DUC pLlBANL Viwovliw. STEAM VESSELS. 7 ui . CLASSIFICATION oS NS IN FEET & ? ENGI . . j : | E DIMENSIO a bs : eas Se See Sec, 1. : OWNERSOR GINES | BOILERS uf 8 ie 28 6 | NAME OF VESSEL g 2 Ee a M ONSTRUCTION; = ae Sle tq MANAGERS. CYLINDERS. gic : : DIMENSIONS. | FURNACES. oS} o e a Og ta Q AND 3 e 3 is 2 panies 8 WHERE BUILT ;|38| 83 | ee oe Be ae Co a6\3 7 oo Be Sia ae E i 5 ee oaks lp ibian. fe : Gros.| Bai g S| 43/8 A AND ABBREVI . : : . CLASS, 5 2% i sooner é B| OF S| Diameter in g 3 2 : #3 WHERE BUILT. a 5 TYPE. é % 2 gee see ee WHERE BUILT 5 bi b 8 2 | Net. | $c és g = ~»|AO|OR : ® | ENGINES. Z foches; 155) eee DATE. -- A § Z O3a oad a.m DATE. 0 | 90 85306| Tug. | D. G. Thompson...--- Can.|,;.Oak.:| 182 | 103'3"| 17'3"| 9/8"%}..1 bil ee ee aha ee. 1883 Robinson --..--------~] 95 | 1] 3-19} 3.20), _Co..]..|/F. & A.|2| 19-34 |26] 375 | 100] Canadian Loco.Eng.| __| 1} Fire-Box 96" |13'0"|2| 42 |1450 |120 | Canadian Loco. Eng. 5 Montreal, oie 75 Reg. '17| Kingston, Ont. _ [Lake Erie |& St. Law. Riy, -_ erosire al tae ie Comp. Wie ee ee a Wks., Kingston, 1892. 8 $5415| Tug. | D, J. Burke..-.----«+2| Catal Oaky |: 9% |: 7b/2"-18'2") 8/80) | ee ~ | 1832 |Shickluna --.....---... ---2 fae] 22]. ee a 2 i a . " St. Catharines, Ont. 47 Ee St. Catharines, Ont. zais 2. 9- Burne Fh Tae eee 2) SS ae LS = Fe E . | Nee Waubaushene pees R- : 214599! Prop.| D. M. Clemson- - -- -- - Am. | Steel. | 7728 | 580'0" | 60'0"| 32'0"| 1. ° |@ ww Leng Sys. -- 2. 1916 |American Ship Bldg. Co.) 2c } culseics ae . 141. : 7 ae teh, 13/6" |11/0" 161 137164051 1801 American Ship Blde. ae Duluth, Minn. 6020 Arches olf tanks. cease 4Comp. Lorain, Ohio Paty 2 5. Co._. 7 _- aa 3 245 41-65 | 42 | 1800} 88 a ae ta ne ale Scote | Ce. Leo on S$ 201840] Prop.| D. M. Philbin -- -- --.. Am] Steel| 6272 504'0" 54/0" 30'0")] 1 |Ch.8. @ OGaJsil A----- 1905 | Bay City Ship Bldg. Co,} ---- | --| -..) . : . 98.62 14211600 | 80 |Detroit Ship Blde.| __| 2| Scotch. 14'6"| 11'6"| 6| 120| 5070| 180] Detroit Ship Bldg. Duluth, Minn. 4826 Arches| Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢, 3 Comp. Bay City, Mich. . t BA, TONDO =. Aeiple 3 | 234-3 on ; gs : g Oe | a oe g ee Sylvania : ' ' 157271| Tug. | D. N. Runnels -- -- --- Am.| Oak. | 37%'| ,59/0".15'0"| WO!) 4: j:_-2 3 eer 9 : ess £1. 1B eo we 16| 175 | 120 | Dry Dock IronWks. | _.| 1] Fire-box. 6/0"111/0"}1] 23 | 602 |120| Love & Scofield... a as ee ee Tawine Non Cond. oss Biencn, 1891. 2 Port Huron, 1890. ; Detroit, Mich. 80880] Tug. | Dolphin ...-...-.-- | Oen.| Oak. |: 207 TA 18'S) Bt) Lc. 1861 |Cantin __.... 22 a Se ee a eS ee ee ee ° Ottawa, Ont. 37 7 Re. '94. | Montreal, Que. rane Frage Go. (oe ty oo ee col cae. 3 203979| Prop.| D.0. Mills ....-...--] Am.| Steel.| 6598] 532'0"| 580") 31'0"| 1. |Ch. 8. BO G9 FFI Ul G---- | 1907] Great Lakes Eng, Weep se pepo Interlake 8, §. Co __| Triple | 3| 23-38-65| 42| 1900| 85| Great Lakes Engind _.