STEAM VESSELS. HAZ HAZ : S | DIMENSIONS IN FEET i K ee OWNERSOR ENGINES. BOILERS. : =z -_ /|ec oec. £. a . eZ ES NAME OF VESSEL : < z AND INCHES. yo SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. 7 MANAGERS. CYLINDERS. A : j DIMENSIONS. FURNACES. : a8 a a : < me : a CONSTRUCTION; : -- £) 2 | dg | MR se ce eae eee as] Preree y e a gticsia 3/8 BUILDERS. : e 2 - e ide akin. fe © bees | 2 x ee 3 2A AND ABBREVIATIONS. a WHERE BUILT. crass.| £ | $3 gf é ADDRESS, Bs ~ : a a 2 Es | i 5 5 -- ; ii fe i Re er ; Oz 2 |--]| »¥ 33 | £3 |& 5 $i s5|b8| § ENGINES. Inches. eles DATE. 3a | 238 DATE. Net. | § 4 2° o »|AdO|0g| 8 z as % Zz ps} oA aa 202960| Prop Harry Coulby...-----| Am.| Steel.| 6495] 549'0"| 56/0") 31/0"| 1 |Ch.S.@ O69 UJ O----- 1906} Detroit Ship Bldg. Co.--} -.-.| -4 -.] . Great Lakes S. S. Co. ]-. |Triple {3 | 24-39-65 | 42/ 1875| 83 | Detroit Ship Bldg.| --| 2| Scotch. 15'44" |11'6" |6 | 126 [5964 /170| Detroit Ship Bldg. |... | ... | ... Oswego, N. Y. 4939 Arches.) Hoppers. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Wyandotte, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Co., Detroit, 1906. Induced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1906, 157696| Prop| Harry R. Jones--.-.-.| Am.| Steel.) 5315) 448'0"| 52'0"| 28'0") 1 _ | Ch.S. @ @ [514 ll ed------ | 1903| Superior Ship Bldg. Co.) ---.| -) -.] - Interlake 8. 8. Co.---] --| Quad. | 4] 15-232 | 40/1310] 90 | Superior Ship Bldg. | .. |2 | Water-tube | 13'6" |12/2" |4 | 128 |5000 |250 | Babcock & Wilcox. | -.. |... | -- Fairport, 0. << 4160 H.B.| Hatches 12'¢. 6 Comp. West Superior, Wis. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. 36%-56 Co., West Superior, 1903. New York, 1903. ee VU. GU. Kerr. 204987| Prop.| Harry W. Croft ..--.-| Am.| Steel.| 6223) 50470" 58'0") 30'0" 1 Ch. 8. SU GIs I] A-----| 1908) Toledo Ship Bldg. Co.-4 @100 2 3-19 3-21 31 Headwater Trans. Co. | ® | Quad 4 |20-29-42-61| 42 | 2000 | 86 | Toledo Ship Bldg. | ® |3 | Scotch. 12'6" |11'4" |6 | 188 |6159 |210 |Marine Boiler Wks. [3-19 |3-21 |3-19 Fairport, O. 4865 Arches.} Side Tanks. Hatches 24'¢. 8 comp. Toledo, O. Harvey H. Brown & Co., Mgrs. Exp. Co., Toledo, 1908. Forced Draft. Toledo, 1908. Nee Fred G. Hartwell Cleveland, Ohio 207361| Prop.| Harry Yates----.----| Am.| Steel.| 6077) 504'0"| 56'0"| 3070") 1 | Ch. Du te) © oa fi 6-2 | 1920 Great bakes Hug. Whe. jf... | -4 oe ead Boland & Cornelius .|-.|Triple |3| 23-37-63 | 42/1765) 83 |Great Lakes Eng. | --. | 2 | Scotch. 15'0" |12'0" |6 | 1154 | 5344 |180 | Marine Boiler Wks.. | ...| .. | -.. Buffalo, N.Y. 4927 Arches. | Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢. 4 Comp. St. Clair, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Exp. Wks., St. Clair, 1910. Forced Draft. Toledo, 1910. eea75| Tug.) Harvard......------ Am. USteel. |. 95.) 7116517 0") 80) nd fa at -- (OT Batalo Dey Doek Co.2..f _- 2). 4. -24-0-2 Great Lakes Towing|-.|H. P. {1 20 24 | 325 |130 | King Iron Wks. -- | -- | 1 | Fire-box. 7'0" |13/0" |2 | 284 |1153 |130 | Farrar & Treft.. .. - se tts Buffalo, N. Y. 51 Buffalo, N. Y. Co. Non Cond. Buffalo, 1885. Buffalo, 1899. Cleveland, Ohio pape? | Props Harvard: <. 2... v3. - Am.| Steel.| 5054) 454'0"| 50'0"| 286") 1 |Ch.S.@ © @ Js] & I ----| 1900| Detroit Ship Bldg. Co..-| ----| -] -- Pittsburg S. 8S. Co... ]--|Quad. [4] 18-262 | 42] _...|.-..| Detroit Ship Bldg. | -.| 2| Water-tube |...... |...-- Ue lapce Ticde [uc [OeRO0GR @ Whooe'. ta:. [' ". Duluth, Minn. 4061 H.B. | Hatches 24'¢. .6 Comp. Wyandotte, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. 41-63 Co., Detroit, 1900. Assisted Draft. New York, 1900. e0e243; Tug. | Harvey -.