STEAM VESSELS. STEAM VESSELS. CHA , 2 DIMENSIONS IN FEET | & a ne OWNERSOR ENGINES. BOILERS : 2 i 6 4 NAME OF VESSEL 6 < = AND INCHES. no ~- SYMBOLS OF BUILDERS. = = }: MANAGERS. oi ates = . - : oN og 2g sis 2 b r : 8 S CONSTRUCTION: e ae £| 2 _.| SYSTEM |------__| 38 | 34 nurses alg DIMENSIONS. FURNACES. . siaat O96 of a Ga 8 PE soccer rceesescoececerece severe BF C #5 & g ° me > o . 2 3 = be eS PORT OF HAIL. ™ 4 Gross.| So é 3 s 3 5 A AND ABBREVIATIONS. a WHERE BUILT. cLass,| ¢ | 9 § gs ADDRESS, io é Diameter in | § § g ¢ |22| WHERE BUILT. g 2 § TYPE. : d iis $s| #8.) 35 WHERE BUILT E E E B 8 eee § ° v S 2 o ao 5 S AN : : os ig 3 se". Ro 3 a 9 | Ne.| $4 Be | 83 Ss ei Asi ea SNGINES| 2) techs | bE eis é DATE. an} Z 5 8 5 658 s ag ia DATE. 816 77608 | Prop.! Cataract... sc... 5. Can.| Comp! 839] 175/0"| 23'6"| 14'6"| 1 TA pe Veo ee T8821 Roberton: = 2-5 e 90 1} 8-19} 8.20 '| Montreal Trans. Co.--| --| F.& A. | 2] 20-40 28} 465] 75 | John Inglis & Co...} __| 1] Scotch. | 13/2" rou ; . . . r Montreal, Que. : 451 yaaa O83 Comp. Re.'18. | Hamilton, Ont. Montreal, Que. Exp. Toronto, a 1904 ss ve ae = Pane hha peer Bone Wie. 4 Nee Barge Cataract. : \ i 1298101 7.8. | Cavet <.6---2 5... Can,| Steel.| 2196: 3066") 36°67 16'0°| 3 list ou 1906 | Canadian Ship Bldg, Co.] .-.. | ~-| -..|. 23g Canada Steamship -. |Quad. | 4| 174-25-36 | 30 | 3800 | 165 | CanadianShipBidg. | ._| 7| Scotch. 11'6" | 12/0" |14| 257 |10920/ 210| Canadian Ship Bldg Toronto, Ont. 1168 Toronto, Ont. a8 (Nine ura Nev. Division.) Exp. 52. Co., Toronto, 1906. Forced Draft. Oo., Toronto, 1966. g- . ontreal, Que. ; 92664| S. W.| C. B. Powell... -.---- Can.| Comp} 272 | 139'0"| 24'°0"| 7/2") 2 i ene ie A 1887| UpperOttawaTowing@o.| ____ | | .-| jaggy Upper Ottawalm- |...) Horiz: | 1 25 | 60) ----| 28 | J. R. Weir _......] ..| 2| Loco. -- 4/10" | 19/10" « Wei Ottawa, Ont p 172 Zs| ee Ons & 3 i an provement Co., Ottawa, Ont. : Montreal, 1887. og site po hla Basa i a aa oe 126488| Tug. | C. B. Strohn....----- Am.| Oaksd 86 | 49tge-14'7"| 6'8th ot oe ee 1989| Jas. -Davideow = |} 2 !: R. Pickands. - 22) :..| 0 Ste teosek 4 as} eGo) ON es ee ol id Sole Ga ale cr Cheboygan, Mich. 16 West Bay City, Mich. on Cheboygan, Mich. Oe ete een 216149 | Tug | C. C. Canfield -.... -- Am.| Steel | 33. | 6940" d16'0"1 70.4 a Imig ee i ee InterlakeSteamshipCoJ .- | Non 1/12_..... |14]....]184|Knight & Sisson, |-- | 1 | Scotch. 6/0" |10/0"| 1] 15 > 1 Buffalo, N.Y. i Is[@- -. mee = eee a Bleveland, Ohio. Cond. 525 wet BO ES nO ae ere 126998 | Tug. | C.D. Thompson....-.| Am.| Oak. | 91 eiehiod nerloe | ete a 1aeet Mase ee ot ee H Thos. Durocher .. |e ite 28 26 | 350 |110 |Phoenix Iron Wks. | -- | 1 | Fire-box. 8'6" |14/0" |2| 35 |1755 |140 | Phoenix Iron Wks. 45 | Port Huron; Mich. i Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Non Cond. Port Huron, 1893. Past Hhacee. tana, c 77170| Prop.| Central West-..----- Am. | Steel. | 3400 | 352'0"| 44/0"]26/3"| 1 |@PELOU Ae------------ 1895 IF. W. Wheeler & Co. _.| 100 | 2| 4-18} 4-20 and Paisley 8. 8. Co.