PLlEAM VESSEL». COM STEAM VESSELS. COM ui Pa CLASSIFICATION ENGINES BOILERS ° ' < DIMENSIONS IN FEET & 3 iets OWNERS OR ° e f E : z 2 i 6 +i NAME OF VESSEL 6 < 3 oe nee % o iret od a Poet irl MANAGERS. CYLINDERS. ae DIMENSIONS. | FURNACES. 6g of | i oO wg ats < = - | 2 CONSTRUCTION; * --_ £/s | 4 _.3| SYSTEM BE oS BUILDERS. als ea BUILDERS. BE; ER] oe b-4 oa P=) : & si sia CS Se ao § : ~ & 3 GP) oO a - : 3 Ha é 5 - i wii eal fe : Gro.| 3 g 3 3 3 5 Aa AND ABBREVIATIONS. a WHERE BUILT. cLass. | | ' = : 5 : AUK 3 g OF | Diameterin | g : 5 4 2 WHERE BUILT. ge) § TYPE, g g (2 2 ge £ ge g3 WHERE BUILT. s i i 4 < Net. § es) & 3 gs 5 >»! Ad!O 4 4 av' | ENGINES Z Inches. é 3 - = = - DATE. nn) a 3 8 Z og g é 5 e 0, Aa DATE, Oo | U ( ---- : 70/071 10'0" | 90" 89 4 cd eee 1882 |Rand & Burger..-..---- eee ped P OSS Great. Lakes 'Towing|_.|H. EF. }_- 25 26 | 202). 1} Cuyako Alon eS. _. |1 | Fire-box. SOO" 1a Oe ee ea sas | SER ee 126117 | Tug. ov oo oa - Manitowoc, Wis. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. : Non Cond. ora 134347 | Prop.| Colin W. ----------- Can. |'\Oak.. | 1549] 256'0" | 360" 119'3"| 2 jim XX Js] A fee---------_-_- 081 (E.N. Jones... ...... QOCF) 1) 4-19) 420) 419 {Canadian Import Co. :) 2) F&A.) 2! 28-58 142) 600-| 75 |. G. Trout .._.. .. | 2} Fire-box. 8/0"|16'0"| 4; 80 | 2560) 90 | M. Riter__........ [4-19 |4-20 |4-19 Montreal, Que. 970 Hatches 24'¢. 1 Comp. West Bay City, Mich. Montreal, Que. Comp. Buffalo, 1881. Buffalo, 1881. Nee Stanstead 209185 | Prop. | Col.Jas.M.Schoonmaker| Am. | Steel. |8603 |590'0" |64'0" |33'/0" | 1 |Ch.S. BU BIS IQ ----- 291% (Great Laken Dong. Whe. ft .... | ..| .. ShenangoS.S8.&Trans.}-. |Quad. | 4 | 223-33}-48 | 42 | 2600 | 186 | Great Lakes Eng. | .- |3/ Scotch. 14'9"/}12'2"|9| 165 | 7788 | 216 | John Brennan & Son| --- | --- | -- ~ Pittsburg, Pa. 6650 Arches, |SideTanks. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Ecorse, Mich. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Exp. 69 Wks., Detroit, 1911. Forced Draft. Detroit, 1911. 117089 | Prop. | Collingwood -------- | Can. | Steel. | 4314 |386'0" |50'0" |28'0"| 1 |Ch.S. BO &aJst | A ---- |1907 |Collingwood Ship oe ee a Farrar Trans. Co. --. | -- | Triple {3 | 21-334-57 | 42/1200) 70 | Collingwood Ship | -- |2/| Scotch. 14/0" |12'0" |6; 134 |5010/180/| Collingwood Ship] ---/| --- | --- Collingwood, Ont. 3285 Arches. |Hatches 24'¢. 4 Comp. Co., Collingwood, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Exp. Bldg. Co., Collingwood, '07. : Bldg. Co. Collingwood, 1907. 7960096 1 T. S. | Colom i... Ac Can. | Steel. | 559 |120'6"|34'0" |15'5" | 2 |Ferry Boats] A..--2------- 1910 |G. T. Davie & Sons -- -- Dee feds Levis Ferry Co., Ltd. |-. |Triple {3 (153-252-424 /30 |_-... | 85 |Canadian Gen. &|-. |1 | Scotch. 13 °O" 120" (2 hee oo ce se | Pont Brands ca be ae Quebec, Que. 338 Lauzon, Que. Levis, Que. Exp. Shoe Mchy. Co., Levis, 1910 Sorel, Que., 1910. 127553 | Prop.| Colonel. ....---.----| Am. | Steel. | 3879 |356'0" |50'0" |28'0" | 1 |Ch.S. @ © Js 6 .---- {1901 | Detroit Ship Bldg. Co... |] @100} 2} 5-18) 5-20] 5-18 [Bristol Trans. Co. ._- ® |Triple |3 | 18-29-48 |40 | 850. |82 |Detroit Ship Bldg. & 3 | Scotch. 11'6" |11'1" |6 | 70 |3096 |165 |Detroit Ship Bldg. |5-18 |5-20 |5-18 Fairport, O. 3044 Arches, |Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. Wyandotte, Mich. John T. Kelley, Mgr. Exp. Co., Detroit, 1901. Forced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1901. Reconstructed 1914, Cleveland, Ohio. 91772 | T. 8. | Columbia. ......--.| Am.|Mx. | 255 |133'6" |30'0" | 9 0" | 2 |Pass. Lengthened 1911... _. isua |Detroi Dry Deck Co...) -. 52.) 22} se. West Shore 8, S, Co, |-- |2 Stple. [4 | 2-10-2-18 |18 | 350 |145 |DryDockEng. Wks. |.. |1 | Fire-box. 8" +130" 11: 41 59028 2910 | Dry Dock Be. Was | 008 oe 1. Chicago, Il, & Iron 142 Re. '97 | Wyandotte, Mich. Chicago, III. Comp. Detroit, 1886. Detroit, 1885. Nee Mascotte, 136361 i Prop. Columbia ............. pAm. 7 Oak... i] 180 $700'O" (38 6 1186/3". 2 oe... 189% | ohertednd. se SS ee A ee ge - foe Bros... | 1 20 22 | 300 {110 |Grand Haven Iron]!__ |1 | Fire-box. 7'6" |14'/0" |2| 29 |1240 |125 | Johnston Bros. ._. -- est hae ks 90 Grand Haven, Mich. Harbor Springs, Mich. Non Cond. Works, 1892. Ferrysburg, 1892. 125947 | Prop. |Columbia ..........- Am. |Oak. {1373 |235'0" |88'6" 19/10" | 1 Th ph 1860. (Geo, Presley .. .-.2..%- 85CF/| 1/ 419) 420 4.19 Ogdensburg S. 8. Co. |.. |F. & A. |2| 21-50 [36 | 450 | 85 |GlobeIronWks.Co. |.- |1 |Scotch. 12'0" |12'6" |3 | 50 |1876 |125 |Lake Erie Boil. Wks. |4-19 |4-20 |4-19 Ogdensburg. N. Y. 1053 H. B Re. 716. |Cleveland, O. E. J. Burns, Mgr. Comp. Cleveland, 1881. Buffalo, 1889. . Ogdensburg, N. Y. 197422 | Tug. | Columbia... ..2. 0.) Am, | Steels] 124 |.84/0"920°S" 1216404 a i ee: 1900 |Johnston Bros...._.__-- De a he M. Sullivan ....... |. 12 2 164 16 |.... |... |Henry Bloecker--._ |_- |1 | Fire-box. CTI ae ee a Oc fe cea ee Detroit, Mich. " Ferrysburg, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Non Cond. Grand Haven. 127665 | Prop. | Columbia . .--......-- Am. | Steel. | 968 |200'0" |45'0" |12'6" | 3 |Pass. River Service.__._._. |1902 |Detroit ee ee ee Detroit & Windsor] ._. Triple |3 |214-34-54 |36 |_._. |... |Detroit Ship Bldg. | -- |2 | Scotch. 1270" 113'2" |4) 88 «(41667180 } Detroit Ship Bldg. |... | oo. fo Detroit, Mich, 549 Wyandotte, Mich. Ferry Co., Detroit, Mich. Exp. Co., Detroit, 1902. Co., Detroit, 1902. 211398 |Prop. |Comet -.............}| Am. | Steel. [2486 |250'0" |43'0" |25'0" | 1 Long Sys, Wiel ai0t. 22 bee eeperiee men Glide 0.8 oa | oe) 6a) See Standard Oil Co._... _.|Triple |3 | 19-31-54 |42 |1650 |97 |AmericanShipBldg. | -- |2 | Scotch. 14'6"| 11'6"| 6| 150 | 5052| 200| American Ship Bldg. | --- | --- | --- New York. 1258 Bulk Oil. Ocean Service. Lorain, O. New York, N. Y. Exp. Co., Cleveland, 1913. Lorain, 1913. 125645 | Prop. | Commerce ---------- | Am. | Oak. | 112 | 99/0"|19'0" | 6/0" | 1 Drege 2. 546) 1818 ae one oot. ee za ees) oo 0 DoVille Lake Sand &|..|H.P. 1 12 10 | 140 |160 | Vulcan Iron Wks. - | -- | 1 | Fire-box. £4'6" 8'0" |Et 16.) 334 7 80. |Donaldson & Corv.. | 2225} - 2. 7. Toledo, O. 98 Milwaukee, Wis Gravel Co., Toledo, Ohio. Non Cond. Toledo, 1878. Buffalo, 1873. 209367 Prop. Commerce we ee ee ee ee Am. Steel. 280 114' 6" 32 ' 0" 13 : 0" 1 Lighter @ }s] f oS ae 1911 Manitowoe Dry Dock Co. a ke Gao ae "oo seel #5 Merchants Lighterage Double 2, A Tet? 161 350 110 Marine Iron Wks. Per Scotch. 9 f 6" 12 'o* 2 39 1105 | 150 Manitowoc Boiler == -- as Ciiloago, Hil, 190 Manitowoc, Wis. Co., Chicago, I. |HLP. Non Chicago, 1911. ee Oy ere Cond. 125452 | Prop. ; Commodore - -- ---._- Am. | Oak. | 2082 |265'0" |42'0" |24'6" | 2 jim XbA Se... Be es ee ee llinois Naval Militia |_. |Double. |4.| 222-244 136 | 825 | 72. |\Farrar & Treft....|_. |2| Fire-box. 8/6" +1840" |47. 75:'3500) 90 | Parrar & Trefe-02 2. 7.02.4. . : " H. 5. Cleveland, O. Chicago, Il. Stpl.Comp. Buffalo, 1875. ERO Be 25 25