-----.---.- Aim,| Steel] SI) 10145) :16/0" | 8°67) 1. 1 ba fs] Fish Tug... 1910 | Johnston Brothers- - -- - - et aged ce Texas Refining Co... ]-. |F.& A. |2| 12-24 /16 | 225 |225 |MontagueIronWks. |-- |1 |Fire-box. 6'6" |1270" (2 | 33° [1000 (150 Johnston Bros. .-.. | s-. | ...F ..- 55 Ferrysburg, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Comp. Montague, 1910. Ferrysburg, 1910. 202977) Prop. Harvey D. Goulder..--) Am.| Steel.| 6617) 525'0"| 55'0"| 31'0"| 1 |Ch. 8. @ © GIs & ---- | 1906) American Ship Bldg. Co.] © 100) 2) 218 2-20 214 |Gastile Trans. Co.... ]@& |Triple |3 | 234-38-63 |42 |1760 | 82 |American Ship |@ |2 Scotch. 14'6" |11'6" [6 |115 |5400 |180 |American Ship Bldg. }2-18 | 2-20 | 2-18 Fairport, O. 5219 Arches.| Side Tanks. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Lorain, O. John T. Kelley, Mer. Exp. Bldg. Co,, Cleveland, 1906. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1906. Cleveland, Ohio 96261| Prop.| Harvey H. Brown- -- -- Am.| Steel.| 2673} 352'/0"| 41'6"| 25/0"| 1 |Q@ PLUS eoeeth- Gee) Peproit Dry Doek Cov_f ._ .. | 2-4 eed ee oe Coastwise Trans. Co.]..|Triple |3] 22-37-56 |44|1000| 86 |Dry Dock Engine] -- | 2 |Scotch, 13'8" |12'0" |4| 80 |4238 |160 |Dry Dock Engine]... |... | --~. Boston, Mass. 1874 H. B. | Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. Wyandotte, Mich. Boston, Mass. Exp. Works, Detroit, 1893. Forced Draft. Works, Detroit, 1893, : Coastwise Service. . 4 ' 205072| Prop.| Harvey H. Brown ----| Am.) Steel.| 6634] 532/0"| 58'0"| 31'/0"| 1 |ChS. OO Is] U & ----| 1908) Great Lakes Eng. Wks. -|®100} 2) 3-19 3-21 3-14 Headwater Trans. Co.] &| Triple | 3] 24-38-65 | 42|1878/| 83 | Great Lakes Eng.| @| 2] Scotch. 16'0" |11'8" |6| 132 |6106 |180 | Marine Boiler Wks. [3-19 |3-20 |3-19 Fairport, O. : 4927 Arches.| Hoppers. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Ecorse, Mich. Harvey H. Brown & Co., Mgrs. Exp. Wks., Detroit, 1908. Forced Draft. Toledo, 1908. Nee Harry A. Berwind Cleveland, Ohio : 96166} Prop.| Harvey J. Kendall-- -- - Am. | Oak. | 398.) 1420". 3170" | 10°08) ot ike Me elton oe 1892 | Alex. Anderson _______. 95 1} 419 4-20 41§ Geo, Hall Coal Co,:. |.. |Steeple. |2 | 15-30 (28 |375 |112 |H. G. Trout _.-.-- .. |1 |Fire-box. 6'0" |14'0"" |1 | 364 |1650 | 90 |Fitzgibbons Boiler [4-19 |4-20 | 4-19 Ogdensburg, N. Y. 264 Re. '13.) Marine City, Mich. Odgensburg, N. Y. Comp. Buffalo, 1892. Co., Oswego, N. Y., 1901. Boose + © rop.) Harvey Watson ..-....; Am-j Oak.) 23 $ 577071140" | 6'05..] 4......5 5... 3 2a. PROS 8g ee a a ie eh Joseph Landon ....- 1k e 1 12 14| 110 |135 |Murphy & Tarrant. | _. |1 | Vertical. 4°4° 1106" 12 | Tl 477 100 Johnston Brose 222. -.. | - - 15 Saugatuck, Mich. Chicago, I), Non Cond. Chicago, 1880. Ferrysburg, 1880 feeees| 1ug.| Hazard. ...........: Cant Oak, |. 344 02°9) 10°79) (6 Fie to 18021 Geo. Dow... <3 tf 2 od ae ® Hartis 2. ck eh Oa ke oO be oe ee Be 4es le doo ay ee ee wees pats Wise biegaveeeaees tae pep eg re a Port Dover, Ont. 23 Simcoe, Ont. Port Dover, Ont. Meeer? trop. Herel .. 22) ees Am.|Oaki] 92, 87/04 p16"0'114'0"1).@. 12 Pang ko ec ee 1879 D:- Roberteon ks: oS eee WON: Jee 1 ee 16 18} 190 |120| Sutton Bros, ....-- | -- | 1 | Fire-box. 5/6" |12'0" |1 | 19 | 710 |100 |Johnston Bros. -. -- . wan | ons | oes 71 Re. '96.| Grand Haven, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Non Cond Buffalo, 1879. Perrysburg, 1879. mG293) Prop} Hazel. 2350.2 Amt Oaks?) 11 10 40'0%) 9°08) 4°65 bd 4 be ee tegen lad I. H. Maxim... p23) ee ire 2 | AS Ae fe ee ee eS aerontee oom [eae pe |nmna [--n= [one [onsen n-ne ne ~-2 | --- | -- 8 Washburn, Wis. Ashland, Wis. 56 56