STEAM VESSELS. HAR 2 DIMENSIONS IN FEET | j a CO eee, od od Be aniet OF VRESEL . @ z AND INCHES. no SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. See Sec. 1. 9 2 ao g % '= a 6 CONSTRUCTION; = ee fie | 2 | 88 AND S| § are 7 wilfel i = P pe wine Ost X1At1. be < Gross.| Ga: e2 | 3 5 a AND ABBREVIATIONS. E WHERE BUILT. cLass, | £ : : ea . Net. | gs es »|Aadloul § 116764 | Prop.| Haddington --.------- Can. | Steel. | 1603 | 243'0" | 42'0"/18/0"| 1 |ChS. QUIT se ee 4904 |Dertram ng. Wika. Co..f .-_. | .-} ...b-2 Toronto, Ont. 1010 [Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. Toronto, Ont. 967151 Prop. Mall ...........-... }Can.4 Comp) 247 4102'S" 19268) Fat) gf fOr 2a er, 2 ey. Ottawa, Canada. : 136 Montreal, Que. 131052 | Prop. | Hamiltonian --------- | Can. | Steel. | 2340 | 244'0" | 42'6"|26'6"| 2 |Long Sys.@ © JF | G = Sie Were DD AS RT ||. Port Arthur, Ont. 1277 Hatches 24'¢. 2 Comp. Co. Ltd., Port Arthur, Ont. 122553 | Prop.| Hamonic-.------.----_| Can. | Steel. | 5265 | 341'0"| 50'0"| 35'0"| 4 |IChS.@o On 1909 |Collingwood Ship Bldg. Be ese: bas Collingwood, Ont. 8295 Pass. & Freight. Co., Collingwood, Ont. 96459 | Tug. | H.A. Meldrum ______- Am.| Oak. {68 | 710"); 20'6") BON) 9 ROOD (AV mm. Hanson & Co. F .... | ..| |. Buffalo, N. Y. 47 Buffalo, N. Y. 103842 | S. W.| Hamilton -.-.______- Can.| Steel.4 820.1 131'44 139/56") 7/3"| 2 wei. 1596 (Gertam Mag. Wks. Co. f 5 |__| ...1>-.. Ottawa, Canada. 202 Sand Point, Ont. 106720 | Tug. 7 Harlem... .-...... 2. Am.| Oak. | 26 43'0* 1136"; 6'O").2 9. eg OE OS OS 0 a ee ee ee Nee Adam Homer. 13 Buffalo, N. Y. 150537 | Prop Harlow ee Am.} Oak. | 575 |194/0"134'6"112'37] 1 PA fe A L. Rps. 718. 1891 IP. W. Viel. 3 SOCF | 1 | 3-19} 3-20 | 3-19 oS bg -- 482 Converted into Sand-sucker. Re.'14. Green Bay, Wis. Upper Lake Erie and] Rivers pnly 96557 | Tug. | Harold B. Phillips -..-| Can.| Oak.) 66 |. 60'0"}16'0"| 80°) 1.1 | 1880 |Root -_-- Sarnia, Ont. 31 ieee oe 96635 | Prop Harold B. Nye 2 <8. Am.| Steel. | 3851} 380'0"| 50'0"/28'0"| 1 ICha. @w ba ist] 4... 1902 |American Ship Bldg. Co.|:__.. | -.| -__] ...] --- 'airport, O. 2735 Arches |Hatches 12'¢. 4 Comp. Side Tanks Lorain, O. Reconstructed 1914. 96569 | Tug. Harold | ee ee Am.|} Oak. | 33 O4'OT1 16 01 77244 1 ee 1901 rie, Pa. DE ee ee ee ee Erie, Pa Dee ee ee 2S Se a 116695 | T.S. | Harriet B. ...-__-_..| Am.| Oak. | 1938/ 283'0"153'0"| 19/0" 1 A oO : ; : eat O° 1) [ag 1895 |Craig Ship Bldg. Co. __. 1 {4-19 | 4-20) 4-19 Brie Pa 1317 ome hres ee ia dae i eee el al 96366 | Yt. Maritim. 2... Am.| Oak. TI 51'0"111/0" 3/0" to 1897 a ee oo 7 oe eee . . Chicago, Ill. 126053 | Tug. | Harrison _.....____. : rg" ' : go celles Cans Oak. | 223 (1800) 224418 0b) 8 AW 1909 |Robert Abbey ._______ ee Owen Sound, Ont. 96394 | Tug. "S Harry €. 'Lydon ------| Am.j Oak. 2 690" 1 18/5") 772!) 