Maritime History of the Great Lakes

American Bureau of Shipping, Great Lakes Department, 1920, p. 36

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STEAM VESSELS. STEAM VESSELS. EGL EGL : DIMENSIONS IN FEET | : g a | OWNERS OM ENGINES. BOILERS. wf Bis 2 b au NAME OF VESSEL G 2 z AND INCHES. pag SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. tr | MANAGERS. CYLINDERS. oe DIMENSIONS. | FURNACES. o§|o8 a Be ao salts 2 = BH CONSTRUCTION; 2 ee le | ~ | SYSTEM 3 5 : g BUILDERS. ee 8 és BUILDERS. mE B 5 bs f - : 2 a toe os | DU ss boercterevobenee iis secu ao ' : to 8 : a af f. & e i p a PORT OF HAIL. fs : Gross.| 8 4) 3 3 4 3 a Q AND ABBREVIATIONS. a WHERE BUILT. ciass.| 2 5 : ef | ADDRESS, é 5 OF 5 Diameter in g3| 3 g f 3 WHERE BUILT. i 5 5 TYPE. : 2 : ge¢ : ge é B WHERE BUILT 4 bi RA | < N gai ES as - 5 cl aale f i ENGINES. 2 Inches. | £3) "a 128 DATE. 3 § 3| 6 Ba | gad | 6 DATE. B18 85426] Tug. Edward Blake .. 2. CGan.|Oak. | 22 [:48°T#) 12'2") 4'9"%) 1 [031 ee a a ee ee a . Birmingham... 4.2 1 ieee SO SR | ae ee ge ee Ee oe ee et ee Oe te ee ck bane tlk g St. Catharines, Ont. 15 Port Robinson, Ont. 3 a a am 136252] Prop.| Edward Buckley -- --- Am.| Oak. | 414 | 154/83") 31'0"|10'6"| 1) [ar >< AJs[ Tj L. Rps. 17 4 - | 1891 | Burger & Burger.__-__- 9OCF| 1) 819 3-20 818 |National Transit Co.| ..| F.& A.|2| 1836 | 30] 600 | 120| Wilson & Hendrie_| -_| 1] Fire-box. 9'0"|14'0"|2| 46 |1580|140| Manitowoc Boiler {8-19 |3-20 |8-19 Gary, Ind. 313 Manitowoc, Wis. ~}) |Escanaba, Mich. Comp. Montague, 1891. Wks., Manitowoc, 1891. 134013 | Tug. | Edward C. Whalen ---| Can.| Steel.| 113 | 76/07} 19'0"|11'0"| 1 |Ice Breaking Tug f\-..---- 1191S | Western Dry Dock @ Sl ....| .| = 3 8 a Great Lakes Dredging |.. |Steeple. |2 | 144-29 a ee Se Fitzgibbon. | 6/0" |12'0" |1 | 33° |1200 [145 [Polson Iron Wks. |... |---| -- Port Arthur, Ont. 77 B. Co., Port Arthur, Ont. Co. Comp. Rebuilt, 1913. Toronto, 1910. : : : Port Arthur, Ont. | : 116389) Tug. | Edward Fiske -- ---- - Can.| Oak. | 73 | 70'0"| 160") 9°0"| 1 |fa...-.-.---------------- 1883 | Union Dry Dock Co.---| ----| --| ---| --| -1 |Ganadian Towing &|-.|H.P. |1| 18 [20 | 300 |140 |Donaldson & Pally |_- |1 |Fire-box. 6'9" |13/0" |1 | 274 |1752 |100 |M. Riter__.......- ee ee ere R TREE ORS. - 7 Re, 02 | Butialo, N.Y. 1] |wrecking 00, Non Cond. Buffalo, 1883. Buffalo, 1883. He } [Port Arthur, Ont. 136214) Tug. | Edward Gillen - - ----- Am.| Oak. | 57 | 68'5"|1870"|10"3"| 1 |Js[§ -----------.-----.--_ | 1891] _.-.._-____-__--.__-__| __._| | _.| Sagi icrest Lakes Dredge|..|H. P. |1| @1 © 122|.___-|_._-|Whitman ___.2.. _. |1 |Fire-box. | 7/6" |13'0" |..| 33 [1267 [135 |LakeErieBoilerWks. |... |-.. | --- eee = = | |& Dock Co. Buffalo, N. Y., 1891 Buffalo, N. Y., 1891 | |} {Chicago, Ill. 202876 |.Prop.| Edward N. Saunders, Jr.| Am. | Steel. | 6657 | 525'0"|55'0" |31'0"| 1 |Ch.S. @ @ Js] J --- | 1906| Superior Ship Bldg. Co.-| © 100, 2) 9-19} 9-21) 9419 Ss. S. Co. .__-. ® |Triple |3 |231-38-63 |42 |1760 | 83 |Detroit Ship Bldg. |@ |2 |Scotch 14'6" |11'6" |6 {115 [5400 |180 |American Ship Bldg. [3-19 |3-21 |3-19 es brain tees 5140 Arches | Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. core a - | |(M. A. Hanna & Co., Mgrs.) Exp. Co., Detroit, Mich., 1906. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1906. xs | 1Cleveland, Ohio 136991) Prop.) Edward ®, Recor-....| Am,| Oak. [| 368 | 123'0" | 30'0"} 9°98") to 1902 A. Anderson =. 