Maritime History of the Great Lakes

American Bureau of Shipping, Great Lakes Department, 1920, p. 35

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STEAM VESSELS. -- EDW @ | DIMENSIONS IN FEET bs : & eee * _ = ec. i. 2 i 6 g NAME OF VESSEL . 2 = AND INCHES, x 3 SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. oO 3 a B AND g m4 2 a Q CONSTRUCTION; : eo g g i O, 4 z J ioe ki " me iain cians fe : Grow.| Bo: : 3 | 3 5 A AND ABBREVIATIONS. g ee BUILT. CLASS, d : ' : Net. | § aj ES g g 5 »|/Ad106 136456 | Tug. | Earl Bess..-.------- Can.| Oak. | 121 | 80'0"|20/0"|10'0"| 1 fe 1914 |W. J. McDonnell ------ ---- |---| ---| - Amherstburg, Ont. 72 Wallaceburg, Ont. 204664 | Prop.| E. A. S. Clarke -- ---- Am. | Steel. | 5750 |532'0"/56'0"/30/0"| 1 |Ch.S.@ OW GJ B --- |1907 [Superior Ship Bldg. Co.. | ..-. | -.| --.| . Fairport, O. 4422 : Arches. |Hoppers Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Superior, Wis. Nee H. P. Bope 126199 | Prop.| E. A. Shores, Jr...----| Can.| Oak. | 593 | 162/0"|34'0"|11'0"| 1 ju >€ Je] fag ------------2-- 1892 |Rieboldt, Welter & Co. | .... | -.] -..8, Windsor, Ont. 310 Sheboygan, Wis. 136981 | S. W.| Eastern States -- -- -- Am. | Steel. | 3077 | 350'0" |45'3"|19'6" | 4° |Pass. & Fr. -- @ od Js[ 4 W {1902 |Detroit Ship Bldg. Co... | -.-- | --| --| . Detroit, Mich, 1566 : Wyandotte, Mich. 200031 | T. 8S. | Eastland ..---------| Am. | Steel. | 1961 | 265'0" | 38'0" |22'8" | 4 |Pass.Ch. S. BWEegjs] | 4 W |1903 |Jenks Ship Bldg. Co... Cue Pec oe 1218 . Port Huron, Mich. 182088 1 Prop. | Easton .: =2:-..2si54 Can. | Steel. | 1757 | 250'0" |42'6"118'6" | 1 (Ch. 8S. @ @ ba fell A ----- 1912 |Sunderland S. B. Co. -.. | 100 | 1 | 4-19} 4-21}. Sunderland, Eng. 1129 Arches, | Hatches 24'¢. 2 Comp. Sunderland, Eng. : 125977 | Prop.| E. B. Osler......---. | Can. | Steel. | 6787 | 491'3" | 56'0"/31'0" | 1. ~=jCh. S. & 9 Jel U & ---- |1907 |Canadian Ship Bldg. he OR Toronto, Ont. 4361 : Arches. | Hatches 24'¢. 5 Comp. Bridgeburg, Ont. 106093 | Tug. | &. C, Barr' ...-.. 2: Can, }Oak, 4 197 (227'07 121°8" 310'0" ) 2 ih. 1881: |Unien Dry Dock Ce:_..2 § |.) Sarnia, Ont. | 130 Buffalo, N. Y. Nee Smith 200666 | Prop.| E. C. Collins ....---- Am. | Steel. | 4787 | 420'0"|50'0"/28'0"| 1 |Ch. 8S. BW Gas] & U ----- 1904 |American Ship Bldg. Co. | -.-- | --| --- Duluth, Minn. 3517 Arches, | Hatches 24'¢. 4 Comp. Lorain, Ohio. Nee Edwin F. Holmes Reconstructed 1917. 207815 | 'Tug. | E. C. Dempsey-. -- --- Am. | Steel.} 87 | 79/0"|20'0"|10'6" | 1 |Harbor Tug © 6g Je]....-.- 1910°|American Ship Bldg. Co. |... | ..| -<< Chicago, Ill. 38 Cleveland, O. 126643 | Tug. | E. C. Oggel-.-..----- Oab.| Oak. | 26 |49/087e'0") 6°74 1 i992 Se Tc Port Dover, Ont. 17 Grand Haven, Mich. 205648 | Tus. | Eooree ........ . Am.|Comp, 52 61°O" 7480" 110'0" | 4 * } . 1 i Ecorse, Mich. P 35 Y hl Bee eee ree a 1908 es Penile, See ee 135116} Tug. | E. D. Helton... 5.5, Am. [Oak, | 24 4 68'07115'O" 1° 6'G" F 12 ISU ee oo ee Frankfort, Mich. 12 Re. '96. | Milwaukee, Wis. 122856 | Prop.| Edmonton ---------- Eng.} Steel. | 1982] 249'0' | 42'8"|23'0"| 2 Iw eq Js 1906 |R.S . + -- eer eee = e t h ° ° wee -- --- oe Newcastle, Eng. 1340 oY bd hag Le 6 Padus is , Ltd 203927 | Prop.| Edward A. Uhrig--...| Am.| Steel. | 6611] 532/0"| 56'0"|31/0"| 1 |Ch.S. @ OU w& 1 1 . 5. ed Js] | A --- {1907 |Superior Ship Bldg. Co.. |@100| 2 | 4-19| 4-21 geese Oe ae puns 5049 Arches |Side Tanks. Hatches J 3-Comp. ie ais Wis. P P € Me st 35 STEAM VESSELS. EDW OWNERSOR ENGINES. BOILERS. |e MANAGERS, : B</s ' ee ag] evereu |--oemmmes | gels g] compen. | |g Se ee ce ae Z£| OF | 8| Diameter in| ¥ i) 3 : ; 3 WHERE BUILT. |$2|/£| TYPE. d |8| 82) 28e i WHERE BUILT $ : 8 20 | ENGINES. Z Inches. | £2/ "a l2e DATE. ao % 5 g 5 533 5g Ae DATE. A. Henning....