___- --| Triple | 3} 20-32-55 | 42|1100| 82 | F.W.Wheeler&Co.| ._| 2| Scotch. - 13/0" |12'0"|6| 132 | 4846 | 170| Wickes Bros, .__.-.- Pare. 5 MoWilian - ante ee oe ie ec -_-- ro ee bra at 200378} Prop.| Cepheus ------------ Am.| Steel. | 4551] 416'0"| 50/0"| 28/0"| 1 |Ch.S. BWIA ----- 1902 |\Bav City Ship Bide. Co J ; Interlake 8S. S. Co. ..] --| Triple | 3} 22-35-58 | 42 |1480| 90 | Detroit Ship Bldg. | .- | 2 | Scotch. 13/2" |11'6"|4]| 88 |4292|170| Detroit Ship Bld Fairport o. te 8451 H. B. | Hatches 24'¢, 4 231815 i ck at p Didg. ' =o --|- -~S-> * Sn ' Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. Co., Detroit, 1903. Induced Draft. | Co. Detroit, er . 200364] Prop.| Cetus ..........-.--| Am.| Steel.| 4720] 416/07| 50'0"| 28'0"| 1 |Ch. 8S. @ . ; | | [Interlake S. 8S. Co. ..]-.| Triple |3 | 22-35-58 |40|1480| 90 |SuperiorShip Bld 2 | Scotch 1372" 411'6" 2 i : ; eo sais 2.14908 | Sanerie Siar Bid: Ga. 6 fy 3]. perior Ship ot cotch. 1'6" |4| 88 |4292 |170 | American Ship Bldg. Peieporti Qe oy 3282 HB: Wathen. Sveskt 4 u a Superion oo "| 4. an pearetand, Ohio. Exp. Co., West Superior, 1903. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, mo 126887 | Prop.| C. F. Bielman --- ---- Am.| Oak. | 2056| 291'0"| 41'0"| 22'6"| 1 : : || SpokaneSteamshipCo. | -- [Dbl.Stple. 4] 2-18 2-52) 42) 900) 85 | King Iron Wks. --| -.| 2| Scotch. 119"? 12/0" 4 84 | 3074| 145| Wickes Br Port Huron, Mich. 1709 HB Te es eee 8 oe ro & Co..-] -.-- | --| --4 --- BT Pat rceking Co., Mara. Comp. : Buffalo N.Y. BE ~m 204485 | Prop.| C. F. Bielman, Jr. -.--| Am.| Steel.| 33 | 67'6"| 14'/0"| 7'3"| 1 1907 mr C: F. Bielman -..-.. Poe ao ee PR He ae oe aero Ee ee Detroit, Mich. 23 os 4 oe ee Saranac 'wee a = ; Detroit, Mich. Bhs do owe ee 103975 | S. W.|] Champion. ........-- Can.| Steel.| 482] 143'5" ren rom : ' LaCompagnieMaritimg ..| Horiz. | 2 1028 (80) 0 8. at hie aes ile wane ade 304 a eee ee 2 7016\----------5-- 1897 ee pie eet "s-- | ---- |.--|. ---| ---] -<9/pt Industrielle de Levis, Levis, Que. : Quebec, Ont., 1914. eee ee n= aa aie Bapsook 2; Wa non- ' 125974| Tug. | Charles C. Ryan - oo PAM Onk. 28 52'0"| 14 ren Braet 4] 1881 as : || Beaver Island Lumber] ..| Non 1 16 16) oi ee PY) Poe. B°S"411'56" bo ee ADO Ow te Traverse City, Mich. 14 a ee eh a a rae bone eat ee Bice aes ate Sac -- Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Cond. ; 97008] Tug. | Charles E. Armstrong -| Can.| Oak. qui year ! : _ || Continental Dredging] _.| _-_-_-_- ees eee cone 2 2 St. Catharines, Ont, g ge a ea 56 0 13 8" 7 5" 1 SL Sr ae eee nr ee ae ee 1894 ieee sa ie =e ce as oe ee Se i eee <2 eer Co., Ltd., Montreal, a 8 : an die ee Ae Oe Cote Loe eee ee . Catharines, Ont, ----' 204016] Tug. | Charles E. Williams. ..| Am.| Steel.| 98 75'4"| 21'0"| 105" || Buffalo Dredging Co.| ..| Steeple.| 2} 16-30 | 26) 350 | 110 | King Iron Works. - | -- | 1 | Scotch. 11/0" |12'0" |2| 42 |2025 |150 | Johnston Bro Buffalo, N. Y. 67 : ' : . Y Is] DAS Oe eee es ee ee 1907 lie a recs ---- ---+- -- -<- enc] se Buffalo, N. Y. 2 or : a Rebuilt, '07. : Se as 8. ---- © * 19