STEAM VESSELS. STEAM VESSELS. ELS ELS : S DIMENSIONS IN FEET | f & an OWNERS OR ENGINES. . BOILERS. si = o = - ec. 1, ' a Bs NAME OF VESSEL 6 < =z AND INCHES. uy vi es or 2 oncom sais i MANAGERS. CYLINDERS. Bled DIMENSIONS. | FURNACES og o8 ei ba | we AND ¢| 2 ----| #8 CONSTRUCTION; 7 a | PE dene ecg 33) SYSTEM |-- i = --| gg} BUILDERS. BE EE] eg f 5 - 2 PORT OF HAIL. . 4 Gross.| 8 4s ag 4 S| 84 AND ABBREVIATIONS. a WHERE BUILT. cuass.| ; & : i i ADDRESS, cai OF 5 Diameterin | ¢g 3 é eer 8 E q| 'TYPE. é g 5 | ge gee e3 WHERE BUILT. Ak b 4 < Net. ga E é Be 2 BS S A é és 4 2 | ENGINES 3 Inches. be ans 2 2 DATE. nn|\|s% : § 2 Ose g5a A, A DATE. 8 8 136357| Prop] E. G. Maxwell -. -- -- - Am) Owe.) 88) 9670") 200") 80") 2 fe. tes. 1. | B88) Bands & Maxwell ------ ee ae Whitney Bros. Co...|-.| F. & A.|2} 1428 | 20} 235 | 120 | MontaguelronWks. | -- | 1| Fire-box. 70°) 12°00") TF 28) 950 | 430) Wilson & Hendrie: | 2.) 22). Superior, Wis. 56 | Grand Haven, Mich. Superior, Wis. Comp. Montague, 1893. Montague, 1893. 210114| Prop.| E. Gunnell ---------- Am.| Steel.| 688] 162'0"| 36'0"| 10'0"| 1 | Sand Sucker & Gd Js[ ----| 1912} Manitowoc 8. B.&D.D.| -.--| -1 .. Lake Sand Co. ..---- --|F.&A./2| 16-34 /|26| 400 |135|Montague Iron]|-.|1} Scotch. 12'6" |13'0" |3| 65 | 2632 | 150} Johnston Bros. _-_ _-_- See. ee Chicago, Ill. 468 Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Chicago, Ill. Comp. Wks. Montague, 1912. Ferrysburg, 1912. 103445| S. W.| E. H. Bronson _------ Can.| Steel; 285 | 13270") 2478") 8/01. 2.410 Fl ee. 1895| Bertram Eng. Wks. Co.-| ...-| - Bieta Upper Ottawa Im-] -_| Incl'd 2| 22-40 |54] __..| 23 | Bertram Eng Wks. | -- | 2| Loco. 4'10") 17'8"| 2} 38 | 1684] 130] Bertram- Eng: Wks.| ---| -.-| --- Ottawa, Ont. 180 Pembroke, Canada. paeiome = Exp. Co., Toronto, 1895. Co., Toronto, 1895. awa, Ont. 207568) Prop.| &. W. Utley .- ...- =: .- Am.| Steel.| 6287| 504'0"| 54/0"| 30'/0"| 1 |Ch.S. BSVcajs i A ----- 1910| Detroit Ship Bldg: Co.) _...| |... Beaver 8. S. Co. -...]--| Triple | 3} 2334-38-63 | 42 |1760 | 83 | Detroit Ship Bldg. | -. | 2 | Scotch. 14 6" |11'6"|6| 115 | 6338/1180 | Detroit Ship Bldg.}| .--| --.]| --- Fairport, Ohio 4861 Arches] Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢. 4 Comp. Wyandotte, Mich. ¥ > SFO: -- Exp. Co., Detroit, 1910. Induced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1910. 203108] Prop.| E. J. Earling -.-..-.-| Am.| Steel.| 6657} 525 '0"| 55'0"|31/0"| 1 |ChS.Qgy Blip ..-_ | 1906) Superior Ship Bldg. Co -..-|-.). 2.) 4 Franklin 8.8. Co. -.]--| Triple {3233-38-63 | 42 |1760| 83 | Detroit Ship Bldg. | -- | 2| Scotch. 14'6"/11'6"|6}| 115 | 5400] 180} American Ship Bldg.} -.-| ---| --- Duluth, Minn, 5140 Arches.| Hoppers. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Superior, Wis. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Co., Detroit, 1906. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1906. Beet ald Pron.) BG ce Am.| Steel.| 4672} 420'0"| 52'0"| 280" 1 Ch. 8S. @ OG lb Bh .- <=) 1907) Amersean Ship Bldg. Co}. ...-| --) -2-]5.2 Interlake 8S. 8S. Co. -.] --| Triple |3{ 22-35-58 | 42 1500| 83 AmericanShipBldg.] .-| 2} Scotch. 13 9"| 11'6"| 4; 91.6 | 4640) 180; American Ship Bldg.}| ---| ---] --- Fairport, O. 3365 Arches.) Hatches 12'¢. 4 Comp. Side Tanks Cleveland, O. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Co., Cleveland, 1907. