pn STEAM VESSELS. | ee -- ? 4 : S DIMENSIONS IN FEET by Ki CLASSIFICATION OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. ai & . Hg fr a 2 AND INCHES. SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. See Sec. 1, MANAGERS. CYL a 5 ' a ij NAME OF VESSEL * % vi INDERS. " DIMENSIONS. | FURN 3 5 = : a ees < m F ' ia CONSTRUCTION; eos Be FR eisosseereceesssaness nto qb) ee 3 é ; 8 BUILDERS. asi -- se BUILDERS. s RS | ob ba sous Oi HALL. ba S lagel wo |. Se 3 128 AND ABBREVIATIONS. fa WHERE BUILT. cpass.| @| os | efi a ADDRESS, 25| OF |8| Dismeterin| ¢¢] 22 /22| WHEREBUILT. |¥¢|// TyPE. g B) e8e| Fee WHERE BUILT. s § OZ - 2 -- | we i e 2 ea 0°! enaings|§| inches. | £6 zs : E DATE. aa | Z § g 53g $28 ware Net. | §ai ES gs »|/Ad|og| 8 " aa}; |) am a sm £5 : 200593 | Prop.| Duluth ...... .----- Am. | Steel. |4623/381'0"|50'0" |30'0"| 2 ICh.S. e 3] A... 11908 |Chicago Shipbidg. Go...) _...| | ...) ... Great Lakes T'ransit] _.| Quad. | 4| 203-30-43# 42] 1800] 78| Detroit Ship Bldg.} -.} 3} Scotch. 12'6"| 11'6"| 6| 120 | 5379| 210| Detroit Ship Bldg.| ...| ...| ... : rOP Lae A, 5 a 8785 Hatches -- eo Is] 6 So. Chicos. Til. P 8 Core, «¥ Exp. 63 Co,, Detroit, 1903. Forced Draft. ~ Co., Detroit, 1908. : Buffalo, N. x. 157096 | Tug. | Duncan City. -------- Am, | Oak.-"| 179 | 1040" |18'6" | 9'6"*} 1 42...... 2.2352 I a ee. ee Michigan Limestone] --| Steeple.} 2) 18-36 | 26] ....| -..| Phoenix Iron Wks.| -.| 1} Fire-box. ead oe pd ee es ees et ee Rogers City, Mich. 89 - L. Rps. 1917. Bottom Clkd. 1917. Manitowoc, Wis. Co, i ; Comp, Port Huron, Mich. Rebuilt Rebuilt 1913 | Rogers City, Mich 1913 157127 | Tug. | Duncan Robertson--..| Am.; Oak. | 37 | 62'0" (16°67 | 1°07) £1. 1884 |D. Robertson... .--.-- ee a Zenith Dredge Oo. |..1 ..] Consett ee Be Bee ee ee a ee me OPES Beene ane el ce uacer pewek Or Weal os pe 6 oP neo ae eee ae ke be cs beel Goel a 23 Grand Haven, Mich. Duluth, Minn. 112208 | Prop.| Dundee ....-.------ Can.| Steel. | 2278] 250'0"| 43'2"|23'5"| 2 |Ch.S.@ GIT YB Coast-|1906|Caledon Ship Bldg. &| ....| ..| ...| ...| ..]| | Canada Steamship | ..| Triple | 3] 174-33-54| 36] 1200] 67 | Caledon Ship Bldg.| --| 2| Scotch. 11'0"| 15'0"| 6| 330} 3911} 180} Caledon Ship Bldg ...| ...| . Dundee, Scotland. 1431 wise Service Eng. Co., Dundee, Scotland. Lines om Exp. & Eng. Co., Dundee, 1906. & Eng. Co., Dundee, 1906. Montreal, Que, 207694) Tug. | Dunkitk ...--..- = 2: Am. | Steel. | 71 68'0"|17'0" |11'6" | 1 |Harbor Tug @Js][.--------- |1910| Great Lakes SOWe eet 2 ce Great Lakes Towing] -.| Simple | 1 21 4 aa aa Tt rare eee ROTC TO Se on ce oct AOD on cake cnc wea el Duluth, Minn. 37 Cleveland, O. ; ae Co. Cleveland, Ohio peg rr onernerncnrcnee 33 . 33