-..-.]-- |F. & A. |2| 15-26 {20 | 200 |125 |John Doty.-_.....- -- |1 |Scotch. 8'0" |12'0" |2 |.... | 750 (140 [Park Brothers, |... a hess Pelee Island, Ont. Comp. Toronto, 1896. Chatham, 1909, Interlake 8. 8. Co... |-- |Quad. 4 184-284-434|42 |1800 | 80 |Superior Ship Bldg. |.. |2 |Water-tube | 11°0" |12'2" |4 | 148 [5800 |250 |Babcock & Wilcox. |... |... | -.. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. 66 Co., Superior, 1907 Induced Draft. Co., New York. 1907. Mullen Coal Co. ....]-.|F.& A. |2] 16-43 (36 | 450 | 90 | Vulcan Iron Wks. - | .. |2 | Scotch. 9'6" |12'0" |4| 80 | 2925 | 150 | Manitowoc Boiler.. |... |... | .. Amherstburg, Ont. Comp. Milwaukee, 1892. Forced Draft. Wks., Manitowoc, 1892. Detroit & Cleveland|..|Inc. 3 |3| 52-72-72 |84|-..-.. |-.. |Detroit Ship Bldg. |. | 6 |Scotch. 13'6" |11'9" 12] 275 13258 |140 |Detroit Ship Bldg. | .. "iy Nav. ©o. Cyl.Comp. Co., Detroit, 1902. Forced Draft. Co., Detroit. Detroit, Mich. Illinois Naval Militia]. |Triple |6 | 21-34-56 {30 |3500 |130 | JenksShipBldg.Co. | -- | 4 | Scotch. 13'6" |12'6" 12/ 270 {9200 |200 |Jenks Ship Bldg. Co. |... | -.. | .-. Chicago, Ill. Exp. 21-34-56 Port Huron, 1903. Port Huron, 1903. Mathews 8. 8. Co.... ].. |Triple |3]| 17-28-46 | 33} 900 | 90 | North Eastern M. | ..| 2} Scotch. 11'0" |12'0" |4|.... |.... |185 | North Eastern M. E. |4-19 |4-21 | 4-19 Toronto, Ont. Exp E. Co., Sunderland, 1912 Co., Sunderland, 1912, Canada Steamship] --| Quad. | 4] 19-28-40 | 42| 800 | 95 | CanadianShip Bldg.} -.| 3) Scotch. 12°00? | 12'0°1 Gi ....|..~..} 520) Canadian Ship Bidet... |... 1 .. Lines Limited. Exp. 58 Co., Toronto, 1907. Forced Draft. Co., Toronto, 1907. Montreal, Que. Reid Towing & 11 BO @AL 12) S004 1 451..,. 1. 48, SB. cre... .-| 1| Fire-box BOF 170? a ban ee Lown [LAO [ake eIOOR, OURO a. back] aon Wrecking Co., Ltd. Comp. Buffalo, N. Y., 1884 N. Y., 1884. Port Huron, Mich. Pittsburg 8. 8. Co... ]-. |Triple [3 | 22-35-58 |40 |1467 | 86 | AmericanShipBldg | -. | 2 | Scotch. 13/2" |11'6" |4| 88 |4292 |170 | American Ship Bldg. | ... | --- | -.- Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Co., Cleveland, 1904. Induced Draft Co., Cleveland, 1904, Byrne Bros. Dredging] .. | F. & A.|2| 16-32 |24| 300 |100|American Ship| --|1 |Scotch. 10'6" |12'0" |2 | 40 |.... |140 | American Ship Bidg. | .../| ...|'.. & Engineering Co. Comp. Bldg. Co., Cleveland, 1910. Co., Cleveland, 1910. Chicago, Ill. Lowe & Ainslee._...]-..|H. P. 1 10 12 | 120 |140|J. B. Wilson ..--- .- | 1 | Fire-box. QO 1 80" 1) 1 USb 1 OA6 1 Oe Fok oe cee weal be Port Dover, Ont. Non Cond. Detroit, 1874. 1871. GreatLakesEng.Wks.|..|H. P. {1 18 S93 ease e .. | 1 | Fire-box. O'G* 1138'S" 131 O88 | BLT LIAO) on occc camera oe la Detroit, Mich. Non Cond. Buffalo, N. ¥., 1881 Buffalo, N. Y., 1881 m. J. Slyfield ....... ees 17 a8) occ to tees sel AL eonebne e anes ae ares oe wen bannnd 00 | aneconcegs begemean ET aoa | ene Ue Frankfort, Mich. Non Cond. Mathews S. S. Co. ..]..|Triple {3 17-28-46 |33 | 950 | 84 |N. E. Marine Eng. | -- | 2 | Scotch. 11'? 110°6* 141... .. |...- (S618. B, Marios Beet...) . Exp. Co., Newcastle, 1906. Co., Newcastle, 1906. fe pscott S. 8. Co... ...- «| Triple | 3| 23$-38-63 | 42 |1760| 83 | AmericanShipBldg. | @ | 2| Scotch. 14'6"|11'6"| 6| 115 | 5400| 180) American Ship Bldg. | 4-19 | 4-21 | 4-19 _ as & Co., Mgrs.) Exp. Co., Cleveland, 1907. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1907, ' oO

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