| 2| Scotch. 15'4"| 12'0"| 6| 120 | 5588] 180] Marine Boiler Wks. - Fairport, O. ig 4850 _._| Arches.| Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Ecorse, Mich. ae Plsvcland Ghia Se Exp. Wks., Detroit, 1907. | Induced Draft. Toledo, 1907. 949881 S.W.| Donnelly ....------- Gen.| Oak. | 9191 148'0%1.9477%) 2'8"]) 10 [i a ee esis: OP te i Toronto, Ont 90 Montreal, Que. eonelly Balvage & | --| -------|- --------] --| ----] ---] --- . Nee Eurydice ' . | : es Roki Ont 157064] Prop.| Douglas ..----------| Am.} Oak. | 230 | 120'0"| 23'0"| 16'0"| 2 | Pass. ee a Martel___. date eee | n+ Soe] enn OW. Baker tee 20 221} 260 | 100| Grand Haven Iron] --| 1] Fire-box. 6'8"|14'6"|1) 27 |1378)| 85 | Johnston Bros.- -- -- Detroit, Mich, 123 ue i Saugatuck, Mich. | HT Detroit, Mich. oe Non Cond. Works, Grand Haven, 1882. Ferrysburg, 1882. 157552 | Prop.| Douglass Houghton...| Am.}| Steel.| 5332 .456/0"| 50'0"| 29/0"| 1. |Ch. S. Pha: CATs] Ae 1899 | Globe Iron Wks. C622. ak | coh: a vo: 1 5 lobeIronWks.Co.| ..| 2! Seotch. 14/0"111'6"| 6] 116 | 4596 | 210} American Ship Bldg. fate Minn. 9 4034 , | H. B. | Hatches 24'¢. 1 qaial : 6 Cleveland, O. ; a ze iebu 1g B, 2 oo ie : se a elaine fo ae Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, ina . .-»-. | Prop.| Dronning Maud ......| Nor.| Steel.) 1102) 220°0%) S5°O%)40'0") bj: Oe 1907 |Laxevaags ces oe pore Jobin eee I, Christensen ....._| ..| Triple | 3] 16-254-48| 3012.1] 2 | Uaxevaaee M, @| 1.) 9 2 gee Haugesno, 673 Bergen, Norway. | Christiania, eas . Exp. Jrns., Bergen, 1907. , 112393 | Prop.| Druid -...--...----- Can.| Steel.} 503 | 160/0"| 30'1"| 1257] 1° |A_...... ...-...-.-.-.-. |1902 |Fleming & Reraepnvlitgl: ---- | «|: --+|.---1 "| Minister of Marine &| ..| Triple | 6| 13-21-34 | 24] _.._| ...| Fleming&Ferguson| --| 3] Scotch. | ..-.-- | ----- Be oa Oftawa, Ont. 149 ab , Bemiey, Riel. | 725) Visheries, Exp. Ltd., Paisley, 1902. Ottawa, Ont. 71104] Prop.| D. R. VanAllen-- -- -- - Can.| Oak...| 318 4.136'0*) 26'07 10/081 1. duc R oe ls Sil et IBTe (Stepan 2 ee ' B | tivelow & Ronald 1. U1) Scpteh. 10'0"111'0"|2| 31 |.... |127| Polson Iron Wks. _- Toronto, Ont. 216 6 . ae pg Ont. : gis. Whales ee = er a eS ae i Toronto, 1905. 157378 | Tug. | D. T. Helm ........-:) Am.) Oak: G& 1t. 68'071.18'0"| 9/6") 1 wee. cd ee eS .W. He ek elke : oe Ae 19" | 137 150| M.A Ryvin 2 Duluth, Minn. 32 | 4+ oe ------- {1893 oY ig en ite oe a . preat Lakes Towing] -- Da 16 16), 320.300) . -. 25.2 e-58.- Fire-box 70 990 0 oo ao 103342 | S. W.| Duchess of York C Steel.) 490 | 156'8"| 26'3"| 9/4" Ww | Eten oe | W. CG. Wh 3342] 5. W.) Duchess of York -- -- - Ol) MheOts1: S904 ARG Sa mG 3) 9 S01 1 Ae 1895 hile. Joded ae ek i B 34 180 45-| 2901} Geo. Brush... Fire-Box. | 10'0' i , .C. He. fas NontiNes Prince of Wales * Hull, Que." Go. ti, oe 26 mtg Montreal, Que. Montreal, Que., 1887 ontreal, Que. 32