STEAM VESSELS. CHI j 3 ma s § OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. ; | OF BUILDERS. i : | | AME OF VESSEL : S AND INCHES. ~ a ror -- MANAGERS. CYLINDERS. ; DIMENSIONS 8 : é Ay) tet te fa tb = 4 > ==) oe by === oe i ll : ! F rm : 5 Se: = i % a 5 AND ABBREVIATIONS. : WHERE BUILT. ' ADD . a OF 5 Diameterin | ¢¢ : : 2 WHERE BUILT. 5 TYPE. : i 2 ij | WHERE BUILT. < r | 2 cae. q i ; 3 Bs Z i 2° | ENGINES Z Inches. i ZZ E DATE. a 5 ; g & & DATE, on - ' Sqr ger Qn ree 4 ee | et ea 1884 |George Goble. -_._...-- too toe 4 || Barnett & Record Co.| ..| H. P. 1 22 24) 390 |120| Kingsford Mach'y. 1 | Fire-box 60" |13/0" |}1] 39 |1320/100/|Kingsford Mach' akc Le 126201 | Tug. Chartey Fortis. Am. | Oak. - 69'8"|17'0" | 8'8 fa phil - | wrde age eontk se iB 7 -- 8 Conan ak y ee . merge rgn Heo yh ee ee 1880 1) Robérison.... ..-' 234 fi gl i : Capt. Baskell......-. «>| oes 1 14 16] 190 | 135 | Ottawa Iron Wks. - 1| Fire-box. 5'0"|10'0";}1] 19 | 452 | 100} Johnston Bros. ...-. a ny 125829 | Tug. Charile J. Gnewuch. - - Am. | Oak. . 55'0")14'0" | 6'8 Grand Haven, Mich. é ' | | Bay City, Mich. Non Cond. Ferrysburg, 1880. Ferrysburg, 1880. ons ae : ' 'on 'oe 1 g'4el a Se 1863 |Quayle & Martini <P eee. oa ee 4 Meo, Ft, Else cs wen ..| Steeple.| 2} 1438 |22| 280 | 120} Marine Iron Wks. - 1} Fire-box. 7'B*712°O@" 12. 38. | LOTL L1S8 | MeGreeer 5. og coe | nnesl sendin, 22380 | Tug. Ber cay ut Smith. ..-.| Am. | Oak % 74'0" 117'0 ea a I alco =m TY) | Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Comp. Bay City, 1892. Detroit, 1884. Nee Kummage. S - . ' ' a : * d ' ; : , / € . 88622 | Tug. | Chariton ....------- Can. | Oak. | 389 |135'0" |19'4" |10'4" | 2 [Wrecking Tug -- Jm[------- L862 |Mitler Bree: - id soe] och am Lf ona} a Harbour} -- 7a A.|2| 22-44 |32] 400 | 85 Doty ane: Oe. «4. 1 | Fire-box. 10'6"|16'0"| 2) 49 | 2116} 105 ¥ anglis. wetereaeee ere | tee] ee Windsor, Ont. 265 Re. '92. |Chicago, Ill. -- en of ou Pp. oronto. oronto, 1890. Nee John Prindiville. : ' equnen | Tuc < is 9 1128'4" |25'2" 'e" | 9 Nero. 1906 |Johnston Brothers ._. .. ---- fa a Pringle Barge Line..]-.. | Steeple. |2)] 21-42 .|36]-._._ |105|_..,........ .... 1} Scotch. 13'0"|13'0"|3] 62 | 2650| 150} Johnston Bros. ..... eel ban as erie em Ma ee el ° ator ae i "ARE Cleveland, Ohio." Gunee Rebuilt, 1906. Ferrysburg, 1906 a : 'Qn 'qn ren +} | Champlain Trans. Co.] -.| Beam. | 1 44 10 |1200 | 28 | W.&A.FletcherCo. _.| Return 8/0") 28'0°12) 94 | 28801 62) W.@A. FletcherCo.] ...) ...| ~. 126487 | 8. W. Caatonugey oo snenn ae A . pay pg 19670" | 29'0" |10°6 1 | ----------------------- 1888 hit o.oo ee "oh: oe) ae Tiago. Vt. Cond. Hoboken, N. J., 1887. Tubular. Hoboken, N. J., 1910. 103099 | 8. W.| Chateauguay -- ---. -- Can. | Mx. 33. 1183'S" 1 20'S" 1 TIS a. 1894 | Whitet= > ee Sak Le a Chateauguay & Beau-} --| ------- SH TT LITT IG Pats 2b es ra eee se eee Se oes ee tn ee PL tL ee, Soe | ee eee en eee ey Serre tT ee Montreal, Que. & Steel. | 119 Montreal, Que. a : tect tasin. Que. 207695 | Tug Am. |Steel. | 4 9" 146'Q" 1g" {vnerinaethin Bia | Booth Fisheries Co. _] ..