4 Ae a 1606 WA deh oe UT Benton Harbor, Mich. STEAM VESSELS. HAR OWNERSOR ENGINES. BOILERS. . i ae toe SYSTEM -- : 3 ils i BUILDERS, 3| 3 = = : er ; BUILDERS, & a i iiean OF | 8] Diameter in| ¢¢ : : 5 | WHERE BUILT. g| TYPE. ; é ge ge i ---- Qa : ENGINES. Z Inches. ge sie E DATE. a i 5 Bg | 6 DATE. T i Triple |3 | 15-25-42 |30 | 600 |100 |Bertram Eng. Wks. 2 |Scotch. 10'0" {11'0" |4 | 66 2418 |186 |Bertram Eng. Wks. |... |... | ..- peers Sane 'P ene Co., Toronto, ok \Co., Toronto, 1904, Montreal, Que. Ottawa Forwarding |-- |---.--- bal doen pa Lede Lack te oie g we ooo eee wh lon adwieebs onuean pean. ee ee ee Co., Ltd. Cae 180 |WesternD.D.&8.B i Ss i 8B |18-29-48 40 900 |... |AmericanShipBldg. 2 |Scotch. 11'6" 10'10" |4/} 84 | 900 estern D.D. ee a ee oe ga iCo., Cleveland, ea g Induced Draft. Co. Ltd., Port Arthur, 1912. Montreal, Que. ans i 4 24-35-52-80|42 |6000 |120 |Collingwood Shi 6 |Scotch. 12'6" |11'0" 12) 243 £1070 /250 |Collingwood Ship]... |... |... oe = sy elise eid ole Forced Draft. Bldg.Co.,Collingwood, 1909, peortnern wei Division.) Pete ris Dredging FE, & A. 12 14:50 12071 52. 12 & 1G. Troe... ...- 1 | Fire-box. SO" RO bcc Pec ce ews bes ce enwenwe de eees Lees | ca Co. Comp. Buffalo. Buffalo, N. Y. setae sce ' _ , 3) 54 |.... 1304 |Bert Eng. Wks. 2 | Return 5°9" 1120" 12 }-30 2 ; o WOME L658 biel oc Oo. Upper Ottawa Imp. jane 2| 20-38 $ royce cea eokeinr Montreal, 1890 Ottawa, Ont. Geo. A. Walker... 4.312 33. ota ook Soe 4 Sa ek tn eae ces bal ck ee oe awe ak Tas cus Jc Tween Tine e eek bedon see bode cool eae lou. Buffalo, N. Y. " i 8. Scotch. 11'0" |12'0" 8 |173 6228 (125 Globe Iron Wks.... B-19 (8-20 [8-19 a D. Gleason Coal = . mae Peer ee = ae oe Cleveland, 1891. Detroit, Mich. as }. 8. B Dredgin H. P: 2 14 16 | 496-1150 (Burton .. ...-.2-. 1 |Fire-box. 6/0" |11'0" |1 | 28 {1189 |140 ickes Bros... .._- eet oo : eal iuiae a. a Non Cond. Cleveland, 1880 Saginaw, 1897. Toronto, Ont. > i 2-35-58 |40 |1480 |... | AmericanShipBldg. 2 | Scotch. 13'2" |11'6" |4 |.... |.--- |170 |American Ship Bldg. | -. ae See a wo ae Eig Tl Co., Cleveland, i902 " Forced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1902. Cleveland, Ohio Frank P. Eichbacher? =. | 224.43. aol Vieeube ne pee Teese Been Te cus coe ewe cece e --|---------- |------ |----- --|---- |---- |--- |------------------ wan | wee | ee Erie, Penn. "mi : - - 36|1250|100|S. F. Hodge & Co. 3 | Scotch. 12'0" |12'0" |9 | 102 |5469 |135 | Globe Iron Wks. Co. | 4-19 | 4-20 | 4-19 ee mill Paper Co a 4| 2-23-2-46 | 36 Detroit, 1895. 8 Cleveland, 1895. John Muntiga .....-. BF. 1 84 ee ee 1 | Fire-box. Oe TON ne) ek fen oe [one acer enceconcstaaee | aus! «> - Sheboygan, Wis. Non Cond. i . i 46 |110 |Kingston Locomo- 1 | Scotch. 12'6" |13'6" |3 | 30 |__.. }160 |Polson Iron Wks. -. sot oa " etn Haron 4 Sota | ee ao se RE. Wk 1/| Fire-b 8'6@*7138'6" 36 |1211}150)}H Pratt "ini . __.. |... |MontagueIronWks. ire-box. ee i enry Pratt...-..- wen 1 ees i. setoas Laken Dredge & ¥.# A./2| 1480. 120 oth Mich., 1898. Chicago, Ill, 1911. Chicago, Il. ' 55