2... ---- | --| ---| ---| +1 [Kelley Island Lime & |.- |Steeple. |2| 19-37 /22 | 450 |102 |-....--.-.------- ._. |1 |Fire-Box Sot lia dt ia) ao 4-2 0 i toniinon ee, Pw tk Kelley Island, 0. 232 Marine City, Mich. } |Transport Co. Comp. Ferrysburg, Mich., 1892, : | {Cleveland, Ohio ; 203449 | Prop.| Edward Y. Townsend -| Am. | Steel. | 7438) 580'0"|58'0" |32'/0"| 1 |ChS.WO s] f\------ |1906 | Superior Ship Bldg. Co._}| @& 100) 2) 3-19 3-21) 31 of ae 1 . : at : ¢ tayo 1g. itShi 5 -21 |9-19 reek a bss arenes. | eee eee ee isd Alpe! Bag eno & 4 Cambria S. $. Co....]@ |Triple |3 | 2439-65 |42 /1878') 83 Detroit Ship Bldg. |@ [2 |Scotoh. [15'44" 1116" |6 | 126 [6964 [170 [DetroitShipbldg.Co. |9-19 |9-21 |9-19 205349| Prop.| Edwin E, Slick -....- Am.) Steel. 6971} 53070") 5670") 3170") 1 | Ch.S. Y ea ]s] ll 8 -----| 1908] Great Lakes Eng. Wks.-} 100] 2) 818 820 81) Jy isown S, 8, Co.. |.. |Triple |3 | 23-37-63 |42 |1800 | 35 |Great Lakes Eng. |.. |3 |Scoteh. 15/42" 11/6" 6 115.5 6344 1180 Marine Boiler Wks. |8-18 | 8-20 | 8-18 "Nee D. B. Meacham ee ---- (M. A. Hanne & Co., Mars.) Exp. Wks., Detroit, 1908. Forced Draft. Toledo, 1908. : 'leveland, Ohio 157601 | Prop.| Edwin L. Booth. ---.| Am. | Steel. | 4626 | 404'0"|50'0" |28'0"| 1 |ChS. BUGIS A 1901 | Detroit Ship Bldg. Co : . ' i i 'Qu ye i i ag es tess ~UO.--} ---- | --| ---| ---| = land & C line .-4-. | Tript 3| 22-35-58 |42|1480! 85 | Detroit Ship Bldg. | -_ | 2 | Scotch. TS 2" Tt' 7" 74) 88° 74292 1165 | etrorm Shin Bide. Ff... fo te But Nes David WL. Whitnes a Archives Matec 2 ¢. * an: Neen ates Wysiioe, Hee. eg Lo a Lug | Co., Detroit, on . Forced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1a . 204630 | Prop.| Edwin N. Ohl_.-.---- | Am. | Steel. |5141 |420'0" |54'0" 128'0"| 1 IChS.@w It u & '|1907 |Detroit Ship Bldg. C | | : 5 i 'ge 6" } i i , ca --- p S- UO.-- | ---- | --| ---) eee] 0% ' | Ty -35-58 142 11500] 83 |Detroit Ship Bldg. |. |2 |Scotch. 13/9" |11'6" |4 191.6 |4640 |170 |Detroit Ship Bld [ot Fo. oo ies i eee ee ee wyeote, Mick nae Core ae ae col ee : a Deleuit eg . Induced Draft. Co., Detroit, aoe P 136558 | 'Tug. | Effie B.-.----------- Am. | Oak. - CAPT I6'9T | BtBT | 1 les Pass. pe ce eee ee EBUG Dewiey. 245g | |.) 7-8. Joneses. oe 1 143 16 | 200 |... |McKinnonIronWks |_- |1 | Fire-box. 6") 90" I) 19°") 469" 1150 (Bay State ron Wee Po. Po Ashtabula, O. Port Marlton, Ont. Non Cond. Ashtabula, 1896. : Erie, 1896. 135150 | Tug. Effie. -- Am. Oak 41 G3) E" 117452 FO! | 1 ae 1875 | Lafrinier : ine tak : = ER ee ee SP Ee Ne ~--- | --; --4ho- =p ee ee _. |1 |Fire-box 6'0" (130? {21 SF" SOG 4150 peonneton Brose, _..2 eT Duluth, Minn. 28 Re.'00. | Cleveland, O. + zo Taker Dredge | - - = sve . ah ot pa Ferrysburg, Mich., 1908 ~-} Chicago, IIL. 204720 | Prop.| Effingham B. Morris --| Am.| Steel. | 6971] 530'0"| 56'0"|31'0"| 1 |Ch.S BVYalstu & 1907} Great Lakes En 4-20| 4-18 i ; 5 i i airport, Ohio 2 a ---- | te s Eng. Wks.-| 100 | 2) 418 4 whee 3 : : ae Great Lakes Engi- | -- |2 |Scotch. 15'0" |11'6" |6 [115.5 |5344 |180 |Marine Boiler Wks. | 4-18 | 4-20 | 4-15 ge -- Ones (le Ue ee or Ala oo A. fs, oe ee boating Wks., Detroit, 1907 Forced Draft. Toledo, 1907. : : Cleveland, Ohio 96705 | Prop.| E. @. Laverdure ----- Can.| Oak. | 54 | 66'6"113'7' |. 6/041 1.1.07 7 1889 | Bedard nae : are ' Cia de oa . >. Motes ---] --| ------- Sep oon ae eo Laer ee eee cea en Se Ce ee ee PEE RY Ceo ee 36 36

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