| Non 1 12 14] ____| -..| Frontier Iron Wks. 1| Fire-box. 7'6*1- 9/0") Li <=.) scout 150] American Ship Bldge.f ..0) was) os BOTpS") Tag. || Ceattanecye ota A Oe ed ee ee te ee -*] =8) SF chicago, i cond. Buffalo, 1910 Go, Cleveland, 191 126001 |Prop. IC.H. Green .......-- Am: Oak. (694 HOS'6" B9'0" 26'6* 911 "Le WVAween Oe fF nt Amol ee ee 3-19 | 3-20 9.19) TheodoreDunn Trans, | -.|F. & A.|2] 22-44 | 40} 530 | 80 |S. F. Hodge & Co. 1 | Scotch. 13'0"|13/0"|3} 72 | 2223) 125| Wickes Bros... .... 3-19 | 3-20 3-19) : Escanaba, Mich. 349 a ales. East Saginaw, Mich. ae eer Detroit, Mich. or ee Oen, Ae 127765 | Prop. |C. H. Little... .......- Am. | Oak. | 324 |144'0" |28'0" | 8'0" | 1 |Sand Sucker______________ 4908: | 2 ee pode |) aaa] United Fuel & Supply} -.} -----.- "4.cpaaees- -- | -22| --- | ----------------- of sector nes total ices rh ro chl sees 54°] <meta eemagee rer nee leegs Detroit, Mich. 241 Detroit, Mich. Co., Detroit, Mich. o¢ se : rau ron iH ' | ' Great Lakes Towing] _.| H. P. 1 18 18} 280 | 150| Nagle & Wood-_- 1| Fire-box. 6°6"| 12'6"| 1) 28 | 995 | 125; American Boil. Wks.| ...| -.~.| «-- l at 009 l ug. Chicag a, oR SOROS TS Ee Am. Oak. > 60 4 17 8 8 7 1 Fe re ene ee ee ee een ee ee oer eee nen om 1882 ee baa Sei ae Ee I ee a Se Re woe «nel Co., Cleveland, oO. 8 Non Cond. Buffalo, 1866. Chicago, 1887. Th non ; . mn loons qe ne ton " , ; Vi Great Lakes Transit] _- (Juad. 4} 19-274 | 42} 1612| 86 | Detroit Ship Bldg. 3| Scotch. 11'6"1 11'/1*°| 61 108 | 47001 210] Detroit Ship Bldg.| ...| ...]..- 127590 | Prop. Chtoage a - Am. /Steel. = 32550" /44°0° [26°0" | 2 el Yes Fel BU ---- [1901 cone ey Bldg. Oa...) -.4- -=-| ---} ##41] Corpn., Buffalo, N. Y. Exp. aa Cpe Forced Draft. Co, Deweeiens Ue S090] Tug. Chica st "is J Am iOek. 78 81'4" 118/2" 7'Q" 1 Fire Tao) 6 it S Chicago Fire Dept. <i ..) ore 1 18 22 250 | 150 Knight & Sisson-_-_ 1| Fire-box. 7'@*114'0°|.2 36 1200} 140 John Mobr & Sons. wn epee ion Chea a 12 : ugW --------------- c = West Bay City, Mich. ed ae ee a es ma Chicago, Ill. Non-Cond. Buffalo, N. Y., 1882. Chicago, Ill., 1900. 209235 |'T. S. | Chief Wawatam._.... Am. |Steel. |2990 |332'0" 162'0" |25'0" | 2 [|] WA Car Ferry-Propeller [1911 /Toledo Ship Blde. C Z Mackinac 'Trans, Co.-.] --| Triple | 6} 2-21-33-52) 40 85 4350 Toledo Ship Bldg. 6} Scotch. 13'6"| 12'0"|19 276 |12144 185) American Ship Bldg.| ...| -..| .-- St. Ignace, Mich. 1793 mo 0 Se bh AS a Cae Toledo, O. Pp g- VO. -- = ee weer 2es St. Ignace, Mich. Exp, Co., Toledo, 1911. Co., Lorain, 1911. wae la w . . . = ba es . : Janada Steamshi ; : : : 'g* '0119 280/12690 45] Hamilton Bridge Co.| ...| ...| -- 100753 | S. W. | Chippewa... .-....-- Can.|Mx. | 1514]308'5"|36'3"]12'5"| 2 |Pass. PF] w G@___________- 1893 (Hamiltdd Bridge'Oo. 1 ----.- ee esis Steamship | --| Beame 13. 00S. (ASA spel ay] Bletoher ® Ue eb ah Oe ee ai; oma ee ' Toronto, Ont. & Steel. | 764 : Hamilton, Ont. : gation Division.), Montreal, Qup. 21 21