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1907. 202014) Prop.) Elbert H. Gary---- -- - Am.| Steel.| 6331) 549'0"| 56/0") 31'0"|. 1 |Ch.S.@ OU GIs A ---- | 1905| Chicago Ship Bldg. Co.-}| -.--| -] --] -- Pittsburg 8. 8. Co. _.] --| Triple | 3} 24-39-65 | 42/1800} 80 | AmericanShipBldg.| -.- | 2| Scotch. 15'44"| 11'6"| 6| 132 | 5964/ 170| American Ship Bldg.| -..| ---] -- Duluth, Minn. 4988 _ | Arches, Hoppers. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Chicago, Ill. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Co., Cleveland, 1905. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1905. 92449 | Prop. | Electric ..---..-.--- Can: |) Qak,-) 49°) 69°O" (124% | 7°20 2 ed eo oe et oe RE) ce ee oe Lo Bee} kal Seabee J.9. Wright __2 455 _-|F.& A.|2} 612 8 | 85 |210| Polson Iron Wks. - | -- | 1] Vertical 4°0"} 540") 11 9b |? 155 | 122| Polson Irom Wks. 2.1 222) 2.27%. Toronto, Ont. 29 Toronto, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Comp. Toronto, 1897. Toronto, 1897. 186683) Tog.) 'Ellas... 3 ee Am,| Oak.) "98: |66°08 1946") 6'BEl bl 8 as $606) eae Sl le Phil Kegel .....-_-- 2) eee die Ran Teed Oe es ee ee a pee a ee ee AE a ea on Sai ae Grand Rapids, Mich. Chicago, Il. 135588) Prop.) Ella G@.-...---- ..--| Am.| Oak. | 115 | 108'0"| 27'0"| 6'6"| 1 |Sand Sucker__..........-- POQS | 6 ge ou: 2 Be lchaccl ae Do Ville Lake Sand &| |H.P. |1| 144 [16 {200 |180 |Pound Mfg. Co. .. |-. |1 | Fire-box. 6'0"|12'0"|1| 223 | 683 | 80 | Neil Moore_..-..-- a ae malens, O, 109 Pt. Clinton, Ont. Gravel Co. Non Cond. Lockport, 1878. 3 Sandusky, 1878. 136358 Prop.| Ellen -.---...-...--| Am.) Oak. | 349 | 1210") 3076"| 8'0"| 1 |__-.--.2:.-.---------+-22 1893| Milwaukee Ship Yd. Co.) _...| -| -.4 -- Milwaukee Sand &|..|H.P. |1| 18 |24| 285 |140| Vulcan Iron Wks. - | -. |1|Fire-box. 7'0"|12/0"|1| 30 | 1110] 120| Lake Erie Boil.Wks.| ...| ...| --- sauce ahaa i 194 : Milwaukee, Wis. Gravel Co. Non Cond. Milwaukee, 1893. Buffalo, 1893. : ilwaukee, Wis. 136654 | Prop.| Ellen Gertrude...... |: Am:| Oak, | (14 |. 527001980"! §°041 1 1 2. (2. eee he ee Oscar Hurkett_.. 4 he de Beamer Gis ae Gb Oe ES Be eb Gis Re ot 10 Harbor Springs, Mich. Ausable, Mich. 139681 | 'Tugs Elmer... -..- 2-5 Am Oak] (80 1 610" 6'08) 7ORl gd 1 eo ae 8 ee Standard Contracting] ..|H. P. | 1 16 18| 375 | 150} Phenix Iron Wks. | -- | 1| Fire-box. CO" 12°0"| T) 207) 9407 110) Phenix' tron Wee.) 2 | 27 15 Mt. Clemens, Mich. Co. Non Cond. Port Huron, 1882. Port Huron, 1882. Cleveland, Ohio 207448 | Prop.| E. L. Pierce.-.-...-.| Am.| Steel. | 5494] 444'0"| 56'0"|30/07| 1 {Ch.S. & od Js[ 4 ---- | 1910] Great Lakes Eng. Wks.-| ----| -4 --4 -- Pioneer S. 8. Co. _..] --| Triple | 3| 224-36-60 | 42] 1600| 83 | Great Lakes Eng.] --|-2) Scotch. 13'9"| 12'0"| 41 95 | 4516] 180| LakeErieBoilerWks.| --_| _._| _-_ Oe 4153 Arches.| Side Tanks. Hatches i2'¢ 3 Comp. Ecorse, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Wks., Detroit, 1910. Forced Draft Buffalo, 1910. 136400}: Tug? | 'Elea M..2 225-2...) Am} Gak. | 14} 4120") er) ater) gt e000 We Malahon, tl ae A. Allen .. 205) 7 4 ae 8 8 | 85 |150|Ives Eng. Wks....| .. | 1| Fire-box. S20") G'S" dt) Geo) S15). 90) D. Burna. = - 5. eee Lees Pees 7 Oshkosh, Wis. Kewaunee, Wis. Non Cond. Sturgeon Bay, 1893. : Fort Howard, 1898. 37 37