lake Erie|& St. uke § ee only STEAM VESSELS. 17 CAN OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. e = : t& : MANAGERS. eile. B< i _ | syermee CYLINDERS af ' i sic te DIMENSIONS. | FURNACES. | sicuemninas 2 o : Dg d vor bvdevesvvevsiors sasccevens 'SO 5 5 5 _ Plo ic 8 woomin YEE) or fl ommmen gg] AB GG] wmmnoou YEG mem |g |ilte| age] ff) wommemone | BE) ER] § O@) ENGINES |) Inches. [| 23| 88/28 DATE. an) z : . Z 63d | 250 Ae DATE. 516 Geo. Hall Coal Co. of |__-| Fed As: (24 21:50 |42 | 700° 85 |Frontier. Iron Wks. }._ 1 |Seoteh: "~~ | 1270" |12°6" (8 | 50. (1876 |125 [Lake Erie Boil. Wks. | _.. | .._| --- Canada, Ltd., Montreal, Que. Comp. ite ees ila 3 Detroit, 1880.55 = et Buffalo, 1889. Charles C. Ryan .. +. |---| -.-<~- oe Pe ee ee see | ee ee aSbec Sp eoee Voce boc abeewe seo eee ied Dae eee Buffalo, N. Y. $i a G a Canada Steamship .. |Triple © [3 |15+25-42 '|80 |500 |80 |Cleveland Ship Bld. [2.-}1 |Seotch. ' | 130" |11'6" |3 | 55 |2077 |160 | Cleveland Ship Bldg. | ... | ... | .-- j Lines Limited, Montreal, Que. Exp. 7 aS Co., Cleveland, 1892. rae Co., Cleveland, 1892. Grand Island 8. S. Co. |-...| Triple | 3} 22-35-58 |40 |1480|82 |AmericaiShipBldg. }.. |2 |Seotch: © | 13/2" |11'6" |4| 88 |4292 |170 | American Ship Bldg. | 4-18 | 4-20 | 4.18 Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. RES Seta See Co., Cleveland, 1902, *" © Forced Draft. ) Co., Cleveland, 1902. Calcite Trans. Co... | @ |Quad. | 4] 19-27-40 |42-}2000 | 90 |Detroit Ship Bldg. |] @43|Scotch. | -11'6"|11'6"|6| 108 | 4692 | 210 | DetroitShipBldg.Co. | 3-19 | 3-21 |3-19 Detroit, Mich. Exp. eo OB aie Co., Detroit, 1912. Forced Draft. Detroit, 1912. Alex. Ruelle, Jr... .- _.|H. P. Jl} 16° |18 | 325 |140 |Dry Dock Eng. Wks: |.. {1 | Fire-box. 6/6" |12'0"| 1] 274 | 690 |165| Dry Dock Eng. Wks. | --. |} --- | -- Detroit, Mich. Non Cond. pas ; Detroit, 1893. Detroit, 1896. Canada. Steamship .. {Triple »|3 | 18-29-48 40 11100 {90 |American Ship Bids: ~2 P21 Seoteh. = |< 1176") 11'6" | 4) WT 4) 3123; 180 | Western Dry Dock &} ... 1.2.) -.- Lines Limited, Montreal, Que. Exp. os ~ <.1-Co., Cleveland, 1912... °>-- = | -/Jnduced Draft. ae ShipBldg.Co.,PortArthur,1913 Great Lakes Dredge ]|-. |Steeple |2| 15-32 /24 |__-_ |... |Sheriffs Mfg. Co. |-- |1 |Fire-box. TO" VIS 4" 2b SG 711867140. ee Col Lecce Tene & Dock Co., Chicago, Il. Comp. A eee Milwaukee, Wis., 1892. 1892 Interlake 8S. S. Co. .. {-. |Triple {3 |:22-35-58 |42 |1500 | 83 |Detroit. Ship Bldg. | -- |2 | Scotch. 13/9" |11'6" | 41 91.6 | 4640 | 180] Detroit Ship Bldg.| -..| --..] -- Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. DOE aes Co., Detroit,:1907. . oe Induced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1907. John Stevens _..---- a | fe ao] Smee Sea CDE Pee Pe ee ee ties | eee Oe Poe bP eae a Pe ee eae Eee Pou Neenah, Wis. \. Van Zanten...:.4 4 F. Ty ede I ee Cb 2 es we teats 3 Piee | oi eee ee ee owe eae Grand Haven, Mich. Non Cond. : a) Canada Steamship .. |Triple {3 | 19-32-52 {36/2010 | 86 | Wallsend Slipway | -- |2 | Scotch. '13'0" | 1070" |6| 204 | 6000} 180] Wallsend Slipway] -.-| --- | --- Lines Limited, Montreal, Que. Exp. hes Co.,Newcastle-on-T yne,'07. ; Co. Newcastle, 1907. Lake Erie Excursion] _. | Triple | 3} 20-32-50 | 36} 1446 | 116} Detroit Ship Bldg. | --|2| Scotch. -- 13/2"|11'6"|4| 88 |4166}180| Detroit Ship Bldg. | 4-19 | 4-21 |4-19 Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Exp. pee Co., Detroit, 1910. Co., Detroit, 1910, United Fuel & Supply |.. |Steeple. |2| 20-40. [36 | 350 | 85 |S. F. Hodge & Co. |-. |1 | Fire-box. 10'0" | 16/0" |2| 51 | 2183 )120 | Dry Dock Eng. Wks. | --. | .-- | -- Co., Detroit, Mich. Comp. é : Detroit, 1894. Detroit, 1886. Lehigh Coal Co. Ltd. |.. |F. & A. |2 | 26-48 |42| 800 | 86 |DryDockEng. Wks. | -- |1 | Scotch. 14/6" |11'7"|3| 55 |2608 |125 | Dry Dock Eng. Wks. [4-19 |4-20 |4-19 (Wilson-Paterson Co., Mgrs.) Comp. Detroit, 1887. Detroit, 1900. Montreal, Que, 12: