PNiHLAM ViEESSiLs. DGK DGK 3 DIMENSIONS IN FEET | 5 " ree OWNERS OR ENGINES. . BOILERS. ran a 2 mI ee Dec. 1, 0 fe L q z AND INCHES. yu Sr mEpES UF D BUILDERS. MANAGERS, CYLINDERS. : - Demos. | pumue 8 é <i 5 Cg tie -- c a F Br CONSTRUCTION; 3 nae S| 2 | | Ms ccceecbecnetien osha oa ae SYSTEM 3 ee BUILDERS. asi = ee BUILDERS. # ke é pe PORT OF HAIL ® < | Gross. So! 3 g 6 g 5 a Senaaiemmescseuamenoee S eee cLass.| £ Selasl a ADDRESS, 3 3 "ans : Diameter in a3 3 E 3 WHERE BUILT. gE, § TYPE. é 3 ie gee j WHERE BUILT - 5 . rss 5 Siat| bal & a Inches < 3 Z ; OZ a a aa E é 8 3 Z, 3 clgele i i ENGINES : Ee nizg DATE. - 4 i 3 3 ssa DATE, " : '3"| 43/0" |23'7"1 2 |Coastwise Service ..----- 1910 |Clyde 8. B. & Eng. Co.| -..-| -| ... |] Canada Steamshi -.|Triple |3} 18-30-50 |36/].... |... |Clyde 8S. B. &Eng.|_.|2|Scotch. | ...... wcace [WT OU [ROOT HOUT eccecciec. ee aca} bet) Gas 129479 | Prop.) D. A. Gordon ........] Can.) Steel. | 2301 | 249' 6 ee sa | one P ig fo : . 3 ontreal, Que, ie Ci : 70"|34/0"|13/9"| 4 3] 4 Pass. & Freight.. |1911 | Collingwood Ship Bldg.| ---.| -.| -.. ..{{| Niagara,St.Catharines| -.| Triple |3| 18-29-48 |30|1500|140|Collincwood Ship| _. | 2| Scotch. 13'6"|10'6" |6| 120 | 4240/180| Collingwood Ship] ... | ...| ... 130312 | Prop. Dalhousie City.-..--- Can. | Steel _ 193°0"| 3 7 3118 8 Co., Collingwood, Ont. ; d Toronto Nav. Co. orn Bldg. rig Collingwood, jan. Bldg. Co. Go llingwood, ie x : | Bt. Catharines, On . | D'AltonMcCarthy--- .- ban: One 2 4e 7) OG 14 01 64) Foye ees eee 1893 | Andrews -.------------ ---- | --| --- 1B] W. G. Goodchild ...] ..| 1.22... ps a4 eS, SA ee bh scl pcenP ec cd ece] 3c eee a bicduect a 97119 | Tug pe cnisctla pan ad ane = Collingwood, Ont. atten Ont. 203507 | Prop.| Daniel J. Morrell -. -- - Am, | Steel. | 7239 | 580/0"|58'0"|32'0"| 1 (Ch. S.@@ Gall J@1§ ------ |1906 | Bay City Ship Bldg. Co.| @ 100) 2) 319 321 St) ) Oambria S. 8. Co. ...| | Triple |3| 2439-65 |42/1878| 83 | Detroit Ship Bldg. | @ | 2| Scotch. 15/44" 11/6" |6| 126 |5964|170| Detroit Ship Bldg. | 3-19 | 3-21 | 8-19 Fairport, O. 5419 Arches.| Hoppers. Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. Bay City, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Co., Detroit, 1906. Induced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1906. oeeere 1m. Daniel L. Hebard ....| Am.| Oak. | 159 | 98'0"|22°0" | 9/0") 1. {_.-2......2----.. 62. see. 1875 | ..-.------------------ --<- | --| -n5 24 si emes, Hebard......27..1 0 Bie 26 30 |---| .-. | CuyahogalIronWks. | -_ | 1| Fire-box. Se Tie el eco) ce | ry Marquette, Mich. 79 Cleveland, O. Pequaning, Mich. Non Cond. Cleveland. Nee P. L. Johnson. 157539 | Tug. | Dan. W. Miller-- -- -- - Pam. em | gat OOO" io a) A to. ees ooo ee 1899 | ....-.----------------] ---- | --| ---+| ---| -1]]L. 8. Goss 2.22.22... awl bweegee pa Saeee ee ea Gage 6 oe teen eee een as ~o'luel onubeenoen | ohGeaet foeae --| ----| ----]| ---| ------------------ wee | ee] ses Toledo, O. 17 Re. '01 | Toledo, O. Toledo, Ohio 202931 | Prop.) David 2. Norton -..--| Am./ Steel. | 5667/ 480'0"|52'0")30'0"| 1 (Ch. S. @ © Gd Js[ 4 ---- |1906 | American Ship Bldg. Co.) @100, 2 3:19 321 34 |) Norton Transit Co.|]@ |Triple' |3 |224-36-60 /42 |1600 |83 |AmericanShipBldg. | |2 |Scotch. 13/9" |11/6" |4 | 91.6 | 4640 | 180 | American Ship Bldg. | 3-19 | 3-21 | 3-19 Fairport, O. 4250 Arches. |Side Tanks, Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. Cleveland, O. John T. Kelly , Mer. Exp. Co., Cleveland, 1906. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1906, eveian io 79/170) Prop.| D. Dussault _. -... _. - Am.| Oak: | 50 | 7670") 18°@" | 5'0"| 1° (Sand Sucker ....<........-. BOO woe ene 2 8 5 e-e- 4-1 --4 9-29 2am aoledo Builders Sup] ..] ¢. 25. oe eae ee] BOeU Ieee | eer lero cae s ae Lael amepaende mt aeeman | een a e-| ----| ----]| ---| ------------------ won| wee] ene Toledo, O. 39 Sandusky, O. ply Co. . oledo Ohio Sewer +00 Peronder =. | Am.| Steel.) (8% | 867371 18'0") SOF) 1 1. 4k gd ee ---- | --| ---| ---| +) |LakeChamplainTrans, | ..| F. & A. | 3| 134-28-25| 24) 250 | 92 | Spedden Co. -o[ 5] eOObee. CrP ee 2| 38 | 704 | 130| Spedden Co. cee] eee] se: +| ~Albany,.N. Y. 59 Baltimore, Md. Po. Fattehall, N.Y. Comp. Baltimore, Md., 1895 Natural Baltimore, Md., 1895 ; hiteha 202625 | Prop.| Delaware -.-...-.-..| Am.| Steel. | 3901) 350'0"| 46'0"|30'0"| 2 |ChS.@aw Ul! 4 Je ---- |1905|Great Lakes Eng. Wks.-| -.--| --| ---| ---| --|]@reat Lakes Transit] _. Quad. | 9| 19-27-40 | 42/1700} 84 |Great Lakes Eng.]| --| 2/ Scotch. 13'9"| 11'6"| 4| 107.6) 4722| 210| Marine Boiler Wks.| ...| ...| --- | Buffalo, N. Y. 3250 Ecorse, Mich. Corpn. "pe Exp. 58 Co., Detroit, 1905. Forced Draft. Toledo, O., 1905. uffalo, N. Y. ' Sites Tug. Delisle ....._....... Can. | Oak. 46 Ga 5° 144'8") 7°" 1d oe Geen ee es ee ---- | --| ---| ---| 1 | MinisterofPublicWksj _.| ______. ee See RD cM Be Be as Oe ee te ee ee Cu meee meus) bead adewe eee cecal es ° «0-]| eos Montreal, Que. 17 Re. 91. | Buffalo, N. Y. Ottawa, Ont. 116786 Prop. Delos W. Cooke.---.-| Am. Steel. | 3398] 325'0"| 44/0" |28'0"] 2 IR ao A re ee 1897 | Union Dry Dock Co. --.]| ---- | --| ---| ---| +1 ]Great Lakes Transit] _. Triple |3)| 22-38-64 |42|1182/ 90 | King Iron Works. - | -- | 2 | Scotch. 139" | 11°4°1 6; 88 | 3800 | 170| Lake Erie Boil.Wks.| ...| -..| --- Buffalo, N. Y. 2067 Hatches 24'¢. 4 Comp. Buffalo, N. Y. ~ | | Corpn. Exp. Buffalo, 1897. Forced Draft. Buffalo, 1913. Nee Starrucca Buffalo, N. Y. | 206152 | Prop.) Denmark -----.-..--| Am.| Steel. | 5448] 440'0"| 56/0" |28'0"| 1 |ChS.@ YO ea Js tl] A ----- | 1909 | Toledo Ship Bldg. Co...| ----| --| ---| ---| -| ]Great LakesS.S.Co..| .. Triple | 3| 224-36-60 | 42 |1540| 85 | Toledo Ship Bldg. | -- | 2| Scotch. 14'6"/|11'6"|6| 120 | 5224/180| Marine Boiler Wks.| ...| .-.| --- _ | Oswego, N.Y. 4434 Arches. | Hatches boo 4 Comp. Toledo, O. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. ' Co., Toledo, 1909. Induced Draft. Toledo, 1909. auron? | 1. 8.1) Detrott .. <2... 222. Am. | Steel. | 2089 | 284'0") 64'0"|19'6"| 1 |Ch. 8. @ Js] 4 Car Ferry... |1904 | Great Lakes Eng. Wks..| ---- | --| ---| ---| 1] Wabash R. R. Co. ..|..|F. & A.|8| 2448 33|3600|100|Great Lakes Eng. | -- | 6| Scotch. 13'0" |2-11/3"/12; 220 10300 150| Lake Erie Boil. Wks.| .-.| --.| --- , | Detroit, Mich. 1307 H. B, Ecorse, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Comp. (4 Engines.) Wks., Detroit, 1904. (2Dble. & 2 Sgle.) 2-22/0" | Buffalo, 1904. | 214147 | Prop.| D. @. Kerr -.-.-.-.--| Am. | Steel. |'7756 |580'0"|60/0" |32'0" | 1 @ Long Sys. ._.-- 1916 |Ameriean Ship Bldg. Co.| ---- | --| ---| ---] °" Pittsburg 8. S. Co...] ..| Triple | 3 2424-41-65| 42) 1800! 88 | American Ship| --| 3/ Scotch. 13'6" | 11'0"| 6} 137 | 6405) 180| AmericanShip Bldg.| ...| -..| --- Duluth, Minn, 6026 Arches ae e tanks, Tadchee vr 4Comp. Lorain, Ohio . Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Bldg. Co., Lorain, 0. 1916 | Ca., Lorais, 0. 196 31 31